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December 2024

Seniors Scene

Enrich your life with us!

Issue 135


November has been a month full of learning & fun at Headingley Seniors' Services! We’ve been lucky with mostly mild weather this month, making it the perfect time to enjoy outdoor walks and other activities. It seems winter has fully set in now, read on to find out what indoor events we have coming up!

This month, we were thrilled to host a valuable Fall Prevention Education Series, generously funded by the Headingley Community Foundation. The series was a huge success, offering participants vital information on staying safe, preventing falls, and aging well. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our guest speakers from Victoria Lifeline, Active Aging in Manitoba, and Kenaston Common Physiotherapy for their expert insights. Your expertise helped make the event informative and engaging, and we are so grateful for your time.

It’s hard to believe, but the holiday season is just around the corner. Our Holiday Luncheon is set to take place on December 4th and it’s fully sold out! We are looking forward to connecting with friends and neighbors, enjoying a delicious meal catered by The Headingley Grill, and celebrating the festive season together. Doors open at 12 pm with lunch to be served at 12:30pm. Speaking of holidays, read on for our featured recipe of the month– perfect for those holiday gatherings!

The need for volunteers is ongoing, and we are always looking for more hands to support our organization. Whether you’re able to help in the kitchen or volunteer your time driving a neighbor to an appointment, your contribution makes a big difference in our community. Thank you for volunteering your time with us this year. If you are interested in volunteering some time, please contact us.

As we approach the Holidays, we wanted to wish everyone a safe and festive holiday season. Our office will close at noon on Friday December 20th and will reopen on Monday January 6th. No programs will take place during this time.

We look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

Take care,  

Kristie & Margo


Keeping your Winter Balance:


We’ve been lucky to have such a mild winter thus far, but icy and slippery conditions are inevitable in Manitoba. Winter weather can lead to dangerous slips and falls, which are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries across most age groups, often resulting in broken bones, head trauma, and hospitalizations. Maintaining good balance during icy conditions is crucial to prevent such injuries.


Key Tips for Winter Balance:

· Proper Weight Distribution: Keep your weight evenly distributed over your feet to stay steady.

· Use Your Arms: Keep your arms free by wearing gloves, which helps improve balance by allowing you to extend them outward for stabilization.

· Walk Like a Penguin: When walking on icy surfaces, point your feet slightly outward and keep your center of gravity directly over your feet.


Take Precautions:

· Use a cross-body bag to keep your hands free.

· Wear winter boots with good traction or attach grippers to your shoes.

· Slow down and take short steps, especially on slippery surfaces.

· Avoid distractions, such as texting, while walking on ice.

· Use walking aids like a cane or poles for extra support.

· Wipe your shoes when entering a building to prevent tracking ice indoors.


If You Fall:

Ensure you're not injured, then roll onto your hands and knees, bring your feet between your hands, and push yourself up carefully. If you're unsure about the severity of your injuries, seek medical help.


Once you've recovered, think back on the fall and ask yourself: "What was I doing?" and "What could I have done differently to help prevent that fall from happening?"

Source: mayoclinichealthsystem.org

Good to Know

Did You Know?

Headingley Seniors’ Services is looking for more volunteer drivers to join our team! Volunteers are reimbursed for their kilometers and need to have a criminal record check completed.

Please contact us for more information.


St. Charles Headingley United Church has a Dementia resource library available to members of our community. Please contact Cathy Maxwell at (204) 885 - 6021 for the hours of operation and the best time to come borrow materials. All are welcome. They also have a free educational web series on becoming “Dementia Enabled”. 

Visit OneSmallSeed.ca for more info.

HSS Health & Programs

Upcoming Foot


*Thursday Dec 12th

Thursday Jan 9th 

Thursday February 13th


Clinics are run monthly by RN Karen Dingman


Please contact the HSS office for more info or to book your appointment!

*Clinic full - Waitlist available for full clinics.


Free Programs to Enjoy:

Helping Hands Social Club:

Knit, crotchet or play scrabble. All items made are donated to

organizations in need.

