Mark Your Calendar!

December 25 - January 5 - Winter holiday, no school

January 13 and 14, 2024 - Run for a Reason

January 15 - MLK Day, school closed

March 11 - 15 - Spring Break, school closed

April 12 - Hear our Voices Event

We wish you a wonderful holiday season!

Save the Date: The Embracing Autism Evening, Hear our Voices

We are so excited to announce The 3rd Annual Embracing Autism Evening, Hear our Voices! We hope you can join us for this highly anticipated event, happening on Friday, April 12, 2024. Featuring a fabulous dinner, a live performance from four of Nashville’s #1 Hit singer/songwriters, Phillip White, Leslie Satcher, Jenn Schott and Mark Nesler, a live auction and more, this is an event that you don't want to miss! Sponsorships will be made available soon so stay tuned! To reserve your table today, contact Valerie at

Thank You, CenterPoint Energy Foundation

We sincerely thank CenterPoint Energy Foundation for their generous gift of $15,000 for our employment services program. The funds will enable us to expand our employment services program by increasing the number of adults in need of employment assistance and community referrals from TWC to improve cross-collaboration with other organizations. We are so grateful!

Avondale House Run for a Reason Team Runner Highlight: Meet Sean!

Sean is running the Chevron Houston Marathon for Avondale House this year, and we are so glad to have him on our team.

  • What is your "why" for participating in Run for a Reason?

My first Houston marathon, I remember passing one of the guided blind runners, seeing some of the AWD competitors, and realizing it was more than just "lucky" people like me taking it up as a hobby. Regardless of whatever training I had done, these were competitors that had overcome a huge barrier to even be able to train, and it was enabled further by volunteers that dedicated themselves to someone else's success. This to me is what running is all about, and I had wanted to find a way to be a part of the communal aspect of the Houston Marathon ever since then. I really want to continue to find opportunities to help out Houston in line with running. 

  • How many years have you participated in the Marathon?

I've been running 4 years, this is my 3rd Houston marathon, 7th overall.

  • How does the work at Avondale House motivate you to run?

I have routinely been impressed to see what Avondale House does for it's team members, and it seems like a really great organization that Houston should be proud to support. One thing that stood out to me when I learned more about Avondale House was that it was the only location to offer resources into adulthood. Like a lot of my friends, I'm slowly learning that not all charities are the same in how they help those afflicted, but oftentimes there are gaps in the chain of helping people. To see that Avondale House is a more long-term/life-time commitment to those it helps is extremely comforting.

Congratulations to our December Team Member of the Month, Kylie!

Kylie is our December Team Member of the Month, and serves as the Marketing and Events Manager on the Development team. Her colleague says "Kylie is an invaluable member of our development team, consistently exceeding expectations and bringing a level of dedication that is truly remarkable. Her passion for her role and commitment to our organization set a standard that inspires those around her. Beyond her professional skills, Kylie possesses a heart that truly cares for the mission we serve. Her genuine compassion extends not only to the Avondale House team members, but also to the individuals and communities we support. Kylie contributes to a positive and collaborative work environment. I feel incredibly fortunate to have Kylie as a vital part of the development team, and her presence is a blessing that enriches our collective efforts toward achieving our incredible mission!" 

In this season of giving, please consider a monetary or supply donation to Avondale House to ensure the sustained operation and growth of our four programs as the need for our services continues to increase. We need your support to continue to foster a community where individuals with autism can thrive, learn and build essential skills in a supportive and enriching environment.

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Avondale House wishes to thank and acknowledge these recent donors:

