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We all have our rituals when winter arrives! Maybe it's stocking up on hot cocoa and graham crackers, or dusting off the ol' snow shovel. But you can also use rituals to practice being healthy and happy. This month, take Just One Step to create a winter wellness ritual that will help keep you feeling great!

Your One Step This Month:

Create a Winter Wellness Ritual!

The reason a ritual is such a powerful thing is that it puts your values into action. A wellness ritual is a way to turn goals into habits and help you carve out time to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

A ritual can also help you overcome unhealthy habits that are working against your goals. You may know that eating poorly and a lack of exercise can have a negative effect on your mood, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to change. Creating a good wellness ritual, however, is a great way to start changing those habits.

What you include in your winter wellness ritual will depend on your own needs and goals. But here are a few ideas to help you get started!

Move your body.

Maybe it’s an old hibernation instinct, but for a many of us winter seems like the perfect time to settle in on the couch and catch up on Netflix. And hey, we’ve got nothing against a good streaming binge, but it’s important to make sure you keep moving. As part of your winter wellness rituals, try to include breaks throughout the day to move your body, stretch and breathe deeply.

Start your day with gratitude.

Did you know that simply taking the time to express gratitude can improve sleep, mood and immunity? That sounds like three great reasons to make it a part of your winter wellness ritual. Try starting each day by writing down or saying aloud three things you feel grateful for.

Cook with seasonal winter produce.

The winter season doesn’t mean the end of fresh fruit and vegetables! Whether you’re shopping at a winter famer’s market or your local grocery store, you can find all kinds of delicious in-season produce to create fresh, healthy meals to keep your body well nourished.

Quiet Your Mind

Winter is also a good time to turn inward and take stock. Your wellness ritual might include practices like journaling, mini-meditations or positive affirmation cards as tools to help you quiet your mind and tune in to your body and mood. (The cold weather is also a perfect excuse for a calming Epsom salt bath or doing your meditations by a warm, crackling fire!)

Beating Holiday Stress

Did you know that your wellness benefits include access to health and wellness webinars through the Perspectives Employee Assistance Program? This month, Perspectives is offering a webinar on beating holiday stress. In this session you’ll explore pressures and stressors unique to the season, learn to identify reactions to stress (along with your personal warning signs) and discover practice suggestions for a healthy approach to the holiday season. 

To find this resource and more, log in anytime at

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THG, HC+M, Envita & HES

Access code: THG500

Password: perspectives


Access code: MON501

Password: perspectives

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Healthier Hot Chocolate

Who doesn’t like a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night? Try this simple recipe for a lighter take on this delicious hot drink.


  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract and/or peppermint extract
  • Pinch of salt



Combine ingredients into a small pot over medium heat. Stir frequently, whisking away any lumps that form in the cocoa powder. Continue stirring until mixture is blended, smooth and hot.


Pour your hot cocoa into a mug and garnish with a dollop of light whip cream or dark chocolate shavings. Sip and enjoy!