December 14, 2022
From the Chairman of Denver County
The last three cycles have shown that Colorado is a blue state.
The 3 Ms: Messaging, Money, Machine.
Most unaffiliateds gravitated to the Democrats.
The Democrats put on the labels and they stuck.
They took advantage of the Roe‑v‑Wade decision and their abortion message.
We have become complacent with our own ideas.
We focused on our opponents as people and not our ideas.
For Denver: Good and active candidates matter.
We were out funded by millions of Democrat dollars.
The governor spent his typical millions and the Democrats rode his coattails.
Polis Tracer reporting through the most recent period is as follows.
Contributions $12,738,707.48 and expenditures of $12,124,396.65.
Most of it was his own money.
Ganahl raised $2,302,255.75.
She also wrote a $1,300,202.00 loan to her campaign.
Currently, totals for her campaign sit at $3,158,191.79.
Through the last Tabor reporting cycle,
the Denver Democrats raised $160,917.78.
They spent $168,824.51 on the 2022 election.
The Denver Republican Committee raised $47,683.90.
Our affliate spent $37,002.28 on election related expenditures.
We were overwhelmed by the Democrat's machine.
We need to move beyond our anger and numbness.
We need to refocus and re‑energize.
We need to change our message to express our values.
The upcoming year gives us opportunities to fill the many vacancies in our organization.
Let us use focus groups and committees to reach out to the young and Latinos in our community.
Our plan is to take advantage of all the technology and electronic media that is available to us.
And, to recruit and prepare strong candidates in 2024.
Keep an eye out for our future newsletters as we start to address all of these opportunities.
Roger Rowland
Denver Republican Committee Chairman
Biennial Meetings
The biennial organizational meetings for the Denver Republican Party will be held on Saturday,
February 11, 2023.
Elections for county positions as well as district leadership are held at these meetings,
which are held in February during the odd numbered years.
County officers up for election are chair, first vice‑chair, second vice‑chair, third vice‑chair, and secretary.
The meetings will be held in the morning with check‑in beginning at 8:30 a.m.
The meetings are expected to last until noon.
All precinct committee persons along with all current officers should plan on attending.
The district organizational meetings will be held the same day immediately after the county meeting.
Chair, vice-chair, and secretary elections will be held for each district located wholly inside
Denver: House districts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8: Senate districts 31, 33, and 34).
Multi‑county district organizational meetings will be held separately:
House Districts 3 & 9, and Senate District 32.
Captains will be elected for each Denver district (1 through 9).
Bonus members to the Republican State Central Committee and bonus members to the
Republican First Congressional District will be elected at this meeting as well.
The official call will be sent out once the location is finalized.
Please read more about the positions and responsibilities:
Districts Biennial Organization Meetings
County Biennial Organization Meetings
Denver Republican Women's Holiday Party @ CADA
Please join us on December 15, 2022 for food, drink, and fun at the Denver Republican Women's Holiday Party.
It has been a crazy year and socializing with conservatives makes the holidays that much better.
We encourage you to bring guests who might be interested in attending and/or joining our group
We know there are so many conservative people in the Denver area who are looking for like‑minded conversations.
This event will be held at the CADA location:
Colorado Automobile Dealer Association
290 East Speer Blvd, Denver, CO 80203
From 6:00PM until 8:00PM
We've done our best to minimize outlays, but inflationary costs force us to collect $20.00 from each person.
Thank you in advance.
Please RSVP here to let us know you will be coming.
Go to our website:
We look forward to celebrating with you.
See you there!