Michio Abe • Alexa Addison • Lubna Ahmad • Deneen Aigbivbalu • Merced Alaniz • Christy Alford • George Allen • Aimon Allouache • Christopher Amaro • Roman Andrade • Margaret Angelos • Margaret Archer • Suzanne Armour • Jim Aycock • Miriam Bangs • Tim Barker • Janna Bear • Pema Bear • Diane Beckham • Tommey Benavides • Priscilla Benitez • Kathy Bennetsen • Lucy Beta • Alina Bieschke • Patrick and Louise Bieschke • Mark Bieschke • Ann Billings • Mary Patricia Blair • Nelson Block • Cathy Blotter • David Bonno • Kevin Boyle • Hill Bradley • Jajuan Bradshaw • Kelly Brasseaux • Emily Brasseaux • Trey Brasseaux • Rebekah Brazelton • Eva Briones • Daja Brown • Jo Brueggeman • Richard Bruins • Chris Buchanan • Jordan Buck • Alexandra Buckmaster • Ellen Buckmaster • Linda Buckmaster • Jill Buckmaster • Lynette Bufford • Peyton Bunch • Chandler Burkhalter • Julie Calcagno • Maria Camacho • Kristin Cameron • Phyllis Cantu • Camille Carleton • Mark Carleton • Lillian Carolan • Nancy Carothers • Centerpoint Energy Foundation • Erin Chapman • Tera Chavez • Allison Childs • Cecile and Fadi Chahine • Knnin Chiravanich • Benjamin Chrapliwy • Kerry Chrapliwy • Jen Chrapliwy • Joshua Christopher • Jake Clarke • Brennan Clements • Charles Clough • John Coe • Paula Coe • Lee Coffman • Brandon Collier • Debbie Collier • Madeline Cook • Grace Cooke • Cara Cowser • David Crabtree • Lexi Cross • Maia Cruse • Vincent Cuccio • Tracy Cummings • Josh Curry • Jeb Curry • Christine Dabuco • Madison Dahmer • Brigitte Dauwalder • Dawlett Dawlett • Isabel De La Rosa • Patricia De La Rosa • Angel De La Rosa • Jessica De La Rosa • Jesus De La Rosa • Roxanne De La Rosa • Melinda De Los Santos • Morris and Martha Dean • DeAnn Decker • Ed Deery • Jennifer Deibert • Miranda Delamorena • Maria Delarosa • Jill DeVido • Monica Diaz • Lezli Dotson • Sara Doyle • Sean Eidle • Elizabeth Eklof • Ramsay Elder • Jesse Eligio • Juan Eligio • Jenny Engelhardt • Taylor Ernst • Savannah Farmer • Jack, Karen Faubion • Karen Faubionkaremlou • John Faulk • Kim Fischer • Jody Flohr • Gabby Flores • Mary Flusche • Norris Ford • Melissa Fordyce • Martha Foster • Carolyn Fox • Emma Foytlin • William Foytlin • Quinten Frank • Riley Freese • Susan Freese • Danita Gallegos • Venessa Garate • Jessica Garcia • Joshua Garlock • Argo Georgandis • Pamela Gilds • Mandy Gill • Hannah Gilmour • Caitlin Gilmour • Joel Gittemeier • Tricia Gittemeier • Viviana Gonzalez • Jennifer Gonzalez • Taylor Grimes • Kathy Guenther • Erin Guerre • Evans Gunn • Jeanie Gunter • Emma Haddox • Claire Haddox • Kathleen Hager • Gigi Hanna • Christopher Hannah • Michael Hansen • Amanda Hansen • Jeremy Hart • Megan Hart • Holle Hartis • Todd Hartis • Brock Hartson • Lisa Hastings • Anna Haydon • Monica Heal • Jacqueline Heal • Madison Heath • Danielle Henderson • Franki Henrichs • Kathy Henry • Laura Hernandez • Rafael Hernandez • Tessa Herrmann • Herzstein Foundation • HaiVy Hoang • Claire Hockett • Amy Hofmeister • Kylie Hofmeister • Craig Hofmeister • Glenda Hollingsworth • Sharam Honari • Katherine Hosler • Pat Howell • Prince Ibe • Christiana Ichara • Bennett Inoff • Madison Jackson • Roderick W Jackson • Melissa James • Mary Janak • Miranda Jasso • Hank Jeans • Diana Jett • Marilyn Johnson • Ashley Johnson • Martha Johnson • Ronald Johnson • Chereese Johnson • Lashae Johnson • Jolisa Johnston • Pam Jones • Tracy Jones • Audrey Jones • Anna Kamins • Bob Kaminski • Joanne Katich • Loretta Kell • Bria Kelley • Patti Kelly • Patricia Kelly • John Kelly • Bill Kennedy • Peter Kimwei • Rebekah Koehn • Matt Lena Korioth • Meredith Kramer • Brandi Kuhlmann • Zain Kundi • Jamarcus Lacy • William Lambert • Sidney Lange • Emery Larkin • Amber Lathon • Cheryl Lawrence • Michael Lawrence • Jose Leal • Stephen Lee • Joachim Leicht • Holly Leicht • Irene Leicht • Karl Leicht • Katherine Leicht • Jessica Lemus • Betty Lennon • Maggie Lennon • Martha Leschber • Leigh Linden • Huong Ma • Luke MacNaughton • Taylor Magness • Kathleen Mahon • Susan Malmquist • Toneasa Manning • John Mannix • Mackenzie Martindale • Janet Martinez • Kelly Marx • Sean Mason • Lisa Matthews • Taylor Mattingly • Jordan Maupin • Fritz Maxwell • Jane McAfee • Aaron McDowell • Jacqueline McDowell • Jakima McDowell • Stephen McLellan • Melody McNabb • Reina McNamara • Daniela Mcrae • David Medrano • Heather Mendoza • Nathan Merz • Kevin Merz • Connor Metzgef • Sylvia Mlcak • David Mlcak • Matthew Mlcak • Suzanne Monk • Megan Moore • Christi Morgan • Joycelyn Morris • Jane Moscowitz • Cheri Muegge • Lyle Muegge • Jane and Michael Murray • Madeline Nassif • Cathy and Albert Nixon • Landon Neumann • Kara Nohilly • Emma Norvell • Nick O'Hara • Mike Oldham • Lydia Oleksy • Gay Oneal • Tom Oneal • Hannah Organ • Kiana Orozco • Alma Ortega • Shelby Ostrom • Luke Parazynski • Scott Parazynski • Cathryn Parks • Addison Pavek • Michael and Lisa Pearson • Margaret Penoli • Eric Perez • Camila Peterson • Cade Pettijohn • Emily Pfeifer • Tin Pham • Tomas Pineda • Frank Placencia • Jennifer Placencia • Jenny Popp • Jana Rachunek • Peggy Ramirez • Christopher Ramirez • Valerie Ramirez • Marshall Rasmussen • Heather Raun • Benjamin Rhoden • Sheryl Rhodes • Julia Riedel • Angeles Rios • Rees Risoli • John Robertson • Ashlyn Rock • Araceli Rodrigues • Cristina Rodriguez • Carissa Rogers • Gerald Rogers • Linda Rogers • Parul Rohatgi • Megan Roiz • Cora Rosanes • Grace Rosanes • Collin Rose • Linda Ruff • Pam Rundle • Russo Care • Emily Sanders • Ava Sanjana • Lisa Savage • Patrick Schmitz • Cameron Schultz • Karen Schulz • Tiffani Sealock • Peter Sederis • Stacy Sederis • Ale Seidman • Heidi M Seinsheimer • Colyn Sevario • Aaron Shaw • Veronica Shaw • Abby Sherman • Dong Won Shin • Susanne Shupak • Victoria Shupak • Elizabeth Siros • Erik Skahn • Victoria Skuce • Jordan Smashey • Donna Smith • Braden Snyder • Doug and Ann Soderstrom • Jessica Sotelo • Marla Stanton • Devin Staton • Caroline Stewart • Daniel Swanson • Claire Swinney • Samantha Tamez • Eloise Taussig • Gary Taylor • Pam Terwilliger • Monte Tinkham • Vi Tran • Dao Tran • Maria Tran • Janet and Phillip Trotter • Kendall Trozzo • Tami Truong • Ethan Tuch • Sondra Turnbach • Ann Turnbach • Rebecca Turner • Blake Turney • Stephen Ullrich • Janine Unruh • Alice Valdez • Tanika Valentine-Besson • Andrew Van Hofwegen • Doris Van Velson • Kyle Vandivort • Rosalva Vela • Bernardo Vela • Lindsey Vela • Cristina and Steve Vetrano • Anthony Vetrano • Marilynn Vetrano • Betty Vo • Gail Vozzella • Cliff Vrielink • Delakia Wagoner • Conner Walker • Janice Walker • Patricia Walker • Tara Wallace • Amy Walthall • Jiangying Wang • Christy Warring • Tahira Waqar • Lisa Welsh • Elizabeth Westerfield • Selena White • Tana Wieberg • Deborah Williams • Bridgette Williams • Grant Williamson • Laurel Williamson • Stacie Williamson • Peter Wilson • Michelle Witek • Alma Wofford • Danielle Wollner • Michael Wollner • Judy R Wollner • Carol Wootton • Philip Wuthrich • Debbie Yarotsky • Natalie Yokley • Shiraz Younas • Monte Youngs • Joseph Zadrozny • Pamela Zambrano • Brenda Zepeda • Florentino Zuniga

Donors listed from 11/16/2023 to 12/8/2023.

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