March 29, 2024

Dear Neighbor,


With April just around the corner, tax filing season is in full swing – and thousands of Mainers will soon be getting an extra payday through tax returns or unclaimed property filings.


In the Legislature, delivering meaningful tax relief for Maine families has been one of my top priorities. Recently, we have worked to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in tax relief to Mainers who need it. The measures we’ve passed will collectively provide $285 million back to Maine people in this year alone, and that number is projected to grow to an estimated $750 million in the next two years.


In 2023, we created a $300 state child tax credit, increased the annual income tax pension deduction from $30,000 to $35,000 and increased the Property Tax Fairness Credit for those 65 or older from $1,500 to $2,000, among other initiatives. We’re also maintaining Municipal Revenue Sharing at 5% and meeting our commitment to fund 55% of public education costs, lowering the property tax burden on taxpayers. 


While we’ve made important progress, I know there’s still more work to do to create an economy that works for all. I will always advocate for policies that invest in Maine people and put money directly back into the pockets of working families and older folks on fixed incomes.


As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any ideas, questions or concerns.



Bruce White

Serving residents of District 65, part of Waterville

(207) 518-8265


I had the distinct pleasure of honoring Waterville's own Robert Chenard for his induction into the Franco-American Hall of Fame here at the State House. Robert is an invaluable member not only of Maine's French-Canadian community but of the genealogical community as well. Robert is an author, lecturer, instructor and often volunteers his time at the Taconnett Falls Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society. He has connected many with their Franco-American roots, allowing many to connect with ancestry and heritage.

Merci beaucoup, Robert, for all that you have done for our Waterville community and the entire state of Maine. 


I attended the recent AYCC 2024 Polar Dip fundraiser, which raised over $40,000 for the Kids Kitchen. Here, I am pictured with volunteers Lynne Dailey and Ken Walsh, CEO of the AYCC. 

It was nice seeing credit union leaders at the State House earlier this week. Pictured here with Ryan Poulin, CEO and Jason Michaud CFO of New Dimensions FCU.


There are many resources available to help eligible Mainers file their taxes for free. Among them is CA$H Maine, a collaboration of organizations across the state that work together to provide free tax preparation and other financial services for those who meet income requirements. 


Maine’s unclaimed property list includes money that belongs to Mainers but is being held by the State Treasurer’s Office because it couldn’t be returned, including bank balances from old accounts, overpaid bills, uncashed checks and more. You can easily search the list for yourself or a family member and claim any property that is rightfully yours. 


March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate and honor the countless women with exceptional courage, strength and leadership who paved the way for this generation of leaders, and who stand beside us now.


I’m proud to serve alongside so many incredible women in the Legislature, and I’m committed to continuing to fight for greater equality in all my work.


Earlier this month, the House passed a resolution recognizing March 8 as International Women’s Day. You can read the full text online here
