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Pastor & Christy Kilborn.
Youth Minister: Lyle Unenten
                                                                Single's Minister: Julio Flores
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1. From the Pastor's Desk - Pastor Harold J. Kilborn
  2. God Always Sees Us In Terms Of the Finish Product - Pastor Kilborn
  3. Balaam, On Being Paid To Curse Israel - Pastor Bill Randles
  4. Waiting For The Surise - Dr. Foster Shannon
  5. Deluded - Sandy Simpson
  6. Obama's EEOC Accommodates Muslim Religious Beliefs - James Hyde
  7. Newsletter Comments
. 8. Christian Counseling - Dr. Irene Sherman, Phd.
  7. Church Services


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                                        From the Pastor's Desk

1. Aloha! This coming Sunday will be a great day, as we are believing, that God the Holy Spirit will move in a Sovereign way in our midst and lives will be touched for His glory.
I will continue our exposition through the book of I Peter 1:3-8, "Staying Focus" part -2. May you come expecting from God.

2. This coming Wednesday, I will conclude the book of Romans as we will be considering the 16th. chapter. We have been in this book for over a year and what a blessing this book has to my life and for those who attended the studies.

3. Beginning November 18th, I will begin a verse by verse study in the book of John. You don't want to miss it.

4. Our 'Young Single's Adult Ministry' meets ever Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the ministry's house with our singles's ministry leader: Julio Flores.

5. Every Friday Night our 'Youth Ministry' meets in the Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m., with our youth minister: Lyle Uenten

6. Hopefully, this newsletter will be a blessing to you this week. We try to use some of best and sound teachers in the body of Christ. We love and enjoy disseminating good biblical truth. God has indeed blessed this ministry  in people receiving it in all 50 states and many countries abroad. I never dreamed, that God would take such a ministry and use it for his glory. Every week, we are adding people to the list. There is a hunger on the part of people for truth - for truth always corresponds to reality.

7. Our men meet every Saturday for Prayer and Bible Study in our fellowship at 9 a.m. It's been going on for two years and as a pastor, I am blessed by the attendance and the love that exist among the men. If you have not attended, I would encourage you. You will love it!
The second Saturday of each month, they have a breakfast in the fellowship hall and what a great time we have. I am blessed with the commitment of the men and to be a pastor of a great fellowship. May the Lord be praised for His goodness to us.

8. After the 1st service on a Sunday morning, we some of our women that get together for coffee at Starbucks or Living Health and have a great time of talking and ministering to one another.

Sola Scriptura and Sola Gratia!
Pastor Harold J. Kilborn

God Always Sees Us In Terms Of The Finished Product

Pastor Harold J. Kilborn
One of the things that we tend to do when we are struggling or going through a time of suffering/trial is to complain. In almost 37 years of full-time ministry, I have seen my share of Christians complaining or grumbling. I, myself, have been guilty of this sin as well. I have many times complained over the course of serving the Lord for almost 44 years. Do I still complain? Yes, I do catch myself from time to time complaining, and I have asked the Lord many times to forgive me, and He does (I John 1:9). It's so easy when something goes wrong, or when I am going through some trial, to fly off the handle and get angry and complain. When this happens, it's hard to be rational and think clearly. You ask, "Pastor Kilborn, do you fly off the handle often?" My answer is, "No"! I am not the way I use to be. God has a way, as you mature and grow in grace, to help you to deal with the works of the flesh or sinful nature so that more of the fruit of the Spirit can come forth.
You are not changed overnight; it's a process, and this is what sanctification is all about. God is delivering you from the 'Power of Sin'. He delivered you from the 'Penalty of Sin' when you accepted Jesus as your Savior (Justification). And in the future, He will deliver you from the 'Presence of Sin' (glorification). Salvation in three tenses: past, present, future.
Peter, the big fisherman, (I would like to think he was big), failed or blew it many times. He was impetuous, hot-headed; so human. He is a mirror image of so many of us today. What's neat about Peter is that he didn't stay the same. He changed and became mature. The purpose of the Holy Spirit isn't just to save you and leave you as you are, but to make you mature; to make you more like Jesus in character.  In fact, when Jesus first met Peter He said: Dear Simon, son of Jonah, I'm going to call you Cephas. I'm going to rename you. I've got a new name for you. I am going to call you 'Rocky'. (Cephas means a little stone or pebble in the Greek.) Why would Jesus give him such a name? This guy is as unstable as water. Jesus always sees us in terms of the finished product. I hope knowing this will bless you. Jesus was saying, this is you, Peter, with all of your hang-ups, and this is what you are becoming. This is you Peter: Realism. This is what you are becoming: Idealism. We, also, need to see other Christians with all of their hang-ups in terms of the finished product. We are not changed overnight. There is no such thing as instant maturity or short cuts to maturity.
In I Peter 1:3 it reads:

"Praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead".

Peter is writing to a struggling Church that was scattered (diaspora), all over the Roman Empire through persecution. It was very difficult to leave their homes, work, friends, family members, etc, without anything except the clothes they were wearing. God tells this church in the midst of what was happening to them:
"Praise to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ". The word ' Praise' in the Greek means ' to eulogize'. Peter wrote this letter to encourage these persecuted believers by saying, " Let us eulogize the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!" Let's say good things about Him in the midst of suffering.
Yes, it's so easy to complain when things do not go right, but remember, God is doing something in your life. You may not understand all that is taking place, not that God has to explain what is happening to you. Just about every time you are going through something difficult, some trial/testing, the temptation is to ask God: "Why am I going through this difficult time?" Remember this: God doesn't have to explain anything to you. We don't live on explanations. We live on the promises of God! He said: "I will never leave you or forsake you". Again, let 's eulogize and speak well of Him. We need to rest in His faithfulness to grace us with His strength. He will not give you any more than you can bear.
This article is an excerpt from part of a message I gave from I Peter, as I am going through this book, verse by verse. I hope it will be a blessing to you.


Balaam, On Being Paid to Curse Israel

by Pastor Bill Randles
Believers in Grace Fellowship
I will bless those that bless you and curse those who curse you and in you all the families of the world will be blessed.  Genesis 12:3
Come now therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people; for they are too mighty for me, peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite them, and that I may drive them out of the land; for I know that he whom thou (Balaam) bless is blest and he whom you curse is cursed. Numbers 22:6
Perhaps the most misunderstood story in the Bible is that of Balaam, the pagan prophet. When it is told, it is usually related as a morality story, merely a caution against greed in ministry.  The love of money indeed is part of the story - as well as the danger of false prophets and corrupt ministers. But lately I have come to realize that there is an eschatological dimension to this story that too often is unappreciated. It is amazing how current and relevant the story of Balaam really is to today's geo-political situation.
The story takes place at the end of the Exodus; at the time the children of Israel were preparing to possess the land God had given them. Once again the immediate neighbors of Israel take exception to their rights to the land. The ancestors of the modern Arabs, Jordanians and 'Palestinians' feared the Israeli occupation of the land, having full knowledge of what God had done to Egypt and through them to Og, one of their chief Kings.
And Balak the son of Zippor saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites. And Moab was sore afraid of the people, because they were many: and Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel.  Numbers 22:2-3
Balak, the king of the Moabites, as it turned out, had nothing to fear from the Israelites, not knowing that God had commanded them not to dispossess the Moabites.
And the LORD said to me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give you of their land for a possession; because I have given Ar to the children of Lot for a possession. Deuteronomy 2:9
This scenario is a current event, for there is nothing the modern state of Israel would welcome more than to live in peace with her hostile neighbors.
Balak, fearing Israel, and knowing he couldn't prevail militarily with them, set out to hire someone who could "curse" Israel. The word "curse" in this sense is a Hebrew word which means to "hollow" them out, to "drain" them of their confidence.
Is this not the modern situation also? Arab neighbors of Israel, frustrated by their inability to dispossess Israel out of the land, have been using their newly gained petro-wealth, and the power that goes with it, to literally hire people to curse Israel! They have been able to successfully deny the very legitimacy of Israel in the minds of many.  Oil money has successfully lobbied political leaders, educators, the media and a good many of those who are in position to shape the ideas and perspectives of the rest of us, to take a belligerent stance against Israel.
Billions of petro dollars have poured into the coffers of institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Georgetown University, and Fox News, as well as into the campaign chests of numerous western politicians, all in the interest of selling us the story line which delegitimizes Israel, and romanticizes Islam's version of history. There are many Balaam's!
Perhaps the last straw is the seduction of leaders of the confessing Christian church into "cursing Israel".  No less than the Pope himself leads the charge in delegitimizing Israel's claims to the Holy Land, as here recounted in a Jerusalem Newswire story dated May 17, 2009 entitled,
