To advance understanding of the fundamental processes and mechanisms involved in
marine blowouts and their environmental consequences, ensuring that society is better prepared
to mitigate such future events.

February 3rd - 7th, 2020 | Tampa, FL
2020: A Milestone in Gulf of Mexico Research

February 16th - 21st, 2020 | San Diego, CA
"The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community {...} gather to raise awareness of the truly global dimension of the ocean, address environmental challenges, and set forth on a path towards a resilient planet."

May 11-14, 2020 | New Orleans, LA
"The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) provides a vital forum for professionals from the international response community, private sector, government, and non-governmental organizations to come together to tackle the greatest challenges facing us with sound science, practical innovation, social engineering and imagination."

Our 2 Book Series Highlighting Our Research over the Last 8+ Years!
Click on Book to Purchase!
This Two Volume Book series synthesizes oil spill science since  Deepwater Horizon . Overall, these 63 chapters are collaboratively authored by over 150 researchers representing academia, oil industry and government scientists as well as contractors.
Don't forget to check out our documentaries explaining the fallout, research, and expected recovery associated with the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

2020 GoMOSES Sessions
Sessions C-IMAGE will be Chairing and Co-Chairing!

Volunteering is also available!

02: The Deep Gulf of Mexico: Knowns and unknowns after the Deepwater Horizon spill
Isabel Romero, Arne Dierks, Patrick Schwing (University of South Florida)

03: Predicting MOSSFA Events During Future Oil Spills in Support of Emergency Response and NRDA: New tools and new strategies in the assessment and forecasting of MOSSFA
David Hollander (University of South Florida), Adrian Burd (University of Georgia), Antonietta Quigg (Texas A&M University-Galveston)

05: Modeling for Synthesis – Integrated assessment of ocean environment, ecosystems, human health, and socio-economics
Helena Solo-Gabriele (University of Miami), Cameron Ainsworth (University of South Florida), Cecilie Mauritzen (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)

07: Taking Stock: Capacity building and the successes of advanced academic scholarship, professional training, and interdisciplinary mentoring through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Sherryl Gilbert and David Hollander (University of South Florida), Katie Fillingham (Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative)

08: To Disperse or Not to Disperse? That is the question
Steven Murawski (University of South Florida), Joseph Katz (Johns Hopkins University), Thomas Coolbaugh (Exxon Mobil Corporation)

09: Biogeochemical Tracers in Oil Spill Science: Advances, lessons learned, and future directions
Will Patterson (University of Florida), Jeff Chanton (Florida State University)

10: Large Marine Vertebrates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ten Years After the Spill: New findings, synergies, collaborations, and opportunities
Pamela Michael (Clemson University), Kaitlin Frasier (University of California San Diego), Nathan Putman (LGL Ecological Research Associates)

21: On the Resiliency of Living Marine Resources to Gulf Oil Spills
Steven Murawski (University of South Florida), Samantha Joye (University of Georgia), Tracey Sutton (Nova Southeastern University)

22: Microbial Genomics to Improve Predictive Understanding of Disturbance in the Global Ocean System
Joel Kostka and Kostas Konstantinidis (Georgia Institute of Technology), Samantha Joye (University of Georgia), Rita Colwell (Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative)
"This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative/C- IMAGE III. Data are publicly available through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information & Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) at (doi: [, , ,…]).” "
<>   <jboczar@usf.efu>
Contact Jason Boczar and/or Carla Fotherby with any data management questions.
October 9-11, 2019 | Washington, D.C.
Data analyses for the Benthic Ecotype was reviewed with Dr. Patrick Schwing.
How did the animals living in the deep ocean respond to Deepwater Horizon ? Dr. Tracey Sutton shared with us!
There are multiple stessors to the continental shelf communities. We were untangling the oil spill effects while listening to Dr. Will Patterson at the Core 3 Synthesis Workshop.
DEEPEND joined us at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C in October for
 "Expert Is In"!
October 27th - November 1st | Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Dispatches from the Gulf III was screened at the RAUGM meeting in Mexico!
"Deep sea oil spills: Facing the future"
C-IMAGE hosted a booth at the meeting!
C-IMAGE was at the RAUGM meeting in Puerto Vallarta, MX talking about ecosystem resiliency in the Gulf.
 Congratulations to our giveaway winners!

Luis Jose Melendez Avvizo, Fernando Jose Bello,
and Brianda Soto.

Our 2 book series was gifted to these lucky attendees!

Study Assessed Aging Oil Spill Material on the Seafloor and Found Recovery
Assessing the seafloor was no easy task - but scientists were able to observe the current conditions of contaminated sediments between three oil-impacted sites and track ecosystem recovery in the Gulf of Mexico, following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.
The Gulf of Mexico as seen from inside the vessel Endeavor during a research cruise.
Photo by Kelsey Rogers, 2013
Gulf of Mexico Tilefish: Recent Checkup Shows Compromised Health Since Historic Oil Spill
"The USF CMS has been leading a large consortium of scientists studying the widespread impacts of the historic Deepwater Horizon oil spill since the well blew in 2010, and the latest results pertaining to tilefish are alarming, said lead author  Susan Snyder  who is pursuing her doctoral degree. Snyder led a six-year effort to sample tilefish in the northern Gulf of Mexico from nine areas close to the spill, from 2012 to 2017..."

It was exciting to have a PBS team interview Dr. Steve Murawski and Dr. David Hollander from C-IMAGE for their production of  CHANGING SEAS , which features the story of what’s happened since the historic Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill nearly 10 years ago.

Steven Murawski discussed the two-book series "Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War" at Tampa Bay's Festival of Reading on November 9th!

Deep Oil Spills: Facts, Fate, and Effects and Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War , summarized research efforts over the past decade to better understand, prevent and respond to future oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere around the globe.

C-IMAGE was at TUHH Hamburg for the 3rd High Pressure Symposium learning about important developments in deep ocean environments!
Celebrating 10 years of international research with our colleagues at TUHH, GoMRI,
San Francisco, CA
A Story Collider was hosted on December 12th.
Speakers included Mr. Simeon Pesch, Dr. Mandy Joye, and more!
"True, personal stories about science"
December 12th | San Fransisco, CA
"Science surrounds us and we all have a story to tell about how science has affected us in one way or another. An evening of true, personal stories about Earth and space science. These are science stories, not science lectures..."