Keeping your Winter Balance:
We’ve been lucky to have such a mild winter thus far, but icy and slippery conditions are inevitable in Manitoba. Winter weather can lead to dangerous slips and falls, which are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries across most age groups, often resulting in broken bones, head trauma, and hospitalizations. Maintaining good balance during icy conditions is crucial to prevent such injuries.
Key Tips for Winter Balance:
· Proper Weight Distribution: Keep your weight evenly distributed over your feet to stay steady.
· Use Your Arms: Keep your arms free by wearing gloves, which helps improve balance by allowing you to extend them outward for stabilization.
· Walk Like a Penguin: When walking on icy surfaces, point your feet slightly outward and keep your center of gravity directly over your feet.
Take Precautions:
· Use a cross-body bag to keep your hands free.
· Wear winter boots with good traction or attach grippers to your shoes.
· Slow down and take short steps, especially on slippery surfaces.
· Avoid distractions, such as texting, while walking on ice.
· Use walking aids like a cane or poles for extra support.
· Wipe your shoes when entering a building to prevent tracking ice indoors.
If You Fall:
Ensure you're not injured, then roll onto your hands and knees, bring your feet between your hands, and push yourself up carefully. If you're unsure about the severity of your injuries, seek medical help.
Once you've recovered, think back on the fall and ask yourself: "What was I doing?" and "What could I have done differently to help prevent that fall from happening?"