"Pope to 'Palestinians', Israel is Your Forefather's Land"
"The Biblical land of Israel is actually the "land of YOUR forefathers" Pope Benedict told the Palestinian Arabs in Bethlehem last week. With this statement the pontiff, who has now departed Israel after five days of meddling in the country's affairs on a "pilgrimage" he called "a mission of peace," authenticity on the massive deception that is "Palestinian nationhood".
At the start, in the middle, and at the end of his visit - which was hosted by the State of Israel at no small expense to the taxpayers and mass disruption of Jerusalemites' lives - the head of the Roman Catholic Church voiced his strong support for the creation of a Palestinian state on Jewish lands.
His first and last statements to this effect were made unabashedly in front of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - who has been trying to sidestep international demands that he surrender Israel's biblical heartland to the Arabs.
Speaking at PLO Chief and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' palace in Bethlehem, where he went to conduct a large mass, the pontiff spelled it out:
"The Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at peace with its neighbors, within internationally recognized borders,"
The World Council of Churches, the United States Presbyterian Church, and a host of other church groups too numerous to mention have condemned Israel, divested themselves from Israel, in short have "cursed" Israel, in the sense of hollowing out their confidence, sense of legitimacy and validity as a nation. Balaam lives!
The reward has not always been money, however, as was the case with Balaam. These church groups siding with terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, against the only legitimate democracy in the Middle East, imagine that they are "speaking truth to power", as they "curse Israel". The image of themselves as guardians of the human rights of the Palestinians is reward enough for these false Christian groups.
Perhaps the most tragic of all is the erosion of the rock solid support which evangelicals have had for Israel.  In the American Thinker article "Splitting the Evangelicals from Israel", Ed Lasky cites Replacement Theology, the testimony of certain Palestinian Christian leaders, and former US President Jimmy Carter as part of the influence turning many once pro-Israel Christians against Israel. This is a portent that doesn't bode well, even as the story of Balaam doesn't end well for anybody but God's chosen people. Part 2, Part 3



"He that is faithful in little is faithful in much" Luke 16:10  
By Dr. Foster H. Shannon
"If the gold rusts, what will the iron do?"

We live in a time when Christians, who believe in God and admire the truth of the Bible, may find themselves discouraged. We see values that have been previously held in our nation eroding. Changes in views of morality have come like an avalanche. Good people who have held views of the sacredness of marriage have been caught up by the winds of change. Others have been stunned by the change of mind that many have had on this and other subjects. It was not that long ago that a majority in our nation believed abortion to be a sin to be avoided. Now the position in our society is about 50-50. In the 1940s fifteen percent of marriages ended in divorce. At the present time, it is about fifty percent. One-third of our children do not have a father in the home. The percentage of couples who choose to live together without the benefit of marriage has increased substantially.
It is tempting to give up and withdraw-to throw in the towel! Many who have held to the basic moral teachings in the Bible have changed their minds, and interpreted the scriptures differently. It is easy to be caught up and carried away by this flood. We have a calling from our Saviour that we find in Matthew, chapter five:
"You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how will its saltiness be restored." "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
What should we do in these days? Should we dig our fox holes and hide? No, someone needs to be the gold. Someone needs to be the light. Someone needs to be the salt. We have a wonderful view of the San Gabriel Valley from our house-looking east. Almost every morning we can see the sunrise, and I never get tired seeing it. Every day it comes up and every day we have light! We rejoice in the light of the new day! What would we do if we did not have that light? We have many neighbors who are trembling with fear, and who are waiting for you to show up. If those who know you, see that you are firm in your convictions-they will be encouraged. The world is waiting for us to see that we are faithful to our God.
Goodness is not an invention. It is not something that someone stumbled on. It comes from God, and without him we would not have known goodness. God knows better than we do! We, who believe in him, are to be the light and the hope of the world. The Bible from beginning to end assesses our plight and our potential. Read II Peter, chapter two. God knows that our trouble is heavy. Through Peter, God calls us back to the prophets of the Old Testament and to the disciples of the New. May we celebrate and rejoice in the greatness of our God!


