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Higher education is expensive and enrollment levels have been dropping at a number of institutions.

Many colleges and universities are reacting to the marketplace and the economy.

For example, starting with the class of 2025, Brandeis University will offer FREE tuition to families making less than $75K annually and half price for families making less than $200K. UMass has taken a similar approach. All four UMass universities will also offer free tuition and fees for those grossing under $75,000 a year.

PCCI's goal is to find the best fit at a school that is academically, socially and FINANCIALLY most appropriate, thereby putting your student in the best position to succeed in college and beyond.

Allow PCCI to help set you up for success and find your dream school.

To arrange a complimentary PCCI consultation, simply email me or call 508-622-5250.

Best regards,

Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore, of Personal College Counseling, Inc.

Visit our Website

Student Tips

Prospective college students should be completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, known as FAFSA, to determine their eligibility.

The 2025-2026 FAFSA Form officially opened on December 1, 2024. Any student who wants to be considered for federal, state and any school aid should complete the FAFSA as soon as possible unless you have documentation issues. Definitely seek out a professional like me if you fall into that category when planning for college in the U.S.



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Please consider giving us a Google Review today.

Thank you! You are our best referral source.

A Look Back on 2024

My Generation Podcast

Honoria DaSilve-Kilgore of Personal College Counseling Inc. Everything you need to know about College Admissions but were too overwhelmed to ask. What is the most expensive decision you’ll ever make? 


Business Way Outside the Box

Go to the head of the class. What is the most expensive decision you'll ever make? The most critical decision for your life trajectory? College! Our guest for this segment is Attorney Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore.


"Financially Responsible College Counseling"

Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore helps students find the best fit while maximizing their aid package to get the best education for them without landing in massive debt

on Radio Entrepreneurs

Tune In

Dighton Library Speaker

Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore

of Personal College Counseling, Inc. talks about student GPA, school requirements, SATs,

financial vs. merit aid, FAFSA, student loans, Early Decision, Early Action and more as a guest speaker at Dighton Public Library.


"Changing Dynamics in College Apps"

Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore discusses major shifts in the college application landscape, including the end of DEI in college admissions and changes in legacy preference with Radio Entrepreneurs' Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC.

Tune In

"Finance School" College Admissions

Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore, joins the Finance With Factor podcast to share how she helps students and families prepare, search, and finance their educational goals. We explore the FAFSA, merit scholarships, parent loans & more.

Listen Now

Hey Boomer Live, The Relatable Voice, Business Way Outside the Box

Cape & Plymouth Business pg. 7, Positive Living Show with Patricia Raskin,

Positive Talk Radio, IAMCEO Podcast

Positive Talk Radio KKNW 1150AM Seattle, CFO at Home Podcast

Cape & Plymouth Business Reader's Choice 2022 Watch List

My Generation Podcast, Radio Entrepreneurs, Dighton Public Library


Happy Holidays!

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Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore, Esq.

Address: 2 Richard Street,
Raynham, MA 02767
Phone: 508-622-5250
Get In Touch
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