 Mondays 1-3 pm

Held in the Multipurpose Room, Headingley Community Centre

(No HHSC on Monday December 23rd)

Cribbage & Coffee:

Drop in to play crib with other folks and enjoy a coffee & cookies

Thursdays from 1-3 pm

Held in the Multipurpose Room, Headingley Community Centre

Urban Pole Walking & Coffee:

Poles available for those that want, or feel free to walk without. Stay after for coffee & socialization in the boardroom.

Fridays at 10 am

Held at the Headingley Community Centre

Recipe of the Month

Classic Scalloped Potatoes:

A comforting side dish,

perfect for those holiday gatherings



· 1/4 cup butter

· 3 gloves minced garlic

· 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

· 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme

· 3/4 tsp salt

· 1/2 tsp pepper

· 2 1/2 cups milk

· 6 Yukon gold potatoes (about 2 lbs/ 900g)

· 1 small onion sliced



In a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat; cook garlic, stirring for 1 minute. Add flour, thyme, salt & pepper; cook, stirring for 1 minute.

Gradually whisk in milk; cook, whisking constantly, until boiling and thickened, about 8 minutes.

Peel and thin slice potatoes. Layer one-third in greased 8 inch (2L) square baking dish or casserole dish, spread half of the onion over top. Repeat layers. Arrange remaining potatoes over top. Pour sauce over top, using back of knife to ease sauce between layers.

Cover and bake in 350F (180C) oven for 1 hour. Uncover and bake until lightly browned and potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.



Submitted by Café Break Cook– Liza Rasmussen


Upcoming Events

This event is for all ages. Seniors in the community are invited to attend!

Delivery can be arranged for any seniors who cannot attend in person.

Please notify Headingley Seniors’ Services one week before event if you require delivery

(204) 889-3132 ext 3 or seniors@rmofheadingley.ca

St. Charles Headingley United Church

Home Made Pie Raffle

Win One Home Baked Pie per month for 12 months!

(starting Jan 2025)

Tickets $2.00 or 3 for $5.00

Proceeds to The Children’s Rehabilitation Center– Early Essentials Equipment Program for Infants

(Draw will take place Sunday December 8th)


Contact Darlene 204-255-1123 or Carol 204-895-9179 for tickets


Upcoming Winter Events at the Headingley Municipal Library:


Café BREAK- Weekly Meals


Orders must be placed the Friday prior to the desired meal.


Available on a week-to-week basis within Headingley and provided at no additional cost.


In-Person on Wednesdays

at 12:00 pm.

Headingley CC

5353 Portage Avenue.



How to Order:

Call: (204) 889-3132 ext. 3

Email: seniors@rmofheadingley.ca

Café BREAK Menu

*Dec 4: Holiday Luncheon catered by The Headingley Grill 

Dec 11: Ham & Swiss Croissants

Dec 18: Cabbage Roll Casserole

No Meal Dec 25th- Christmas Day


* Event / Lunch & Learn Booked


Just For Fun!



The New York Times

Have you solved the WORDLE today? Visit this page every day to guess the WORDLE in six tries. Each guess must be a valid five-letter word.


Ready for a new Challenge? Try Waffle!

Rearrange the letters into the correct words. You will earn stars for every puzzle solved and you can learn the definitions of all words featured in the game. Enjoy! 


Printable Fun Pages


Joke of the month:

What do you get if you cross a snowman and a dog?


Do you have a silly joker in your life? 

Email us their joke along with their name and age to


See what's coming up in your community!

Macdonald-Headingley Recreation District Winter Guide

Registration OPENS

Monday, December 2nd

In the MHRD Guide, you will find program offerings, local community groups, events, and recreational activities for all ages!

Visit MHRD.ca for more information!

Are You Looking for the Printable Newsletter?

If you prefer a printable version of the newsletter and calendar, click the button below. 


Our Mission is to encourage individuals to maintain independent living and improve their quality of life by providing education, recreation, health and social opportunities.

Located in:


5353 Portage Avenue

Headingley, Manitoba

R4H 1J9

(204) 889-3132 ext. 3



Office Hours


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Please note: office hours are subject to change

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