To Our Patients and Community Members,
We have officially made it to April! We hope that this weekly letter finds all of you well and in good spirits. Over this past week Delta County Memorial Hospital (DCMH) and other local agencies have continued our collaborative efforts to keep the community informed and up-to-date during this time.
Today our Incident Command (IC) for Delta County came together with Delta County Administrator Robbie LeValley, DCMH Chief Clinic Officer, Jody Roeber and Director for the Health Department, Karen O’Brian to give a brief update on the Counties current COVID-19 case count. The video can be found on the DCMH and the County
YouTube pages.
To help in answering some of the communities’ questions, another video will be debuting today again the IC alongside the hospital’s two physicians leading the COVID-19 efforts, Dr. Jennifer Craig and Dr. Sarah Knutson along with the Health Department advisor, Dr. Susan Bright. We all hope you find these informational.
To date, DCMH has conducted 139 COVID-19 tests, with 1 test pending. COVID-19 testing is still being offered to hospitalized, critically ill patients, healthcare personnel appropriate for testing and those on a case-by-case basis. The hospital has created an 8-bed isolated “COVID-ward” with the ability to expand which will be the location of care for COVID-19 infected patients. Patients in this ward will be closely monitored by physicians and nursing staff for any change in their status.
On April 2 DCMH also constructed a Medical Screening Exam Tent at the entrance of the Emergency Department (ED) to protect both patients and healthcare workers. For more information about the latest DCMH updates please visit the latest press release from the Delta County Joint Information Center (JIC).
At this time we will be temporarily reducing hours at the
DCMH West Elk Walk-In Clinic in Paonia.
It will be open
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
All clinics (other than DCMH Urgent Care) are utilizing telehealth services to care for patients, simply ask your provider about telehealth options. All patients will be screened and masked prior to entry into any DCMH clinics, and all clinics have designated rooms for respiratory patients to help minimize the risk of exposure.
April is National Stress Awareness Month and we know how important it is to have tools to manage stress, especially during this critical time. That is why DCMH is still offering our Behavioral Health Services through Telemedicine at our Clinics across Delta County.
To learn more please call your local clinic and ask about the Telemedicine option for Behavioral Health.
We have also been, and will continue to share daily mental wellness advice during COVID-19 from our Behavioral Health Specialists on all of our social media platforms.
The feedback from the Delta County JIC’s COVID-19 Community Response Campaign:
Delta County Resilient
has been amazing! Photos from the community continue to pour in showcasing how everyone is
Taking Heart, Taking Part and Taking Action
. Please continue to share photos, videos and stories that you witness or hear about by using
Remember to
wash your hands, practice social distancing and stay at home
It will save lives. As always, we will continue to support all of you just as you have supported us. Thank you!
Stay healthy and stay RESILIENT.
Jacque Davis, MHA
Delta County Memorial Hospital
Marketing Director & Public Information Officer