December 2017
Monthly News & Updates and Seasonal Specials
Do you suffer from…  

  • Stiffness in the morning or after sitting for a long time
  • General sense of not being grounded or balanced
  • Thinking that it’s never going to get better, or one knows what is wrong
  • Not able to exercise, wear tight fitting clothing, or move pain free
  • Sadness generated from not getting answers you need to heal

The holidays are here and sometimes they aren't always so fun for people making it a challenging time of year, especially for those in pain. We have good intentions to shed the old, but sometimes that can feel really hard. I love showing people how the impossible is really possible. Join a class, book a session or contact me for a free 20 minute call.
Dance in the New Year
New Year's Mindful Dance with Rae
at Turtles Yoga & Wellness
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Suggested donation: $5-$10

Come as you are and choose your level of intensity that is right for your body on this day. All levels are welcome. Class can even be done in a chair or your imagination if you wish. The nervous system fires and strengthens muscles simply from watching.

Also regularly scheduled 10:45 am Sunday classes December 24th and 31st. Sign up in mind body.

Now through January 20th discounted packages . Plus new group classes coming in Feb. 2018 to SE Portland
In the spirit of giving back all packages of 6 private functional integration sessions or more are 20% off now through January 20th for all new and existing clients. This includes Monthly Packages as well. If you have been curious how to get out of your chronic pain patterns now is the best time to explore what else is possible for you.

Group classes coming to Portland Natural Health in 2018. Class will be limited to 6-8 people and will be a facilitated hybrid class of verbally guided mindful awareness through movement and hands on from Rae. Classes are tailored to students and their current challenges. These are perfect for those who want more personalization from a class, on a budget, or want more practice time in addition to one on one sessions.

Rae Mullin In Motion | 503-756-9414 | |