[email protected]
September 24, 2022

Denver Counts

Colorado benefits statewide when Denver County Republicans participate in an election in higher numbers. Denver has a large number of inactive Republicans who need a nudge. A decent number of soft Democrats are glad to see us when we come to their door. Denver County has an impressive set of active Republican candidates campaigning door to door, speaking at events, and working toward a victory.

Some might say Denver is not worth an investment. Devoted volunteers worked thousands of hours fighting against the Democratic creep over the last two decades in Denver County. But the Blueprint* was rolled out in Colorado; our volunteers were fighting against a well‑funded, well‑orchestrated take‑over. Denver County Republicans atrophied under the weight of the losses.

Not all take-overs sustain their power. In this upcoming election, people who once called themselves Democrat, unaffiliated, or Libertarian are calling themselves Republican out loud. Denver County is ripe for change, and the Denver GOP is more engaged than it has ever been.

There are some local state house races that are looking good for Denver Republicans. Messaging and email are effective ways of getting a candidate's name in front of a voter. Republicans have viable candidates. Consider contributing to our text message campaign to benefit Republicans like:

Guillermo Diaz (HD1)
Stephanie Wheeler (HD2)
Marla Fernandez (HD3)
Jack Daus (HD4)
Johnnie Johnson (HD5)
Don Howell (HD6)
Hilleary Waters (HD8)
Thomas Cowhick - HD9
Dean Flanders - (SD32)
Jennifer Qualteri (CD1)
Amy Naes (CU Regent D1)

All contributions are deeply appreciated. Contributions of $10, $20, $35 will help us reach our goal.

A text message will go out encouraging voters in Denver County to vote for Republicans. This short message will say why Republicans are the best choice.

When Denver Republicans turn out to vote, Governor, US Senate, Colorado Secretary of State, Colorado Attorney General, and Colorado Treasurer are more probable wins. The potential for winning locally in this election is high as well, which may lead to the Republicans taking over one or both chambers of our legislature.

Have a Republican who is hard to shop for?

A donation of $50 for 500 messages is deeply appreciated and gains you a stylish mug for the beverage of your choice.

But wait there's more; Please donate $100 to support local Republican candidates and receive a red Denver GOP t‑shirt. This donation will pay for 1,000 messages.
Want the whole SWAG package? Get a pair of Denver GOP mugs and a red Denver GOP t‑shirt for a donation of $150. This donation pays for 1,500 messages.

We are raising $5000, for 50,000 text messages. We have raised 20% of our goal.

SWAG is available while supplies last. T‑shirt sizes vary; donate early to get a better selection of sizes. All incoming donations for the next two weeks will be earmarked for this text messaging campaign. (10/7)

Colorado Politics - Blueprint
Blueprint - Schrager
