Volume 72 - No. 12 | December 2020
Worship on Sunday, December 6 @ 10am:
Second Sunday of Advent: "Peace," with Communion
Don't have Facebook? Don't worry, you can still view the live service from any device by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/Trinitychurchnorthborough/      

A step-by-step tutorial on how to access Facebook Live, click HERE

Have your Bible, a candle and lighter ready and create a worshipful space. Maybe with a cross, a nice tablecloth, or other devotional items that are meaningful to you.

Please have a piece of bread (or crackers, chips or cookie) and cup of juice (or water, tea or coffee) ready for Communion.

Replay on Verizon channel 31 and Charter channel 191
Sundays (previous week's) at 6pm and Thursdays at 8:30am. 

Emily is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com or call her (508) 614-8989 during virtual office hours and she will walk you through each step.
When talking to church members, friends and family it's hard not to talk about COVID. It has taken over our lives and our minds in so many ways. It has also taken over our holidays.
We just celebrated Thanksgiving. For most of you, it probably wasn't the celebration you were hoping for. But we still had ample reason to be thankful, and the reduced holiday busyness was an opportunity to focus on what's really essential, and what we sometimes take for granted. (Maybe it was a relief not to have to talk politics with your cousin?)
Now it's Advent. During the shortest days of the year we light candles each week to remind us that the light of Jesus is coming. Our world needs him so desperately. Physical distancing, grief, loneliness, isolation, anxiety, financial worries, illness, racism, political conflict - none of them can stop the light from coming. 
In worship you will hear about the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love Jesus brings into our lives. They are what will get us through this winter. Jesus was born into very troubled times - and he will be born into our troubled lives this year as well. 
Maybe less holiday travel and less Christmas parties will give us more room in our hearts and more time for Jesus to come in once again, to bring the light and love of God when we need them the most.

My Trinity friends, I give great credit to all of you for your adaptability and flexibility, for engaging with what we are offering, for learning the technology of Facebook and Zoom, for telling us you appreciate what we are doing ... and for not pressuring us to reopen the building! You are putting the greater good before your own needs and wishes. That is a true spirit of Love and for that, I thank you.
Advent is not necessarily a joyful time. It is a time of longing, of waiting, and of patience. We wait for God to fulfill God's promises, trusting that God will do so, not in our time, but in God's time. This year, we get to exercise our faith muscles as we try to live in that trust, and give all power and control to God. 
May the hope we have in Jesus guide you through every single day, calm your worried minds, comfort your grieving hearts, and give you joy. (Because that, after all, is what Christmas is about: finding all we need in Jesus.)
"May the light of love be shining deep within your spirit, 
May the torch of mercy clear the path and show the way,
May the horn of plenty sound so everyone can hear it,
May the light of love be with you every day." (Chris Roth)

Wishing you a meaningful Advent season,
Pastor Valeria
During the month of December Pastor Valeria will be leading worship from the Sanctuary.

Sunday, December 6: Second Sunday of Advent: "Peace," with Communion

Sunday, December 13: Third Sunday of Advent: "Joy," with a report about the Puerto Rico Mission Trip in February 2020

Sunday, December 20: Fourth Sunday of Advent "Love," with a virtual Christmas Program.

Sunday, December 27: "It's Still Christmas"
Every Sunday
Coffee Hour before worship
on Zoom @ 9:30am
Meeting ID: 861 4930 6259
Password: 201552
Meeting Link:
Please return by December 7th

A liturgical audit helps you reflect more deeply on each part of a worship service, and helps our Worship Team create a more meaningful experience for our congregation. Please use this audit for any of Trinity Church’s upcoming worship services or any worship service you may be attending at other churches over the next few weeks. 
Please send your responses to Noelle Dattilo, noelledion@msn.com, by Monday, December 7.
"You keep us waiting. You, the God of all time, want us to wait. For the right time in which to discover who we are, where we are to go, who will be with us, and what we must do. So thank you … for the waiting time.”
John Bell
We still have three Advent bags left. If you or someone you know would like one please contact Pastor Valeria.

