Edition August 2020
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At Deep Seed Solutions, we had another month of hard work together with our customers and we are very happy to see in practice the digital transformation reflected in returns of millions of dollars in the bottom line of capital projects.
In this edition, we will share with you some results related to the growth of Deep Seed, our initiatives for low carbon economy and some outstanding news related to digital transformation in the oil and gas industry.
Good reading!
Deep Seed Solutions’ Talent Pool!
Skilled and visionary professionals are the key elements for the development of technologies with a high potential for impact on the well-being of society. Based on this vision and moving forward to support our organic growth, we created a Talent Pool, focused on Software and Digital Technology Development, in the beginning of the month.

The intention of this campaign is attracting professionals with the profile, skills and determination to collaborate with the digital transformation in the Oil and Gas industry and face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
FLOCO: over 100.000 items in Database!
Recently the cloud database of FLOCO® broke the line of 100 000 items, achieved through a structured discipline of cost engineering, based on a constant research of data in both public and proprietary domains, seasonal market surveys and modeling of cost metrics. These three approaches have led to a database with outstanding accuracy for FEL-1 and FEL-2, carefully calibrated with dozens of pilot projects performed with leading oil companies and engineering contractors worldwide.

On a Cost Engineering perspective, the Deep Seed Solutions team has created specific cost models for equipment and systems, allowing the projection to different project envelopes, addressing both field proven and state of the art technologies for Wells, Subsea and Production unit facilities. Each item in database has its technical attributes, specifications, technological maturity levels and follows API RP 17N, allowing also to test new technologies, into FLOCO’s environment.
Carbon Footprint analysis in FLOCO!
As the importance of environmental impact grows up, and confirms its criticality for industry sustainability, E&P companies are increasingly considering applying a cost to their future CO2 emissions to factor this into projects economics. Aiming to support our clients on this mission, we are working on the last details to launch a module dedicated to this subject, into FLOCO, facilitating not only the analysis of scenarios, but also the decision-making process, during the conceptual phase of the project.

This tool allows Carbon Footprint estimates for each one of the several conceptual engineering alternatives generated by the system, through a calculation approach, based on the “API Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimation Methodologies for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry” (referred as the API Compendium), that represents a compilation of commonly used GHG emission estimation methodologies.
Deep Seed Solutions' Tailor Made Projects!
With the purpose of accelerating the digital transformation and making people’s lives easier, we develop world-class digital technologies by applying best practices in project management and software development applied to complex engineering processes.

The development of our products follows a strict quality assurance process and bring together all the expertise of Deep Seed Solutions’ team of specialists, in disciplines such as Reservoir, Wells, Subsea, Flow Assurance, Topside Facilities, Production Unit and Project Finance. By doing that, we deliver products with a seamless integration of highly complex disciplines and ensure the best user experience in complex applications for the O&G industry!
Oil and Gas News!
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) innovates with a cloud environment to process pre-salt reservoir data
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) begins to adopt a cloud environment for storage and remote processing of data from oil and gas reservoirs currently under Federal Government''s participation.

The company has just signed a contract with Schlumberger for an enterprise-wide adoption of the DELFI cognitive E&P environment which will provide PPSA with access to the Petrel E&P software platform and additional petrophysics and reservoir engineering software applications.
The digital imperative for GCC oil and gas companies
National oil companies (NOCs) need to adopt an accelerated and holistic approach to digital transformation to retain their advantage, say Anil Pandey, partner at Strategy& Middle East, and David Branson, senior executive advisor at Strategy& Germany.

The dual shock of the COVID-19 pandemic and a sharp decline in oil prices has created significant challenges for oil companies worldwide. As a result, some may be tempted to stop their investments in digitising their operations. For most companies, however, the case for investing in digital is as strong as ever. Despite the ongoing energy transition, oil will remain an important part of the energy mix for the foreseeable future. The national oil companies (NOCs) of the GCC are well-placed given their low costs of production. However, they too need to transform their business to reinforce their natural cost advantage, boost efficiency and remain competitive and resilient to demand and price shocks. Digital transformation is a critical element in this respect.
There may be no better time to "go digital"
Digitalization has been a goal companies in the oil and gas industry have been inching toward for years, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic may serve to advance that goal at a much faster pace than previously expected.

Before the pandemic forced companies to rapidly accelerate their digital transformation efforts, many digitalization use cases were purely hypothetical. Now, according to panelists participating in a recent Downstream Virtual Conference and Exhibition webinar, those use cases have been put to the test. For example, companies were tasked with setting up the infrastructure for having a large portion of their workforce work remotely -- a change no company could have anticipated even just a year ago.

"Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, I'm not sure we had the capability to adjust the way we were working in such a rapid way," said Mark Wyszynski, senior IT advisor to projects and engineering at Shell. "But we did have the ability to respond to the changing circumstances. In returning to sites and starting projects back up, we had the ability to install infrared cameras to measure people's temperatures, and we could tell where crowds were gathering because of transportation issues.
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