Wellness Newsletter
December 2021
Monthly News and Updates from the Wellness Program
Gratitude and Appreciation for this Holiday Season
While the pandemic has continued to disrupt every aspect of our lives, there is still so much for all of us to be grateful for. Consider identifying at least three things you appreciate, or are grateful for, right now. Research strongly supports this type of positive orientation as a support mechanism to help make any day be your best day!
Prepare for January by Registering for Programs
Each year, the CWRU Wellness Program offers 60+ different programs to meet the health and well-being needs of benefits-eligible faculty and staff. In January, the following programs will launch and registration is now available.
Wellness Programs
Release, Relax and Reach

Join Heidi Weiker, MSSA to develop a brighter and healthier sense of well-being in the new year. Each participant will create personalized best practices to manage stress and struggles in their life.
Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm
Jan. 11 - March 1, 2022
No Sugar Sign 3D Rendering
Sugar Fix

Join Lindsay Malone, MS, RD, CSO, LD in this 8-week program to get sugar out of your diet and take control of your health. The program will begin with participants watching the movie "Fed Up".
Wednesdays from 12-1 pm
Jan. 12 - March 2, 2022
Prevent T2 Program

Join Dept. of Nutrition faculty in this year-long program which encourages participants to make healthy lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes. Information session offered on Wed. Jan. 5th from 12-1 pm. Program offered weekly beginning Jan. 12, 2022. Register for the Info. Session today!
Join in the Community Conversation this Month
Join the Wellness Team as we focus our discussion on the powerful effects of gratitude and appreciation. Build connections with other faculty and staff from our campus during this event.

December Community Conversation
Wed. December 15th from 3-3:45 pm
Reflection Point Groups Return in January
Faculty and staff are invited to join one of two Reflection Point groups (formerly Books@Work) on Wednesdays and Thursdays this winter. Over the course of 12 weeks, the groups will be led by a CWRU professor through discussions of three different books. Consistently one of the most popular programs offered through the Wellness Program, spaces will fill quickly for this series.

Reflection Point
Wednesdays at Noon from January 19 - April 6, 2022
Thursdays at Noon from January 20 - April 7, 2022
Both Sessions will be offered via Zoom

Participants must commit to attending at least 10 of the 12 sessions to be placed on the roster. Preference will be given to those who have not yet participated in the last year.
Contact Elizabeth Click (erc10@case.edu) to be placed on the roster.
Walktober Wrap Up
In October, 512 faculty and staff began the 31-day Walktober challenge. During the month, program participants increased the number of days that they were physically active and reported having more energy to do the things they enjoy. Participating on a team, with a friend, and using the mobile app were associated with a higher likelihood of program completion. The top three teams, who won an on-campus lunch for all, included: Reigning Runners Up, PsychWalkers, and MAD Walkers. In addition, 25 people who completed the program were randomly selected to receive CWRU knit hats! Congratulations to all!
Small Tweaks for Holiday Dishes
Our partners at WW have a few ideas on how to make some healthy changes to a few holiday favorites. Perhaps, a swap or two will help you stay on track with healthy eating!
1.    How about Green Beans with Mushrooms instead of Green Bean Casserole
2.    Or try Sweet Potato Stacks instead of Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallows
Remember the the 50% WW subsidy is available to all benefits-eligible faculty and staff. Learn more!
Well-being Tips for Managers & Supervisors
Are you working as a manager or supervisor at the university? If you answered "yes" to that question, please know that your role has never been as important as it is than right now. Stress and burnout have been widespread concerns throughout the pandemic. Your support and encouragement can make a positive difference in the lives of those that work for you. Consider these actions:

Establish healthy work boundaries - working long hours, outside of our general 8:30-5 pm schedule, may contribute to your burnout and sends the message to your staff that you expect the same work schedule from them. Be as productive as possible during the work day and establish a hard stop in the evening to rest, relax and enjoy the rest of your day.

Encourage regular breaks - taking a lunch break, and eating nutritious foods to fuel your body, encourages good health and is a key step in maintaining energy and do good work throughout the day. Also consider brief, mini-breaks throughout the day to move and stretch your body.

Lead by example - prioritize your own self-care and consider sharing your journey with others. When managers communicate how they are addressing their own health and well-being, they may encourage others to do the same.

CWRU Wellness
Elizabeth Click, Medical Director - erc10@case.edu