by Sandy Simpson , 10/22/15
Seth Dahl, Bethel Church, Redding, CA: Dahl tells the Bethel Redding congregation of his experience with an enormous angel. Dahl asked the angel his name and then Googled in the angel's answer. The angel's name was the same as that of a finance company. Dahl then realized the angel was
"here for our finances at Bethel..." Dahl states, "You just need to hear a testimony so you can know what's available to you 'cause I'm not trying to preach a sermon, I'm trying to invite you to a new way of life." (
Bethel Redding children's pastor Seth Dahl,
There are only three (possibly four) angels named in the Bible and neither of them bear the name of the "finance company" for Bethel Church. Gabriel (Daniel 8:15-27; 9:20-27), Michael (see Daniel 10:21 and 12:1), Lucifer (not his actual name) or Satan, a fallen angel (Isaiah 14:12-18; Luke 10:18) and Apollyon/Abaddon (Revelation 9:11). Angels named in the Bible have important roles in Israel and/or the Church and would not be named after a finance company for a church in Redding, CA.
Seth Dahl, Bethel Church, Redding, CA: This youth leader states that in a vision Jesus picked him up, began to weep, and asked his forgiveness. ( Bethel Redding children's pastor Seth Dahl,
Jesus does not ask forgiveness because He is and always has been without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:22). He does forgive our sins if we confess them (1 John 1:9) and are "in Christ" or when we first believe.
Charles Capps: He [God] framed the world with His words. You can't build without substance. He took words - faith-Filled words were God's substance. Here, essentially, is what God did. God filled His words with faith. He used His words as containers to hold His faith and contain that spiritual force and transport it out there into the vast darkness by saying 'Light be!' That's the way God transported His faith causing creation and transformation. (Charles Capps, Dynamics of Faith & Confession [Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1987], 28-29, emphasis in original.)
God did not create the world by having faith or by filling "His words with faith" as if faith is a substance. God did not use any "force of faith" to create the world. He did so by His Word (2 Pet 3:5), His power (Isa 20:46), and by His will (Rev 4:11).
Kenneth Copeland : "Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet." ("Spirit, Soul and Body I" [Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries. 1985] audiotape #01-0601, side 1.)  
Heaven is actually the "third heaven" (2 Corinthians 12:2) not a planet. Planets inhabit the second heaven. There is the earth, heaven and third heaven. The Third heaven or Paradise (2 Corinthians 12:4) is outside of the universe of space and time.
Fred Price : "If you keep talking death, that is what you are going to have. If you keep talking sickness and disease, that is what you are going to have, because you are going to create the reality of them with your own mouth. That is a divine law." (Fred Price, Realm, 29).
There is no such "divine law" stating we can kill ourselves or stop sickness and disease by what we say. This is all part of the "force of faith" "name it and claim it" "confession doctrine" of the New Thought, Word of Faith heresies.
John Kilpatrick : "You need to understand friends, your words are like containers. When they come up out of the innermost part of your belly, out of the heart, the mouth speaketh. As these things come out of your heart, they are spirits, by the time they come out of your mouth, that spirit is encapsulated in some little package and when you begin to speak this stuff out whether it is good or evil, it comes out in the way of little containers in your home and it goes out in your home and it begins to burst. As they burst life is either released or death is released. Blessings are released or cursings are released." (Glory on Your House, John Kilpatrick)
Again, this is Word of Faith nonsense. Our words are containers that are spirits? Our words are our words and they cannot "release death". God's words are above all human words (Psalm 19:4, 138:2). Only Jesus hold the keys to death and Hades (Revelation 1:18).
Rory Alec : "This represents the fact that Jesus, when you partake of this, this represents that his blood has washed you clean of all sin. And therefore you are gods; you have been purchased by the blood of Jesus." (The Christian Channel Europe "Good Morning Europe" Date Unknown)
The "you are gods" doctrine of Word of Faith is the original lie of Satan in the Garden. Genesis 3:5 "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." There are no other gods but one God. Explicit statements: Ex. 8:10; 9:14; 15:11; 2 Sam. 7:22; 1 Kgs. 8:23; 1 Chr. 17:20; Psa. 86:8; Isa. 40:18, 25: 44:7; 46:5, 9; Jer. 10:6-7; Micah 7:18. Being like God is a Satanic lie: Gen. 3:5; Isa. 14:14; John 8:44. Fallen man become "like God" only in that he took upon himself to know good and evil, not that he acquired godhood: Gen. 3:22. There is only one true God: 2 Chr. 15:3; Jer. 10:10; John 17:3; 1 Thess. 1:9; 1 John 5:20-21. All other "gods" are therefore false gods (idols), not gods at all: Deut. 32:21; 1 Sam. 12:21; Psa. 96:5; Isa. 37:19; 41:23-24, 29; Jer. 2:11; 5:7; 16:20; 1 Cor. 8:4; 10:19-20. A born again Christian is a child of God (John 1:12) and joins the bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7) but is not Christ Himself, which would make the above Scriptures a lie.
Benny Hinn : "Now I am going to read one scripture and then I am going to preach and the Devil is going to drop dead." (The Christian Channel Europe "Praise The Lord" (TBN) 22/2/98)

