The Wave | December 2021
December Events
Click here to view WSSD Public Calendar
December 3-4 l 9th Grade Blacksmithing Trip
December 7 l Town Hall
December 10 l High School Winter Formal
December 11 l High School Robotics League Meet
December 16 l High School Open House
December 21 l Last day for Early Childhood
December 21 l Winter Solstice
December 22 l Winter Concert / Early Release after concert (Grades 1-12)
December 23-January 4 l Winter Break / NO SCHOOL
January 5 l School Resumes (all classes)
Friendly reminder our on-site COVID Testing is at the Altadena Campus every Tuesday and Wednesday morning. This service will be paused during our Winter Break and will resume 1/5/22.
WSSD Admissions

We are happy to announce our High School Open House is in person this year!
Please come meet our faculty, view student work, and hear from students/parents, past and present.

Re-enrollment for the 2022/23 school year runs from January 10-January 28 @ 3 pm.
Please email with any questions.
Annual Giving
Dear Waldorf Community,
On behalf of the WSSD Board of Trustees, I hope this finds you all healthy and well as we return from Thanksgiving Break and, together, enter our Winter Holiday season.

Over the years I am reminded of what makes our School and Community so special while meandering about the campus. The smell of freshly baked bread while hearing the angelic early childhood voices sing. The boundless energy of youngsters running and playing throughout the School grounds. Quietly observing our children’s conversations around a recent field trip. Attending a play where it is obvious how much time has been spent rehearsing. Hearing the stories of something new that they learned or accomplished from the simple tying of a shoelace or diving into the principles of thermodynamics. And there is so much more.

These experiences for our children are priceless. Our children may not recognize the value of them in the moment. But I am heartened to hear about those types of fond memories when I have had the opportunity to speak to some of our alumni. These experiences are not possible without our dedicated Faculty and Staff. And of course, our Community of Parents, Family, and Friends that share their time, energy and resources with the School. In that spirit, I would encourage you to consider participating in our Annual Giving Campaign.

Annual Giving is a yearly appeal to our Community - parents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, staff and friends - to raise funds to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the School’s operating expenses. Annual Giving runs now until December 31, 2021. This fundraising is crucial in order to provide the rich and diverse experiences for all of our children. Please consider making our children’s education and their School a top philanthropic priority and choice. We recognize that everyone has different levels of resources and capacities to contribute. Every size gift is gratefully received and appreciated. One of our goals is to involve all of our families at a level that meets their abilities. Thank you so very much for all you do!   

Warmest regards,
Joseph Felix
WSSD Board of Trustees
December Birthdays

December 7 Leticia Ortega
December 13 Bryan Whelan
December 19 Sheila Garczynski
Hanukkah Traditions

Hanukkah is Judaism's winter Festival of Lights, answering the darkness of the cold season with warm flames. You can celebrate the Jewish Festival of Lights by lighting the menorah, eating fried foods, and spinning dreidels.

Read more
Light Celebrations at Waldorf Schools from AWSNA Education News
Our schools have been celebrating festivals of light including Diwali, Martinmas, Hanukkah and Advent.
These lights symbolize many things to many people. They are a way to brighten up dark days, celebrate rebirth and renewal, and serve as an inspiration for inner light in dark times.

EC welcomes Miss Julia
We're all so happy to welcome Miss Julia to our community! She is assisting in our EC classrooms. Here she is holding Lilac lanterns.
Employment Opportunities at WSSD
Grade 1 Class Teacher
WSSD is welcoming applications for a full-time Grade 1 Class Teacher starting in the 2022-23 school year.
High School Science Teacher
The Waldorf School of San Diego High School is seeking a skilled and enthusiastic high school science teacher with leadership capacities for the 2022-23 school year.
Aftercare Lead
WSSD is excited to bring back aftercare this year. We are currently in search of an Early Childhood aftercare lead.
Thank you;
  • Parents who donated their time driving in various field trips across the grades.
  • Everyone who came out to support the 10th Grade and watched their production of King Lear.
  • Everyone who came out to cheer on The Waves in their amazing flag football season- GO TEAM!
In the Classroom
Garden to Kitchen Veggie Stock with Ms. Womble!
Lantern Walk!
Early Childhood
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 2
A collection of beeswax birds made by Grade 2 from the story of Rumi and the Caged Birds.
Diwali Celebration
Dr. Sudha, our high school physics and chemistry teacher, helps Grades 2, 4 & 5 celebrate Diwali.
Grade 5
Grade 5 explores the nation through the experience of the Indigenous people. This block coincides with the observation of Native American Heritage Month. To read more about this celebration of the Indigenous culture click here.
Grade 5 learning about how knotted rope was used to solve math problems in Ancient Egypt.
Grade 7
Ms. Walker and the 7th Grade class' African Geography and Culture Independent Projects.
Middle School Athletics:
WAVES splash into Playoffs with a big win of 43 - 12!
Here they are practicing for their WIN!
High School
Shooting Hoops with visiting Sanderling Students
Every year our high school welcomes 8th-grade students from our sister school the Sanderling Waldorf School to visit our campus for a day.

