In its Newsletter published on November 2nd, the giant ExxonMobil presented, on a general perspective, the medium-term plans for Brazil. The company highlighted its tremendous progress in acquiring new blocks in the Brazilian basins along the last months.
According to the article, the Company’s interests have increased from just two offshore blocks in September 2017 to the current 26 deepwater blocks across five basins.
This breakthrough reflects objectively the changes in the sector regulation and the active agenda of new Bidding Rounds by the National, Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP). “In fact, with more than 2 million net acres, ExxonMobil now holds more net exploration acreage offshore Brazil than any other international company”. “Beyond that, ExxonMobil expects to begin exploration drilling on the blocks it operates by 2020 and eventually hopes to realize the full value potential of these world-class opportunities…”, it’s referenced in the Company’s article.