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24th October 2023

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News and comment from

Roy Lilley

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I think it is fair to say this once great nation of ours is in a mess.

An ageing population… that politicians won’t recognise or make provision for.

A global shortage of healthcare professionals… that politicians ignore.

Crumbling infrastructure… politicians didn’t repair.

Industrial relations... neglected by politicians.

Climate change, public-debt, law and order, global population movements, wars, all of it overwhelming political leaders who have no experience and no idea how to resolve any of it.

Amongst the public, a growing sense of unease, decline in trusts and an exasperation with the whole fumbling, stumbling shebang.

Management by headlines. Deflecting attention. 

Like focussing the nation on the meaning of the word ‘jihad’ (it actually means struggle) or sending threatening letters to experienced, NHS leaders, for a cheap headline.

Anything, rather than get on with the real challenges. Micro-managing is so much easier than governing...

  • Identify what’s wrong,
  • work out why,
  • explain it to the public,
  • decide on a course of action
  • and deliver it.

How hard can that be?

Making long-term policies for the future. No chance. What's done today is concerned only with the headlines for tomorrow. 

Policy choices and trade-offs between the short-term and the long-run.

These are called inter-temporal choices. The choices we make, having a consequence for the future. 

A parliament can’t last longer than 5 years… if it can’t be done and fixed in the short-term, it doesn’t get done.

Timing has a huge role to play in policy making. 

Add to this, the toxic and unparalleled power that prime ministers have, to restructure departments of state and choose who will run them.

That's how you end up with a cost-driven, chumocracy.

Blair established three new departments. I seem to remember Gordon Brown rearranging five departments. David Cameron allowed Lansley’s lunacy to cripple the NHS. 

After the 2016 EU referendum, May announced two new departments. Plus, the merger of the energy and climate change and business departments.

Impact assessments, biz-cases, consultation, research, scoping… naaa! 

The bigger the department the more difficult it is to focus on lower priority issues. Time-bombs, ticking away, that eventually explode. RAAC and wage restraint, for example.

Who runs the departments?

In recent years blind loyalty seems the only qualification. 

The manoeuvres in the Labour Party, ousting Corbyn, leaving a Labour front-bench of ‘Starmer loyalists’, few of whom have any qualifications or experience for running leviathan departments of state.

The Conservatives have ricocheted through leaders and strained the concept of loyalty to beyond all known elastic limits. 

Plato argued that democracy meant ‘rule by the ignorant’ or worse; ‘rule by the charlatans that the ignorant people fall for’. Ouch! 

Trump, Brexit, Hungary, Turkey, Johnson… you be the judge.

Harsh? Well, elections don’t discriminate on the grounds of lack of knowledge or experience and are likely to amplify our prejudices and play to them. 

Hence the popularity of populism at the polls… so to speak.

An alternative is described by David Runciman in his book, ‘How Democracy Ends’. It’s called 'epistocracy'… rule by ‘the knowers’. 

We are where we are because of the colossal failure, not of democracy, or politics, but by politicians.

In the US there are over 300m Americans who could become president but it looks like it will come down to a choice between a charlatan or the senile. 

Here, the Tories have little prospect of a win and Starmer will arrive, unprepared, untested and under the impression that not being a Tory is enough. It’s not.

His team of novices can’t be worse than what we’ve got? 

Don’t be so sure.

Silly-Boy Streeting has waged war on GP partners, insulted managers, is hell-bent on reorganising the NHS, all funded by taxation changes that are a mirage. 

Expect five years of chaos.

Time for epistocracy? NHS England are the ‘knowers’ and they're an independent, arms length body. 

Is it time for independence in action? Time for the knowers to step forward.

Service leaders to agree and decide, independently and coalesce around what needs to be done and how to do it. 

Take it out of the hands of the meddlers, amateurs and silly-people.

It's time for the service to agree, amongst itself, a Plan for the NHS. Recovery, when, how and what it will cost.

Realistic expectations and performance measured and delivered.

Previous policies have all-but destroyed the NHS, its structures, its morale and ability to respond.

Politicians have served it badly and there is no indication the current crop will do anything but make things worse. 

Tell the political parties and show the public;

'... this is our NHS plan, this is what we promise to do for you. Our commitment to get the NHS back on its feet, back to where it belongs, so back it and back us’.... 

… and for us all, to vote for the party pledged to deliver it. 

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Dr Paul Lambden

Baker's Cyst

'...nothing to do with baking, but was named after the British surgeon, Dr William Baker, who identified it...'

News and Other Stuff


>> NHS hospital asks visitors to wear masks - after 'significant' rise in Covid cases.

>> NHS staff will be given 'safe space' to discuss mistakes without fear of reprisal - Evidence given to investigation unit which is already considering Lucy Letby case will not be handed over to police, coroner or GMC unless High Court says it must... so it's not such a safe space, after all?

>> More than 31,000 additional staff have been recruited into healthcare roles at general practices across the country since 2019 - I make that 0.96% of a peerson per practice. I wonder how many have left! This is a joke isn't it?

>> Reliance on private hospitals - being ‘hard wired’ into NHS elective care.

>> Devon hospital with £300,000 bills - faces demolition

Guest Editorial

'NHS administrators are predominantly the first point of contact for a patient with their healthcare provider,

meaning it’s these

individuals bearing the brunt of this fear and frustration.'

Prof Brian Edwards

... latest coverage from the

Covid Inquiry

The Scientists

'A crucial question was whether,” if the virus was aggressively suppressed and R pushed below 1 it would reemerge later like a coiled spring in a vicious and overwhelming second wave

The Fab Awards are back - in person! The first face-to-face since covid.

Get involved... sponsor an award, here are the categories

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And a big thank you to our latest sponsors!

Our friend Fr Luke, the former NHS nurse, has asked me to update you on how your donations are being used to support the refugees in Rhodes. The situation has worsened (due to instability in the Middle East and the current conflict), with many refugee families with young children living in a park in the centre of Rhodes City.

More here....

And, a special thank you to the very kind people who made a donation yesterday.

5th Edition

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Learn how to navigate the bullies, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad. With example dialogue and techniques, it will help you navigate tricky situations and keep your cool.

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This is what I'm hearing, unless you know different. In which case, tell me, in confidence.


>> I'm hearing - the boss of the newly independent Health Services Safety Investigation Branch, Rosie Bennyworth, on her first outing made a speech that called into question finance directors' commitment to safety... implying they put £ before people. Very stupid move... the roof's come in on her. No sympathy. Keep digging Rosie. (More here)

>> I'm hearing - Nursing leaders have kicked-off after Steve Barclay penned a letter asking health bosses to cease hiring dedicated equality and diversity staff, suggesting they are a waste of money. Bully-Boy is in deep trouble over this. It's hacked-off a lot of people... probably 1.2 million!

>> I'm hearing - Sam Jones, former Trust CEO and health advisor at No10, is appointed as interim lead non-executive director of DHSC from 29 September until 31 December, following Baroness Lampard standing down. What does this Board actually do? Does anyone know?

More News


>> Inflation is forcing Americans - to delay medical care and downgrade health insurance.

>> Health scrutiny councillors - to review hospitals’ performance.

>> More health care happening outside the doctor’s office - US story but interesting in that it is the direction of travel that is inevitable here.

>> Helpline sees rise in suspected modern slavery cases among care workers - Ireland.