Many of our North County high school students take advantage of our shuttle, driven by Ms. Candie, to attend WSSD through 12th grade.
Grade 11 : Dante's Inferno Seminar
Each fall the WSSD 11th grade journeys through hell with Dante.

They explore some big questions along the way:
  • When, if ever, is condemnation justifiable?
  • How do our current beliefs compare with the medieval mind? 
  • What roles can faith play in human experience? 
Before emerging back into the light in late October, each student reflects on Dante's emotional and intellectual journey through a piece of original art.
Examples of their great work can be seen here!
10th Grade Play: King Lear
Photos by Mr. Ian and one of our 11th Grade students (Sam Payne) from our 10th Grade's rendition of
King Lear by Shakespeare.
High School Art Department Wish List

As we rebuild our high school Art Department under Ms. Susie Mitchell's expert leadership, there is a critical need to replenish certain supplies to support her curriculum, beginning in January.
This request would traditionally be included with the Winter Faire Giving Tree, but because the Faire has been moved to January and the urgent need of these supplies, we decided to share this with our community now.

20 Glass painting and inking palettes:  $182 
Watercolor and acrylic brushes: $200-500
Print Drying rack: $348
4 Brayers for relief printing: $51.00
4 sets of 72 Prismacolor pencil sets: $203
Plaster or resin casts for still life drawing: $200-500

If you have any questions or wish to make a donation or find out more, please contact
News from the Snake & Lily!
Hello Friends! 
Please check it out if you haven't already!

The Snake and Lily is now 100% online; all items are available for purchase via the shop's website. Once purchased online, items can be picked up on campus (or mailed).

Thank you! 

The Snake & Lily Crew (CJ McGrady & Liza Ferraro). 
619-280-8016 x 202
Scrip Doctor is In! 
Are you reaching your full scrip potential?

How it works:
Our families buy virtual and physical gift cards online at or on the RaiseRight App on their smartphones, or through the WSSD school store, The Snake & Lily to use in place of cash, checks, or credit cards for their regular everyday shopping. The Snake & Lily buys the gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a reduced cost to sell at full face value. The difference is immediate fundraising for our school!

Please visit our website for more info!

Stay the course my friends, scrip can be a lot of fun and provide huge funds for the school, your class trips and even tuition credit! For more details, contact Liza Ferraro 619-318-8460

In Huge Gratitude,
Liza Ferraro
Waldorf 101: Did you know?
The Dictionary definition of 'Everything' is "a system of harmonious body movement to the rhythm of spoken words."

Read "An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy" and learn the movements!-- available on the snake and lily
Online or Outdoor Tutor
My name is Donovan Wilcox and I am an 11th grade student at WSSD. I know from personal experience how difficult homework can be, and how much easier it becomes when you have someone to work with who can provide support, motivation, and encouragement. I am currently available for hire as a homework tutor for 5th-10th grade students. I am available most afternoons of the week and my rate is flexible. All proceeds will go towards my class' 11th grade service trip this Spring. I would be able to help your student with homework, classwork, and academic assistance of any sort. I am equally eager to help with math, writing, and/or reading assignments. Please reach out to me if you are interested. I am available on zoom or in a Covid-safe setting. I can be reached at or at (619) 597-3573.
Support our community!

All businesses listed will have a WSSD family connection. This is an opportunity to expand, increase and grow your business and a great way to support our community. Think of our community any time you shop, use professional services or dine out!

Our Directory is officially up on our website, under the Community Page!

Waldorf Alum Connections

Did you know that AWSNA offered a continental New Year happy hour for alums across the continent? Seventy-five alums attended and it was a blast!

Quarterly social events are now on the schedule.

Need an architect, an artist, an accountant? Support alum businesses and share with your community the alum business directory.

As we journey through a second year of our Continental Alum Connect program and the accompanying online networking platform, we would like to remind you to share an invitation with alums and alum parents. Here is a direct link to join:

For more information on the above activities, or to join the monthly alum networking calls, connect with Nita June at
We’d love to hear from you. We value your opinion, and that’s why we want you to share your thoughts about your Waldorf experience! It would mean the world to us if you took a brief moment of your day to leave a review by clicking this link.
Thank you!
The Waldorf School of San Diego earned a Niche grade of A for 2021!

Only 10% of schools across the U.S. receive an A or higher, so this is a huge accomplishment for us! Waldorf School of San Diego also ranked #20 in Best High Schools for the Arts in CA.
Support WSSD
Shop to Support Us

Support WSSD by using Amazon Smile for your shopping.
Select "The Waldorf School of San Diego" as your charity of choice and a percentage of eligible purchases goes to the school.