With summer officially just around the corner, activities in the township's parks are shifting into high gear with children's camps, family movies and our annual concert series. At the same time, our staff is looking farther ahead to make sure that programming and operations for the six parks and more than 450 acres of trails and recreational facilities maintained by the township continue to meet the needs of our community for years to come.
Recently, the township launched efforts that will result in the creation of a Comprehensive Master Plan for our parks. We're beginning this process with an audit of our current facilities and small-group interviews with residents. While we're still in the early stages of this process, we need your help to make sure the vision of the entire community is represented.
There are several ways you can share personal feedback about our parks and what's important to you:
Focus Groups
Join an informal conversation at one of our six focus groups. Focus groups will take place on June 5 and 6 at the township's Administration Offices. Space is limited, so advance registration by Monday, June 4, is required.
Visit our website for details or to register.
Community Visioning Workshops
Mark your calendar now for the first of four community-wide workshops. Participants will discuss ideas, ask questions and break into small groups where we'll dig deeper into plan goals.
Wednesday, June 27
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Columbia Intermediate School Cafeteria
Three additional workshops are planned in September, October and November. View the entire schedule
on our website.
Later this summer, we'll share details about an online survey in which you can share feedback about our parks.
The township is committed to providing high quality recreational activities for the entire Deerfield community. We hope you'll get involved and help us shape the future of our parks!