To continue reading this article by Sandy Simpson, click here.


Obama's EEOC Accommodates Muslim Religious Beliefs

2015-11-02 | , American Thinker
Overdriveonline, a trucking industry news site, blares the headline:
" EEOC awards Muslim truckers $240k after being fired for refusing to haul alcohol." The Obama administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued a trucking company, at taxpayer expense, when two Somali Muslim truck drivers were fired for refusing to haul alcohol. Doing so, the Islamists claimed, would infringe on their religious beliefs under "Islamic law."
From the story: "EEOC also alleged that Star Transport could have but failed to accommodate their religious beliefs." Stunning.
The intervention by EEOC was hypocritical, discriminatory and insanely out of equilibrium when the plight of Christians in the matrimonial business who object to providing goods and services for gay weddings is contrasted. Christian businesses are being fined; forced to take "diversity" propaganda courses or closed down for refusing to "accommodate" gay weddings. Are not their religious beliefs, duly protected under the Constitution's First Amendment and 42 U.S. Code Chapter 21B - Religious Freedom Restoration equal to the beliefs of Muslims?
Since when does Islamic law trump the U.S. Constitution and U.S. federal law? For Obama, such violations of his oath began with the first breath he took after he took his inaugural oath. In fact, the scofflaw-in-chief gave us a glimpse of his personal religious preferences when, during his "Apology Tour," he proclaimed to the world that, "The United States is no longer a Christian nation." Had he taken the time to apply his finger to the nation's pulse, he would have learned that an ABCNEWS/Beliefnet poll found that, "Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians." Granted, that number has diminished some since he first sat in the big chair, but it's still north of 70%.
This is but one of many glaring examples of how Obama promotes Islam and applies constitutional imperatives and federal law in mercurial and arbitrary ways when it comes to Christians. Case in point, he tasked Charles Bolden, his NASA administrator, with three initiatives:
"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things,' Bolden said in the interview [with Al-Jazeera] which aired last week. 'One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering" [Emphasis ours]
This is the nation's space agency, not the State Department. NASA's core initiative is space flight and exploration, not being the ambassador to Islam.
Beside his obvious adoration for his true faith, Islam (after his election, his pretense toward Christian devotion completely vanished as his church attendance became an asterisk), when it comes to Christians, Obama enforces federal laws with such obvious capriciousness that the Congress, which has had quite a number of its enumerated powers appropriated by Obama, should be cited for articles of impeachment. In Article II, Section 3, the Constitution, stipulates that the president "...shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..." Well, he's executing laws the same way KFC kills chickens.
Worse, his penchant for sticking it to Christians (consider how he's torturing the Little Sisters of the Poor, among other Christian groups trying to fight his hideous birth control mandate) is surpassed only by what ISIS does to those who worship Jesus Christ in the Middle East. Only Congress is permitted to make or amend laws. Barack Hussein Obama is not.
That a commission within the Obama administration would bring suit on behalf of Muslims at taxpayer expense, but allow states to ignore the Constitution and the Religious Restoration Act by fining Christian bakers in Washington State the absurd sum of $135,000 for refusing to bake a gay wedding cake is heretical in the extreme. And then there's the notorious attempt to force a Christian baker in Colorado to bake wedding cakes for gay weddings after going through "diversity" training. This administration's version of a reeducation camp: shades of George Orwell's 1984!
The EEOC got the Muslims a hefty award of $245,000, but businesses in the matrimonial industry who wish not to violate their religious beliefs are losing their businesses, their homes and the shirts off their backs via unconscionable fines handed down by a far-left, PC-drunk commissioner who pushes the lesbians ahead by $135,000.
As a Republic, we cannot tolerate or allow preference for one religion (especially one based on Sharia law) over another, yet Christians are being financially and morally blackmailed by an infinitesimal gay minority (3.8% of the adult population, according to Gallup). This divergence from long-accepted societal norms should sting Congress to action and it should stick it to Obama, his administration and 'fellow travelers.' If it doesn't, we'll be as morally and religiously bankrupt as parts of Europe have become. Our Founders aren't spinning in their graves. They're trying to dig out of them to restore national sanity.
It's time to say as a nation, "No you can't."
                                                Comments to our Newsletter

