Issue 105 December 2023

Featured Stories

In This Issue

Searching For The

"Fountain Of Health"

Searching for the "Fountain of Health" is no fairy tale. Because of innovations in health and science, Ken Dychtwald, founder of AgeWave, believes that we're on the path to living longer and healthier.

Save Your Home For Your Heirs

Petition and help repeal Prop. 19--the "Death Tax" for long-time California homeowners. Deadline: January 16. Learn more today.

Ask Larry: What is Covid "rebound"?

More common than you think. Over 20% of people taking Paxlovid get Covid rebound. From positive to negative to positive again.

Looking For Senior Independent Living?

Check out Chateau-Cupertino in Cupertino, CA starting at $3,400

per month. Independent, home-style living with meals included.

"Hands And Heart" Make Pet Rescue a Reality

Matching a rescue dog or cat in need of a family is the goal of Andrea Lee of SVPP. Her passion started with a deep love for dogs.

Free Senior Housing Guide 

Looking for senior housing in the SF Bay Area? Many options are available from independent living to continuous care. Get your free copy. Email: [email protected]

How's Your Thyroid?

Thyroid disease and disorders can range from a small harmless goiter that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. Learn more.

Be Kind To Each Other

Let me know what kind of stories you like to read in the Scoop, the leading digital publication and website for boomers and seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area. Feel free to share the Scoop with your family and friends. It's FREE.

For more stories and news about boomers and seniors, visit [email protected].

The Fountain of Youth is a fairy tale. But searching for the Fountain of Health is attainable and the path to living longer and healthier.

In his talk at NextMed Health, Ken Dychtwald, PhD (founder of Age Wave) explores the potential and the implications of an older and healthier population where healthspan matches lifespan.

To learn more, go to:

Save Your Home

For Your Heirs

Deadline To Sign Petition To Repeal Prop 19 Is January 16

By Evelyn Preston, Money Lady

Wave goodbye to the old year and welcome the new with calls for immediate action during the first weeks 2024

For those homeowners still frustrated by the unprecedented 2020’s Proposition 19, January 16 is the deadline for petitions to revive this initiative and place it on the next ballot.

Recap: To put a dent in Prop 13’s favorable property tax rates for long-time homeowners, the California Legislature found their chance in 2020. Underwritten by Real Estate interests, lawmakers slipped through a reversal of long-standing precedent via Prop 19. 

The change piggybacked on new, favorable legislation for seniors and fire victims. This first part of the initiative allowed them to transfer current property taxes upon moving anywhere in California and was greatly promoted.

However, the second part of Prop 19 was barely mentioned and little read. This law promoted a negative: upon a property owner’s death, long-held property, family businesses and farms would no longer pass to heirs at parents’ (grandparents’) existing tax rates; in this case, property taxes would jump up to current property values as in a sale.

This not only shattered a long-standing precedent, it violated the 1986 vote of “no change in property tax provisions upon death” as affirmed by 75% of Californians.


To Brighten Your Day, Check Out

John Donaghue's Latest Comics

Go To:

Under Cardiac Arrest is a comic series starring a quirky couple loosely based on John Donaghue's parents. Besides thousands of followers online, UCA has been translated into greeting cards, shirts, mugs and a book.

Hands And Heart Make Pet Rescue a Reality

By Karen Zamel


The heart of Silicon Valley Pet Project is its ability to rescue pets from the shelter, get them into foster homes and provide the medical, dental, behavioral care and support they need to heal and blossom. 

It takes a lot of hands but Andrea Lee has two of the biggest hands – and one of the biggest hearts – in the mix. As SVPP foster care manager, she coordinates everything from rescue to adoption with the help of other SVPP volunteers. 

We share Andrea’s story here. I call it “An SVPP Profile in Courage” because of the passion, commitment and often emotional hard work needed in making rescue a success.


Q: How did you get involved in rescue and when did you get involved with SVPP?

It started with a deep love for dogs. My first rescue dog was Ivy, a retired racing Greyhound. We adopted her 13 years ago. Sadly, she passed 4 years later of cancer.

I found SVPP because a few months after Ivy passed, my daughters pushed me to find another dog, and we met Ruby, a beautiful, one-eyed American Bully mix.




