Newsletter |December 2022
Dear MASSA Families,

Thank you so much for your support throughout this first semester of school. We were able to successfully end our first semester by completing the second interim. Our teachers have already begun to collect the data and dive into the data. Collectively we analyze it, develop a plan accordingly and look forward to executing the plan upon our scholars' return to school. Our goal is to always ensure that we reach every one of our scholars and help them be successful. A huge shout out to the amazing, dedicated staff for making sure that our scholars are successful.
Our MASSA family would like to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season! Please take advantage of this precious time and make joyful family memories. We will be ready to welcome our scholars back to school on Wednesday, January 4, 2023! Be safe and Happy New Year!
Ms. Norma-Principal 
Calling All Families
To show our gratitude for all the wonderful friends and families you refer to AMS, we would like to offer a $100 credit that will be applied to BOTH your and your referred friends' accounts to help with clubs and extracurricular fees. If they enroll for the 2023-24 school year, credits will be applied in August 2023.
Make sure they list your name on the application so you both get credit for the referral after they enroll!
Para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento de todos nuestros amigos y familias maravillosas con las que nos recomiendan, nos gustaría ofrecerles un crédito de $100 que se aplicaran a AMBAS cuentas de ambas familias para usar en clubes y otras tarifas extraescolares de AMS. Este crédito se aplicará a sus cuentas a partir de agosto de 2023 si la familia recomendada se inscribe para el ciclo escolar 2023-24. 
Asegúrate de que tu nombre aparezca en la solicitud para que ambos reciban el crédito por la recomendación.

2022 - 2023 CALENDAR

  • December 19th-January 2nd: Winter Break/ No School

  • January 3rd: Teacher Work Day/ No school for students

  • January 4th: School Resumes 
Connect with the MASSA Office Team
520 - 889 -1504

Connect with Principal Derby