Decorating for the Holidays
Too soon to be thinking about the holidays? They will be here before we know it. And given how stressed and exhausted the world is with 2020...perhaps this newsletter can give you a little hope. Ideas for decorating using color and the five elements and a terrific article by Angela Vernola about how to make the most of your holidays even when you just aren't feelin' it. We think everyone will find something they can relate to - using Feng Shui and some simple tips and ideas - to get through the holidays season with your sanity and a positive shift in your energy for 2021.
Selecting Colors for your Holiday Decor
From Shelley Nordlund, traditional colors for the holidays may bring up feelings of anger and frustration, or even depression. Let’s think about using some alternatives to the “traditional” colors; you can always celebrate using colors that better match your temperament, or the nature of those with whom you’ll celebrate these days. There are no hard or fast rules.
Holiday Feng Shui
From Peggy Cross, Whichever holiday(s) you celebrate, the décor that you add to your homes is a Feng Shui enhancement. Impossible you say – I don’t have any of that in my house. Well, yes you do. Feng Shui is about energy – therefore, the lights, trees, decorations, symbols and color are additional energy, or chi, that we add to our lives. Learn how the five elements can enhance your holiday decorating.
Decorating for the Holidays - Shifting Perspective and Leaning In
From Angela Vernola, Before pulling out your box of decorations, create a space for yourself that feels sacred. Set yourself up for success. Help yourself tune into the present moment. Breathe. It’s important for us to ground ourselves before doing this to anchor our own energy into the here and now. Objects from the past can pull you backwards, and if not careful, send you into a tailspin. (And for some, the tailspin happens just at the thought of taking the box out, and, that’s OKAY.) 
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