Deepest and Darkest
May 14, 2018
What's the darkest place you've ever been in?  For pilot Jeremiah Diedrich, it's the southern edge of the western Amazon region of Brazil.
"It's the deepest, darkest, hardest to reach place in that whole big jungle," he says. 
And he should know. He's served as an airplane pilot there for several years already.  But the twenty-some people groups still needing the Gospel don't have airstrips.  And new ones are becoming impossible to build.  So the airplane is less and less useful as a tool to reach into isolated places.
A helicopter, though, can go almost anywhere!
So Jeremiah, now a certified helicopter instructor with Ethnos360 Aviation, is preparing to return to the region later this year, along with his family.
Jeremiah (2nd from left) with fellow helicopter pilots doing advanced training at Ethnos360 Aviation.
But there's one problem. He doesn't have a helicopter.
Ethnos360 Aviation is trusting God to provide a Robinson R66 helicopter that Jeremiah and his future teammates can fly in Brazil. It's a leap of faith, but we know that God will work through His people to provide for His work to be accomplished.
It's about so much more than finances, though. This project is doomed without prayer. The hurdles are monumental. So above all, please pray. And let us know you are doing just that.
But maybe you also have resources to help provide this helicopter for Brazil. Maybe you have a heart to reach these hidden and lost people groups. Here is your opportunity!
Click here to explore the ways to help get an R66 helicopter serving in Brazil.
Together, let's see God provide!
On behalf of the Ethnos360 Aviation team,  
Phil Koop, Executive Director
NTM Aviation phone:  520-642-9280
Office hours:  M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Arizona time
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