
December 2024 Newsletter

The Alliance exists to encourage human flourishing by promoting a more complete truth, informed by Judeo-Christian values and natural law, about the science of sexual orientation and biological sex through education, advocacy, clinical training, and therapy.


All of us work in and represent the ALLIANCE FOR THERAPEUTIC CHOICE AND SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY wish you a blessed Christmas week as we celebrate the humble and mysterious coming to earth of God himself in the person of the infant God/man Savior! 

We are especially grateful to announce the availability of the 2024 edition of the JOURNAL of HUMAN SEXUALITY edited and produced by long time Alliance board and brilliant research analyst Dr. Christopher Rosik. Earlier this year the Alliance newsletters have pointed out how WOKE doctrines falsely promise fulfillment and an optimum life if one labels his/her ‘identity’ as defined by a pattern of erotic neural responses. The ALLIANCE does not accept this behavior* model nor the LGBTQ+ “identity’ movement’s practice of shutting down any dialogue that questions their positions or theory. 

Instead, we are delighted to present the contents summary below for the 2024 JOURNAL edition. The Journal along with Alliance programs prove that open dialogue, education and solid empirical research enables individuals to question and learn, to grow as a person and be supported in their efforts to live a healthy life full of appropriate and mutually fulfilling relationships.  

Andy Visser, President

Daren Mehl, Operations Manager


The Alliance is delighted to announce that the 2024 issue of our Journal of Human Sexuality has been published and is available for purchase electronically for $20, with print copy available at $40 each. If you are a partner of the Alliance, you should have received a digital copy in your email mailbox. Check for the email from sent to you Mon, Dec 16, 7:38 PM. The Table of Contents for this year’s edition is provided below. 

Please consider joining Alliance Partners for quick access to the journal and ongoing information, research and education fitting your needs and situation:

Student & Emerging Clinician -Clinical students and clinicians starting their first year of practice - $49 annually

  • 35% off Annual Institute Conference
  • Access to All Research Studies
  • Full Access to Alliance Archive
  • Student & Emerging Clinician Forum
  • Preferred Access to Memorabilia

Community Partner - $129 annually

  • Access to all Research Studies
  • Receives immediate free access to the digital edition of the latest journal.
  • The printed journal at $20 ( 50% off the $40 list price) 
  • Private Community Partner Group Workshops & Forums
  • 20% off Conferences

Clinical Partner - $199 annually

  • Monthly Clinical Discussion Group (Online Meeting)
  • Access to all Research Studies
  • Alliance Video Archive Access
  • Receives immediate free access to the digital edition of the latest journal.
  • The printed  journal at 50% off the $40 list price.  
  • 20% off Conferences

We appreciate your interest and support in 2024 and look forward to serving you again in 2025. It is an honor to team with you  to protect the rights of therapists and pastoral caregivers to serve those individuals who prioritize their religious faith and do not wish to adopt an LGBT identity.

 Sincerely,  Christopher H. Rosik, Ph.D. Editor, Journal of Human Sexuality 



Feature Articles

The “Reluctant Activist:”  How an Idaho Counselor Mom Pushed Back on the Social Justice Agenda and How Other States Can Follow.

Peggy McFarland

This article recounts my journey as a “reluctant activist,” a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) thrown into a crisis of conscience when I discovered that Optum Behavioral Health, the state Medicaid administrator, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, the Idaho Counseling Association (ICA), and other associations were promoting “social justice,” a political worldview that requires therapists to embrace and encourage the sexualization of children. [Read More

An Analysis of the Retracted Article by Rabak and Lan (2023): A Challenge for Peer Review and Scientific Integrity

Walter R. Schumm

An article, allegedly by Rabak and Lan (2023), was retracted after its authors confessed to its research as fabricated (Rabak & Lan, 2024). Possibly the authors meant to create a “win, win” catch-22 trap situation where if the fabricated paper was accepted, it would seem to discredit a journal in which Sullins (2015) had published a controversial article. But if it was rejected, the authors could have claimed the journal was biased against papers with LGBT topics, which might also seem to discredit the journal and Sullins (2015).

Notably, the editor and reviewers for Sullins (2015) were not the same as those for Rabak and Lan (2023), limiting whatever point was at issue. Furthermore, numerous top-tier journals have published articles later retracted, negating the idea that a journal is “fake” just because one of its articles is later retracted or had included fabricated data or results. [Read More

Nature and Nurture: Same-Sex Attraction

Gary Bondy

Since homosexuality, here referred to as same-sex attraction (SSA), was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1973, mixed results were provided from studies on SSA etiology. This paper attempts to unpack and critically examine some recent SSA etiology research from both nature (biological) and nurture (interactions between non-social and social environments with biology).  [Read More]

Care for Non-Heterosexuality in the Current Asian Landscape

Christopher Rosik

An Interview with Bryan Shen Bryan Shen who is both a lay missionary and a counselor/supervisor registered with the Singapore Association for Counseling. He trains counselors, counsels in Thai or English and has given educational talks to clergy, seminaries and family life ministries of many religious groups in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.


In this interview with Christopher Rosik, Bryan shares about his background, his work with Asians experiencing unwanted same-sex attractions, and his assessment of the current cultural and religious tensions around non-heterosexuality in Asia. [Read More

Transgender Trauma: A Teenage Detransitioner’ s First-Hand Account

Christopher H. Rosik 

Jane (not her real name) is a 15-year-old girl who recently detransitioned after several years of pursuing a transgender identity. She expressed a desire to her mother, Kim (also a pseudonym), to share her story with a larger audience and thereby in some way redeem the trauma she has experienced in her encounter with transgender ideology. Since her family was known to me, she reached out through her mother to see if there was a way I could communicate her experiences to others, and the idea for this interview and its placement in the journal was borne. Jane provided this interview, along with her mother’s input, in mid-July of 2024.

[Read More


Andrew J. Rodriquez - Review of Sam Jolman’s The Sex Talk You Never Got: Reclaiming the Heart of Masculine Sexuality [Read More]

Christopher H. Rosik - Review of The Cass Review: Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (Final Report) [Read More]

Keith Vennum - Review of Richard Cohen’s A Therapist’s Guide: Assisting those with Same Sex Attraction & their Loved Ones [Read More]

Have you been helped by the Alliance? Let us know! We’d like to share your story in our next newsletter.

Andy Visser

President, The Alliance

Daren Mehl

Operations Manager, The Alliance

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