Volume 57 | September 2019
Declines Happen, Even to Us!
It doesn’t happen very often to our offices, but it does happen a few times a year and it is extremely frustrating when considering everything we disclose and explain upfront to avoid this exact situation. When we receive an actual decline it’s typically due to an interpretation or misunderstanding of an approver. Lender’s don’t see surprises such as bankruptcies, short sales or horrible credit scores from our applications, that’s our job to .... READ MORE

The official BikeMS ride in New Bern was cancelled due to Hurricane Dorian but did that stop the team? No! On our own we went out and completed a ride for MS this past weekend. Thanks to our wonderful supporters Steve raised over $2,800.00 and the team has raised $34,700 so far!!! This money will go a long way to help with MS research and hopefully make life a little easier for those who suffer from MS.

Link to my donation page, CLICK HERE PLEASE
Is your local BBA chapter receiving the valuable free IBBA information each month? If not, you should be. Contact us today to be sure your group is included in the monthly IBBA Affiliate council call.
NOTE: You do NOT need to be an IBBA member to attend!

94% closure rates
3 days to a yes or no answer
Just give us a try?

Building Broker Success Since 1996

Phone: 888.238.0952


For anyone involved in a local brokers association, I am sharing the ways our local chapter grew by over 23% during 2018. We've hit record numbers of members, sponsors and attendees this year and I want to help your chapter grow too.

I am currently offering 5 different broker workshops for 2019 as I travel travel around the country visiting other chapters.

To learn more about my workshops or to just see how we grew our chapter, contact me directly at Stevem@EasySBA.com and I'll be happy to share.

Did you miss a Diamond Financial newsletter?

 Click below to view our archives and catch up on all the important SBA updates you've missed.
Are you affiliated with your local BBA organization?
Now is the BEST time to join or recommit to these organizations 
and here's why.

1) The industry forecast shows all positive
2) The sharing of information is at an all time high
3) Lender participation is up (meet them locally)
4) Ongoing training and education

If these aren't enough reasons to join today, visit your local chapter and learn more.
Diamond Financial has always been an active member of the CVBBA and wants you to know the benefits that members enjoy daily. The value could be thousands of dollars so we encourage every broker to explore and take advantage of them.
Diamond Financial Services
Come join us in changing the world!
Did you know that a portion of each dollar Diamond Financial Services collects is donated to one of our supported charities?  Visit our  Change page  and learn how Diamond Financial Services is helping to change the world and how you can too! 

Giving back has been in our budget since 1996 and we hope it's in yours too. 

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Mahatma Gandhi