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Our Stories

Angela's Story

One World Surgery began with one life, one patient, one family. Changing one life can change the world. Make a gift today to be a part of that change. 

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From the PACU to Honduras:

A Couple's Unforgettable Mission with OWS

Join Kim and Jestin on an extraordinary mission as they share their heartfelt experiences volunteering with OWS in Honduras. Kim, an experienced PACU nurse, overcame barriers to make a difference in the lives of patients, while Jestin, a first-time international volunteer, discovered the power of compassion and community. Their inspiring journey is a testament to the life-changing impact of selfless service.

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Creating a Safe and Accessible Home

Meet Lionida, a loving mother and grandmother in Batey El Soco in the Dominican Republic. Despite battling severe arthritis in both knees, she runs a small convenience store from her home and cares for her grandchildren. Thanks to the OWS team and local workers, her home has been transformed with ramps, a smooth kitchen floor, and a patio, giving her the gift of mobility and the ability to enjoy life with her family. Lionida is also set to receive a double knee replacement when our new, state-of-the-art surgery center opens in 2024, promising a brighter future ahead.

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One World Surgery ignites the Spirit of Service and transforms lives by providing access to high-quality surgical and primary care globally.

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