The worship grant team has decided to bring the season of Advent home to you! While we cannot worship together in the sanctuary we are hoping to create a connection to each other through the beloved rituals and traditions of this special season. 
Packets will include a set of Advent candles, an Advent calendar with a thought for each day, and coloring pages for each Sunday.
This program is made possible through a Vital Worship Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, Michigan, with funds provided by Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Tuesday, December 1
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving (and after Black Friday and Cyber Monday) has been labeled "Giving Tuesday." People are encouraged to give to a charity of their choice. Have you considered making Trinity the recipient of your gift? Help us grow towards our mission, to fill our people with the love of God and share God's love in all the world! 

Or, if you are tired of giving and receiving Christmas gifts you truly do not need or want: instead, make a donation to Trinity Church in honor of a loved one, and give a gift that truly will keep on giving.  

Sunday, December 13 at 6:30pm on Zoom

Christmas can be a difficult time - especially this year as gatherings and celebrations will be quite different from what we are used to. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers! 
We invite you to a time of remembering and hope, and a virtual community on Zoom. We will light a candle for each person who passed away this past year. You are welcome to share the name of your family member, and a special memory about them, if you wish. We will pray for comfort and healing. 

Meeting ID: 847 2784 3370
Passcode: 708287
Dial by your location: +1 929 436 2866 US
Thursday, December 24 at 5pm in the parking lot.

We plan to celebrate Christmas Eve in the parking lot with a special worship service including Christmas carols, the story of the birth of Jesus, and a safe outdoor "candle lighting." Dress warm, bring a blanket and a flashlight or battery-operated candle and experience together how COVID tried to steal Christmas - but couldn't!
The PPRC (Pastor Parish Relations Committee) has been discussing a Covenant for Trinity Church. A Covenant is a promise you make to yourself, God and the Church. In these current times, with so much unrest in our country, and the separation and stress in our personal lives, we need to process the ways we communicate with each other.

In the coming weeks, we will be sharing some of the things that we feel are important to consider that will keep us a caring, loving church. We welcome questions or comments. Feel free to contact any member of the PPRC.

Barbara Baker, bakerb2939@gmail.com
Wade Robbins, schatze2512@yahoo.com
Please Return Your Pledge Cards

Holiday greetings from your Stewardship Team! We are so grateful for our Trinity family, and we are humbled by the generosity that you have shown in the midst of such challenging times! It is because of you that we will continue growing, serving, caring & loving in the name of Jesus! We pray that you know the impact that your giving has, and also that God rejoices in your selflessness! Thank you to all of those who have sent in their 2021 pledges, and to all of you who are praying for God to lead you as you consider giving to Trinity Church for the coming year!  

"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephania 3:17 

In Christ,
Rob Mulligan & Donna Miller
Stewardship Team
**The youth group is doing a fundraiser for missions post Covid by selling yard signs with the one candle image below**

Signs are $10 and can be ordered by clicking the link below or emailing Sherry at trinitycenorthboro@gmail.com
Orders will be accepted through 12/9
During the month of November we discussed Indigenous People and the Bible.

We continued to have work days to work on the new outdoor bulletin board! During our parking lot service the kids were finally able to reveal all of their hard work. 
Completed bulletin board unveiled at the parking lot service November 22nd.
Faith Foundations specially painted the back of the bulletin board.
In honor of Al's participation in the Four Flannels the backing of the bulletin board is covered in flannel. Larry pictured in his matching flannel shirt.
Thank you to Larry, Tom, Valeria, Dave, Donna, Kristine and Dan who all helped during various part of the building process.

The focus for Faith Foundations this month will be all about light and love and how we can spread joy and hope.