1. Patrick Flores
Amen, focus on Jesus 
2. Christopher Metcalf -   I for one appreciate you taking on tough issues with a Biblical perspective
3. De-Angelo Coatie
Thank you Pastor Kilborn, and the names that are invoked in these exercises are the name of Hindu gods. Even the Hindu Gurus themselves say even the most non spiritual physical exercises are done to reach a spiritual goal. When my SGT Major asked the NCOs for Leadership training to do Yoga and for my section to set it up. I had to reserve the gym set up the mats, but I refused to participate and explained to My SGM why I wouldn't do it, and he respected my decision, but even if he didn't I still wouldn't have done it. 

4. Pastor Michael Gaither
Hi Harold. I remember nearly 45 years ago pastor bloom talked about the world coming into the church. And today we see so much paganism and worldly methods have replaced truth. He is indeed coming soon. 

5. Mike Gunderson        
Hello Pastor Harold:
I hope you're doing well?  I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your newsletters.  I have a few "Christian" friends who are really "into" yoga.  Seems like they are very much deceived.  It's amazing how "the liar" makes people believe this is totally ok for us a Christians.  I appreciate your biblical no-nonsense approach to this topic.

6 . Pastor Kevin T Brown 
So much of our life has been influenced by forces that we are oblivious to. Yoga is about at its essence the celebration of one's self. Placing oneself on the throne of our heart. The danger is that there is not enough room on that throne for you and God. Lets face it being spiritual does not make you a Christian. God's word tells us to be holy....not spiritual. Spiritualism at best over complicated the simplicity of the Gospel message. Society has normalize many things that are ungodly. Believers must strive to be authentically holy by renewing their mind with the word of God. Lets dethrone self and place God on the throne of our heart.

7. Dear Pastor Kilborn,
Once again, Thank You so very much for your wonderfully done and informative, Christian Newsletter. I certainly wish that I was much closer to you so that I could talk with you, and hear your great Preaching, in person!!! I always look forward to receiving and
reading your Newsletter. Thank You So VERY, VERY, MUCH for being such a wonderful God serving Pastor. I have certainly been Blessed by God from knowing You, as His Servant, as I have.
  As a matter of information, I recently found another Pastor on the Internet that I enjoy, and I believe that You would enjoy as well. If You are not already familiar with him. His name is Pastor Thom Rainer, and his web site , if you want it, is: .  I have found many of his Preachings to be valuable as well.
Please keep up your GREAT WORK of helping, and so Deeply Blessing, so many people! May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to Bless You, and Your Family, Extremely Richly.
Sincerely, In Christ,
  Bob Klink

8. Dr. Foster's Response
Hi Harold--
I do not always get everything read every time.  I want you to know that I especially appreciated your comments on the Prosperity Gospel.  God is not an Aladdin's Lamp that we can rub, and get whatever we want!
Thanks,   Foster

9. Cameron Woodall - "Just because you wear yourself out in some religious exercise, doesn't mean that you're spiritual. It just means that you are an exhausted sinner" - WOW!

