Laws for Paws e-Newsletter
December 2021
Our accomplishments make the Holidays purr-fect for the animals.

We are very proud of the victories we have accomplished for the animals in 2021 and we owe it to the generous support of our incredibly compassionate donors.

Shockingly USDA Attempts to Stifle the Alliance
Head of Enforcement of the federal Animal Welfare Act Requested USDA’s Chief Security Officer to Silence the Alliance
On July 10, 2019, the Alliance emailed all USDA Animal Care Inspectors, including senior staff, pointing out that the inspectors were violating federal law by falsifying inspection reports of animal facilities. At the time, USDA was documenting many violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) on a separate form while conducting inspections and not citing them on the official inspection report of the animal facility. The inspectors would then state on the official inspection report that “no non-compliant items were discovered during this inspection.” We pointed out in our emails to the inspectors that doing so is a federal offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

USDA quickly changed this procedure after our emails to the inspectors and staff but only slightly by varying the wording on the inspection report so that it currently states, “no non-compliant items documented on the inspection report.” The current process, however, is still illegal as federal law is clear that “misleading” statements on federal documents and the “concealing of material facts” on such documents are also a violation of federal law.

Two years later, due to records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, we learn that Dr. Goldentyer did not take kindly to the Alliance emailing its inspectors and warning them that they were violating federal law. Instead of effectively addressing our concerns, Dr. Goldentyer changed the email addresses of leadership at USDA and sent inspectors and other employees instructions on how to block emails from the Alliance.    

Two months later, the Alliance again emailed all USDA inspectors sending them a link to a Washington Post article exposing the failure of USDA to effectively enforce the AWA. This second email caused great consternation to Dr. Goldentyer as she lamented to her supervisor at the time, that she had changed email addresses and other addresses were blocked but “Ugh – after we changed the group names and blocked the sender” the Alliance still successfully emailed staff and inspectors - pointing out USDA’s malfeasance.     

Sadly, rather than addressing the legitimate and serious concerns that the Alliance expressed in these mailings, Dr. Goldentyer reached out to USDA’s Chief Security Officer complaining that the Alliance was still successful in contacting staff despite her efforts to block emails from the Alliance and even after changing email addresses.
Regrettably, while animals suffer, USDA focuses on censoring the Alliance

USDA’s Chief Security Officer also expressed frustration over the Alliance’s emails and responded to Dr. Goldentyer explaining that he did not have the capability of stopping emails from the Alliance but “I have cc: my staff who will see what OCIO [Office of the Chief Information Officer] can do at the email server to help with this issue.”

Fortunately, OCIO has not been successful either as the Alliance continues to successfully email USDA staff and will continue to do so until the USDA complies with federal law and enforces the AWA.  

It is shameful that USDA is intentionally ignoring animal suffering and absolutely scandalous that USDA is performing illegal actions to aid and abet inhumane puppy mills and other cruel animal facilities in non-compliance with the AWA. 

And just when you thought the Agency could not go any lower, we discover that USDA has been attempting to silence its critics and not allow its staff to read of legitimate concerns from public interest groups such as the Alliance. 

Please let Secretary Tom Vilsack know how you feel about the USDA censoring animal welfare advocates.
Missouri Legislature Pre-Filing Bills for 2022 Legislative Session
The 2022 Legislative Session commences on January 5, 2022, and state legislators have already started to pre-file bills for the upcoming legislative session.

Currently, there have been over 345 bills filed in the Senate and over 504 bills filed in the House of Representatives.

You can be assured that the Alliance will be working diligently with our state legislators to advance pro-animal bills and defeat all of the harmful animal bills. We will keep you updated on all of the animal legislation.

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The Fight Against Puppy Mills Gets Air Time
Our Executive Director, Bob Baker, and Board Member, Debbie Hill, were interviewed on NPR's St. Louis on the Air regarding their success in the fight against cruel puppy mills. It is most certainly worth a listen!
Congrats to Cici, our 2022 Face of the Alliance!
Remember the Alliance in Your Estate Planning
Leaving money to the Alliance through your will or trust is a profound way to create a legacy of compassion and ensure positive change for animals. An even easier way is to name the Alliance as the beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan. In any event, we are grateful to be considered as a beneficiary of your overall estate plans. Want to learn more? Email us!

If you find yourself in a situation where you question the treatment of an animal, or the conditions, or maybe you're wondering about helping wildlife or assisting in a rescue, or you have witnessed something that needs to be reported - go to our website because chances are you will find a number and/or a link that can help address it.

A Great Way to Support the Alliance
With so many people shopping online these days, you can now support the Alliance each time you make a purchase on Amazon. Click here or on the icon. Once you've identified "Missouri Alliance for Animals" as your charitable organization of choice, a portion of your purchase will be donated by Amazon to the Alliance each time you shop on Amazon! What a great way to contribute!