Our Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday, December 20th this year. The focus will be on wanting to spread joy and light and so we are switching things up a bit. I will be doing an interactive Zoom during our first Faith Foundation class in December to make faith altars at home and then they will be used by your family in conjunction with the Advent bags you received from Trinity. We need your family to record a piece of the liturgy being read. If you are willing to do this with your family please RSVP, ASAP :-) These recordings will be compiled in a pageant video and then the morning of the 20th music and readings will hopefully be live by the kids on Zoom (if you have a kid interested please let me know).
We are in need of teachers and assistant teachers. Sherry preps all the material and sends it to teachers to preview before Sunday. If you can help please email her at trinitycenorthboro@gmail.com. It is a wonderful way to spend some time with our youth and cultivate intergenerational relationships.
Youth Group
We had a fun fire pit and smore’s gathering during the month of November.
Our google calendar can now be found under the Youth tab on the Trinity website. We hope this makes it easier to sync with your personal calendar! https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=trinitycenorthboro@gmail.com&ctz=America/New_York
Upcoming Dates
We will now be meeting via zoom due to the cooler weather. This link will also be the one to use.

The zoom will begin at 11:05am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 7270 9342
Passcode: 780687

Sunday, December 20th, Christmas Pageant
Zoom Bible Study
Mondays @ 1pm
Want to connect with other Trinity people while we are self-isolating? Join us for an informal Bible study on Mondays at 1pm via Zoom. Each week we will select a chapter or passage of the Bible, and discuss what it means to us.

Jean Leif will be facilitating. Email her at jhleif@gmail.com (include your name) for log-on information.
Grief Support Group
If you or someone you know recently lost a loved one and is looking for a safe space to share your experiences with others, you are welcome to join our grief support group. The group now meets weekly on Zoom, every Thursday at 7 pm. For more information please contact Pastor Valeria at trinitypastorvaleria@gmail.com
Coffee or Tea with Pastor Valeria on Zoom
Wednesdays @ 9am
Chat with Pastor Valeria on Zoom, Wednesdays at 9am.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 033 518
Password: 569713

Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 954 033 518  

Emily is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at  trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com  or call her (508) 614-8989 during virtual office hours.
Saturday Breakfast Fellowship
The first and third Saturday @ 9am (Saturday, December 5th & 19th)
In December, we’ll have two Breakfast Fellowships, one on the 5th and one on the 19th.   

The Fellowship on December 5th will just be a fellowship gathering. This is an opportunity for us to stay connected on Zoom.

At our December 19th Breakfast Fellowship meeting, I want to talk about Christmas traditions. I’m sure each of us grew up with different traditions. Which of those do you still follow today?

I know we talked about Santa Claus last year and I’ve included a link to an article about Santa below. I’m also including other links which talk about the Santa tradition and similar traditions in other cultures around the world.

For more information or to add yourself to the Saturday Breakfast Fellowship email list, please contact Tom Danforth at tomdan4@gmail.com
Santa Claus

Santa Traditions Around the World

10 Different Versions of Santa Claus From Around the World

Here’s what Santa Claus looks like in 13 countries around the world
Winter Coat Drive
More Information: CLICK HERE

WAMS is partnering with The Boys & Girls Club of Worcester to purchase and collect 220 new winter coats for kids ages Pre-K to 18. Each fall, the Club sponsors a drive for NEW Winter Coats, understanding the impact that a new coat that fits properly and looks good can have on the kids' self confidence both inside and out. Trinity Church is supporting this project, and if you would like to donate a coat or make a cash donation, please click on the link above for more information, or contact Jean Leif at jhleif@gmail.com.
Trinity Church Book Discussion Group on Zoom
6-weeks starting Thursday, January 7th from 7-8pm

The Social Justice Team will be sponsoring a discussion of Waking Up White by best-selling author Debby Irving. In her book, she describes sensing racial tensions in her personal and professional relationships, and her journey from “white oblivion to white awareness”.  

The book may be purchased at Amazon or Thrift Books.