"I Got Covid. Then Tested Negative. Then Positive. What The Heck's Going On?"

 --Bill, San Jose, CA

Unfortunately, you got Covid "rebound" which 20% of people get after taking Paxlovid.

Since thing happened to me. Over the holidays, I got Covid with so-called "mild" symptoms--fever (102 F), chills, cough, muscle aches, night sweats, fatigue and diarrhea. Not to mention several "sleepless" nights.

After taking Paxlovid for five days and then testing "negative," I thought Covid was gone. Felt so good that I played tennis the next day. Mistake!

To my surprise and dismay, I tested "positive" again. Covid was back. And this time, no Paxlovid.

My doc says "let it run its course."

So, back to drinking lots of water, eating fresh fruit (bananas, oranges) and nuts (walnuts.) And "resting"--watching too much 49ers and Warriors.

Back to your question--"why did you and I get Covid rebound?"

Are Covid rapid home tests accurate? Turns out a negative test result does not necessarily mean you're free of infection. Even if the virus is not detected, it could still be there in small amounts so, you can get it again. Just bad luck, my friend.

Where did I get Covid in the first place? Haven't a clue but suspect it was from having played and won a 70+ NorCal Sectional tennis tournament last week. But who knows?

The good news--for me--is that Covid "rebound" was "milder" than the first bout. No fever. Chills. Or night sweats. Some fatigue like the first time. But I'm good to go now but taking it easy (no tennis) until after the New Year.

Happy Holidays!

Got a question or comment? Ask me anything. If I don't know the answer, I'll ask someone who does. Ask Larry is written by Larry Hayes, A050 publisher. Email: [email protected]. Visit:

Discover Chateau-Cupertino

Senior Independent Living Community With a Flair

Senior living doesn't get any better than living at 

Chateau-Cupertino whether you're in retirement or just ready for the next great phase of your life. Enjoy a home-life environment in your own senior apartment with three fresh served home-style meals daily. 

Housekeeping and laundry services, all basic utilities, great activity programs, game rooms and transportation--all included starting at $3,400 per month.

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cupertino is one of the best places to live in Northern CA--home to world famous Apple, Inc.

Come and see for yourself.  Chateau-Cupertino.

Call 408.446.4300. Or email: [email protected]..

How's Your Thyroid?

January is National Thyroid Awareness Month


The thyroid is part of the endocrine system. It is a crucial gland shaped like a butterfly located in the front of your neck. The thyroid releases hormones that are taken throughout the body. Thyroid diseases can occur in anyone, however they occur more often in people over the age of 60 and women.  



Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid where it produces too many hormones. A common cause is Graves’ disease. There are many common symptoms of overactive thyroid, including unexplained weight loss, anxiety, hair loss, and increased sweating.



Hypothyroidism is underactive thyroid where it does not produce enough hormones. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. There are many common causes of underactive thyroid, including fatigue, weight gain, depression, and cold intolerance. People over the age of 60 are at an increased risk of hypothyroidism.



Lumps may sometimes form on your thyroid. They are called thyroid nodules and are an unhealthy growth of thyroid cells. The thyroid gland itself may also swell up, which is called a goiter.



The most common test for thyroid health is a blood test to check the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). However, your doctor may also test the level of T3 and T4, thyroid hormones. Or they may perform a thyroid antibody test to see if an autoimmune disorder is attacking the thyroid.


Normal TSH Levels

For those aged 51-70, the normal TSH range is between 0.5-4.5 mU/L. The normal range for those 71-90 years old is 0.4-5.2 mU/L. However, these ideal ranges may be different if you have certain conditions.


If you have any symptoms of hypo or hyperthyroidism, it is important to bring them up with your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will most likely have you do some lab tests and may also decide to refer you to an endocrinologist, who is a specialist who treats thyroid problems.  

Physicians Medical Group of San Jose is the largest independent physician’s association in Santa Clara County. We have been part of the community for 40 years with more than 1,000 doctors in 460 offices, plus we speak 30+ languages. Call 888.988.8682 or visit for more information.

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Living a Longer & Healthier Life

Published by A050, the Scoop is a free, online publication for boomers and seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area reaching over 100,000 across multiple platforms including the A050 website and social media. For editorial and advertising opportunities, email: [email protected] Visit:

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