10. Hi Pastor,
  I enjoyed reading your newletter, and appreciated
the clarity regarding "Yoga" in it.
In the article on "Omnipresence" it says near the end:
"In closing, I don't pretend to understand everything about 'Omnipotence,'"   Should that have said "Omnipresence" rather than "omnipotence?"  An easy  
mistake to make if so.
Appreciating you.  
  Pastor Greg Merrill 

11. Thank you for sharing your website  contents, Pastor Harold. I enjoy reading all the information.
Thank you again for hosting the Teacher training and for ALWAYS making everyone feel so welcomed and loved and appreciated. You and Sister Christy are very hospitalable and you two set good example for your sheep.
Thanks for sharing your hunting Trips and pics. I will raise a female piglet if you trap one  that is under  a foot long, ok? 
Sharon & Paul Pancho

12. Aloha Pastor Harold,  
our recent newsletter addressed my concerns regarding the "War Room."  At first, I was influenced by the show until I learned of the error of "contemplative prayer."   I was also led astray for a few months by the music from IHOP and how the repetition is meant to induce that state.   
What happened to "taking every thought captive?"  The challenge we face is how to warn our brothers and sisters in Christ and speak the truth in love.  
I am sharing a segment from Embrace the Flame that deals with just that.  In 1997 I began to study the word fire in the Bible with a list of 150 verses from a compact concordance.  I didn't start to write a book, much less two but my late husband and I went through the fire during those years.  He had a brain stem stroke, then heart surgery, then lived 3 more years after our son gave him a kidney.  I started the study 6 months before he had the stroke and finished the second book 6 months before he went home to Jesus.  I do refer to him a few times in the books but mainly it's from a historical, geographical, and contextual perspective relying on the Hebrew and Greek transliterations.
I appreciate how you compile the articles to defend the faith.  I pray for the purity of the Bride of Christ as we wait for our Bridegrooms return.

                                          Christian Counseling
                                            Dr. Irene Sherman

Professional Christian counseling is available by appointment weekday afternoons with Dr. Irene Sherman. Dr. Sherman is a trained counselor experienced in helping people work through ordinary life problems. She offers Christian counseling as a first step alternative to consulting a secular psychiatrist or psychologist, but will make a referral whenever necessary. All sessions are private, Bible-based, and strictly confidential.
For a nominal fee, Dr. Sherman provides counseling in the areas of dating relationships, financial dilemmas, marital concerns, parent/child relationships, personal problems, and low self-esteem. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 808-652-2629. Welcome to Christian Counseling at Koloa Church
Church Services

Sunday Morning

First Service - 8:30 a.m.
(Children Church and Nursery provided).

Second Service - 10:30 a.m.
(Children Church and Nursery provided).

Youth Service

Youth Pastor Lyle Unenten

Sunday Morning at 9:45 a.m.

Monday - 7:30 p.m.

Young Single's Ministry

Single's Ministry Leader - Julio Flores


Christian Hula Ministry Practice- 5:30 p.m.
Kumu Debbie Akau

Wednesday Night - 7 p.m.

Bible Study

Pastor Harold J.Kilborn
Romans Chp 10
Its also a time of answer/question period.
Bring your question (s)

Thursday - 10 a.m..

Put on hold for a couple of weeks

Saturday Men's Bible Study 8 a.m.

William Armstrong

Friday Night - 7 p.m.

Youth Minister Lyle Uenten

Prayer in the Church - 9 a.m.

Church Service on Hoike channel - 54

Monday - 8 p.m.
Tuesday - 8 a.m

Webmaster: Paka Monette

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