Happy New Year friends,

With the start of a new year, you can feel the energy and excitement for all the goals and plans, and resolutions everyone shares!

In December, we shared many insights into how to maximize this time and set yourself up for success in all your coaching, hiring, and trainings in 2023.

We shared the five steps to getting your team interview READY for any hiring efforts you have coming up.

If you're looking to enhance your entire worldview, we shared a peek into formal axiology—the science behind the Acumen and TriMetrixHD assessment.

We've talked about job fit many times, and one of the five tenets of fit is communication style. You can take a deep dive into DISC with the ebook we shared last month.

I'll be back in your inbox next month with our insights from January. If you have any questions on these resources or want to dive in even more, feel free to look through our PPD blog post archives.

The Priceless Catch-up

Getting Interview Ready

Check out Episode #12 of the Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast.

The “Getting Your Interview Team Ready” episode will help you with interviewing and hiring and ensuring you’re putting the RIGHT people in the RIGHT seats!

See More →

Layers of Acumen

In the Acumen science, or formal axiology:

🌐 World View reveals someone’s clarity and understanding of people, tasks and systems.

👤 Self View measures clarity and understanding of oneself, their roles in life, and their direction for the future.

See More →

DISC In Depth eBook

Start with understanding yourself with our “DISC In Depth” eBook

The DISC assessment measures behavior and communication styles.

More importantly, it creates a shared language and can be used at every level of an organization (and a household!).

Get the eBook →

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