To join Trinity's Social Justice Team, or to hear more about our projects, contact Jean Leif, jhleif@gmail.com
Special Offering
Sunday, December 20th during worship

We have a special offering December 20th. This is our opportunity to support our retired ministers and missionaries who have served our United Church of Christ and American Baptist Churches over the years. We will be supporting supplemental pension and health benefits, emergency assistance and we will be giving a “Thank you” to those who have made it their life’s work to serve others.

Please write "Special offering" in the memo portion of your check or designate it when donating online.

Thank you. The Outreach Ministry Team
We Are Hiring!
We all have Holy Spirit infused gifts, given to us by God to help us serve those in need, and to show Jesus’s love in our world, and right now we are seeking anyone who want to use their gifts of compassion, empathy, servanthood, joy, encouragement, prayer and more to join our Pastoral Care team. Do you have the “gift of gab”? Perfect! 
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.” 1Peter 4:10 NIV
If you are thinking “This is a job for the more ‘feminine’ among us who are much more suited for this kind of stuff” (or anything along those lines), consider this: Has there been a time in your life when you were ill, or struggling in some way? Can you think of other people who encouraged you, lifted you up, or stood by you as you heal? Now can you imagine yourself coming alongside others that may be struggling, and sharing the love that Jesus put in your heart to help them on their journey? Love has no gender, and we know the impact that more diversity on our team can have.
On the Pastoral Care team, you will find a group of positive, encouraging, fun & dedicated people who share the desire to serve others in their time of need. From making visits (when acceptable to do so), to being a friendly voice on the phone, or writing encouraging and heartfelt notes, and delivering a thoughtful gift, our team seeks only to bring light & love to those in need, and to ensure that none of our family feel far from our collective Trinity heart.
We plan to broaden our reach in 2021 and we have faith that God is working in and through our Pastoral Care team to reach more people. We are ready for you to join us!
Please email Donna Miller at dmm4863@gmail.com (put “pastoral care” in the subject line), if you have questions and/or would like to join our awesome team!
Cookies for College Kids
Deliveries have started!

Pastoral Care has prepared the "Cookies for College Kids" goodie bags for delivery between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Thank you to everyone who sent donations to make these goodie bags possible.

In Christ,
Your Pastoral Care Team
Give to Trinity Church
These are challenging times for many. If you are not financially impacted by the current situation we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your support to Trinity Church, to make up for those who cannot meet their pledge, so we may continue to do God's work through Trinity Church. Thank you for your faithful, generous giving! 

Please make your checks payable and mail them to Trinity Church:
23 Main St
Northborough, MA 01532
You can also use “bill pay” and have your bank mail a check to us on a regular schedule set up by you, at no cost.
Did you know your shopping can earn Trinity money?
Shop at your convenience all year!   
Trinity Church is set up as a charity on iGive! Please consider downloading the app or shopping through the iGive site and a percentage of your purchase will be sent to Trinity Church! This does not cost you any extra money, the donation comes from the stores you already shop at.

Please consider shopping through iGive to help support Trinity.

You shop. Amazon gives.
  • Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
  • AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
  • Support Trinity Church by choosing it as your charitable organization at smile.amazon.com 
Mental Health:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text HOME to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI Central MA (Worcester): Phone: 508-368-3562 Email: namiworc@hotmail.com

NAMI Metrowest (Marlborough-Framingham): 
Help Line: 508 251 9595 Email: NAMIMetroWest@NAMIMetrowest.org Website: www.namimetrowest.org

Addiction/Substance Abuse Disorders:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline 1-800-662 HELP (4357)  www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline

The Mass Substance Use Helpline
Phone: 800-327-5050 Website: www.helplinema.org

Worcester Area Intergroup (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Phone: 508-752-9000 (24/7) Email: steps@aaworcester.org Website: www.aaworcester.org

Domestic Violence:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is offering assistance and safety planning 24/7
  • 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • TTY 1-800-787-3224 o If you’re unable to speak safely, you can chat online, or text LOVEIS to 22522

MA SafeLink MA Statewide Toll-Free Domestic Violence Hotline 1-877-785-2020  

Food Assistance:
Northborough Food Pantry 
Wednesdays 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Thursdays 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Phone: 508-393-6897 Email: info@nfpantry.org Website: www.nfpantry.org/nfp  
GSA Link
The Link that Connects

The GSA Link is a project connecting local GSA high school and middle students to collaborate, share ideas, and socialize in a SAFE space. LGBT and allied high school students are welcome.

Little Links K-5th Grade Virtual Link Up! www.facebook.com/events/1663328133841922

Middle School Virtual Link Up! www.facebook.com/events/1278622175669344

High School Virtual Link Up! www.facebook.com/events/930364390725387

For more information please contact:
Melissa at projectgsalink@gmail.com or 508-735-1267
Grotonwood and Oceanwood Camperships
Since overnight camps had to be canceled this summer, Central Association will offer a campership of $100 for each camper who registers for any of the fall or winter camps.

For more information please contact Susanne Fleming supergram777@aol.com
Watch Sunday's worship using the link below. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view this video!
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch a
selection of Pastor Valeria's sermons and our worship music.
Community Meal Take-Out

We have resurrected Community Meals but in a to-go manner and we need your help.   
We will be ordering $5 meals from local food establishments and distributing them to our community meals guests to-go, every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in the parking lot of Trinity Church. Various organizations have committed to monetary donations for these entrees. But, you can't have a meal without servers, water and dessert. We are looking for volunteers to sign up to donate a case of water or 2 dozen individually wrapped desserts and/or stand in the parking lot and deliver the meals to guests in their parked cars. All guidelines of social distancing will be observed. 
If you are interested in helping, please see the available opportunities and sign up here: 

To donate towards the purchase of meals, please make your checks out to "Helping Hands Association" with "Community Meal" on the memo line, and mail them to Northborough Helping Hands, P.O. Box 383, Northborough, 01532.  

Mindfulness Meditation with Sharon  Meets every Thursday, 1-1:40 pm, free. This meditation is audio only and participants are muted during the meditation portion. Everyone is welcome to join for some guided, some quiet and some reflection with Q & A and sharing. Email  skirby@natickma.org  to receive the Zoom link (different each week.)
Northborough Helping Hands Association Expresses Heartfelt Thanks!
Thank you to all who donated funds, gift cards, food, turkeys and coats to the Holiday Outreach program. On November 21st NHHA distributed 123 turkeys, with all the fixings along with 128 brand new coats for children in lieu of the annual gently used coat drive. Christmas came early for all our recipients in the form of small red envelopes with gift cards to grocery stores. Families received additional cards to purchase children’s toys and clothing thanks to the virtual Giving Tree contributions. We are grateful to all who played a part in Making Spirits Bright for our senior citizens and families this year!
Are you interested in being added to the online church directory?
Please use the instructions HERE to add yourself and your family to the Trinity Church online database.

If you need any assistance connecting to the online directory please contact the church office:
(508) 393-8156 or trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com
If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Valeria at the church office, 508-393-8156.
Deadline for January Tidings
Please be sure to have all your info for the January Tidings in to the church office by Sunday, December 27. Your help is appreciated!
23 Main Street
Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-8156

Virtual Office Hours :
Emily is working from home. Please email her or leave a message on Pastor Valeria's voicemail on the church phone. (Please note Fridays are Pastor Valeria's day off and she will not check her voicemail. In case of an emergency please listen to her voicemail message for her cell phone number.)

Monday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Tuesday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Wednesday: 9am - 10:30am & 2pm - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Friday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm

Rev. Valeria Schmidt, Sr. Minister

Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation

Trinity Church's mission is to fill its people with the love of God
and share God's love in all the world.