Freedom Isn't Free - It's Up To Us To Defend It!

Denver Republican Party Newsletter - April 23, 2024 Edition

Don't Miss Valdamar Archuleta's Powerful Message at the Denver Republican Women's Upcoming Event!

The Denver Republican Women are thrilled to invite you to their upcoming April meeting on Saturday, April 27th at 10 am. This event will be held at the Independence Institute, with special guest speaker, Valdamar Archuleta!

Valdamar is challenging longtime Congresswoman Diana "Dinosaur" Degette in Colorado's 1st Congressional District, and we're eager to learn more about his vision for our state and our nation.

"As your congressman, I will fight the complacency of Washington to reinvigorate America," declares Valdamar. "Together we can accomplish real change for our economy, criminal justice system, and sense of unity as Americans."

Join the Denver Republican Women as Valdamar shares his vision for reinvigorating America and fighting the complacency of Washington. Join Denver Republican Women to connect with like-minded individuals, hear from dynamic speakers, and discover ways to get involved in shaping the future of our community and our country. So, mark your calendars and join us on April 27th at 10 am at the Independence Institute. Let's come together, gain inspiration from Valdamar's message, and make our voices heard. Together, we can ensure that the people of Colorado have a strong, principled alternative to the status quo.

  • Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 am
  • Location: Independence Institute, 727 E 16th Ave, Denver, CO 80203

Light refreshments will be served.

All official Republican candidates are invited to share your vision. If you would like to be added to the agenda for a 2-minute speaking slot, please reach out.

Please note that the DRW's May meeting has been rescheduled for May 18th to host their District Meeting and a Voter Persuasion Workshop with The Leadership Institute. This is a can't-miss opportunity to gain key skills for the upcoming election season, so stay tuned for more details on the location and save that date!

Denver Republican Women hope you can join us. Please RSVP to reserve your seat by emailing

Support Archuleta 

Make A Difference: Testify at a Bill Hearing

The Denver Republican Women are passionate about promoting an informed and engaged electorate. Active citizen participation is key to upholding a thriving democracy and having our voices heard on the issues that impact our communities.

That's why we are excited to announce our upcoming Citizen Advocacy Webinar on April 24th from 6:30-8:30 PM. This virtual training aims to equip attendees with the tools needed to be effective volunteer advocates.

During this informative session, you will gain practical skills for navigating Colorado's legislative process successfully. Our webinar will cover:

  • A review of the current legislative landscape to ensure you have the latest updates
  • Techniques for being an effective advocate and maximizing your impact, including best practices online
  • Guidance on providing public testimony at bill hearings - a powerful way to participate directly

Don't miss this opportunity to amplify your voice and drive change on the issues you care about most. Join us by emailing to receive the webinar link.

Let's come together as an informed, engaged electorate to influence the policy decisions shaping our state. We look forward to empowering you as a citizen advocate!

Political News and Legislative Alerts

Colorado Bill Poses Threats to Free Speech Online

It’s legal, but DO NOT talk about it on social media! A proposed bill in Colorado, Senate Bill 24-158, aimed at age verification for social media users, contains concerning provisions that infringe on free speech rights and could hamper law enforcement investigations. This bill requires social media companies like Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) to verify users' age by having them submit a copy of their ID. It gives State-approved entities control and authority over information about federally scheduled I-V substances on social media sites, while making it unlawful for users to talk positively about legal substances like marijuana and mushrooms. SB 24-158 requires platforms to disclose details about user violations reported to law enforcement, potentially compromising ongoing investigations. It would also prevent users from knowing if they are under investigation, violating due process rights. Additionally, the bill imposes burdensome reporting requirements on even small online forums with users in Colorado. Lawmakers should reconsider this bill's surveillance of law-abiding citizens and government overreach that threatens our constitutional rights, and health and medical freedom.

Take Action: The final opportunity for submitting public comment on SB 24-158 will be in the House Education Committee Hearing on Thursday, April 25th at 1:30 pm. Contact your House Representative in the Colorado General Assembly. Click HERE to find your legislator. Testify at the hearing via email, Zoom, or in-person. Click HERE to register.

Stop the Parking Purge

Colorado Democrats are pushing a radical bill to eliminate parking minimums statewide, threatening a parking nightmare for residents. Their misguided House Bill 1304 would strip local control by banning municipalities from enforcing minimum parking requirements - all in the name of "affordability" and reducing emissions. But this one-size-fits-all approach ignores the needs of the elderly, disabled, families, and anyone who dares to own a vehicle in car-centric Colorado. Say goodbye to guest parking, street parking, or any parking convenience as urban utopians sacrifice your quality of life on the altar of density. This parking pandemonium is the latest Democratic overreach that could leave you circling the block endlessly.

Take Action: The final opportunity for submitting public comment on HB 24-1304 will be in the Senate Local Government and Housing Committee Hearing on Thursday, April 25th upon adjournment. Contact your Senator in the Colorado General Assembly. Click HERE to find your legislator. Testify via email, Zoom, or in-person. Click HERE to register.

Orwell's Nightmare Becomes Reality in Colorado Legislature

In a guest editorial featured in Complete Colorado, Ashley Troxell sounds the alarm on the dystopian overreach of Senate Bill 84 - a proposal that would establish a state-sanctioned "curriculum" to control public discourse. Echoing the Thought Police tactics of 1984, SB 24-084 represents a blatant encroachment on free speech under the guise of combating misinformation. The uncanny parallels extend to coordinating with schools, foreshadowing an Orwellian indoctrination of the next generation. Troxell urges Coloradans to reject this blueprint for thought control masquerading as public safety. Wake up, freedom-lovers - Orwell's nightmare is manifesting before our eyes.

Another attack on TABOR

All the Democrats want is your money. The latest Democratic ploy to pilfer your TABOR refunds? Democrats are attempting an end-run around TABOR refunds with House Bill 1311 misleadingly titled the "Family Affordability Tax Credit." Instead of proportionally refunding surplus revenues to all taxpayers as intended by TABOR, it diverts that money to families with kids under 16 based on income levels. Hard-working teachers like the author would get taxed but receive no refund, while some non-taxpayers could receive the maximum "credit." It brazenly defies the voter-approved tax limits under TABOR, rebranding confiscation as "affordability." The challenge is laid bare - whose money is it ultimately, the people's or the politicians'?

Democrats' Density Disruption

Another attack on home rule by the Democrats. In their relentless pursuit of urban density, Colorado Democrats are reviving last year's failed zoning power grab through House Bill 1313 - holding hostage municipal highway funds to force "transit-oriented" housing goals. Municipalities cry foul over this brazen assault on local control, undermining voter-approved home rule on core issues like zoning. The controversial bill finances its agenda through tens of millions in general funds while projected to drain state revenues for over a decade. Even some Dems, wary of outraging constituents, distance themselves from this hostile housing overreach that could reshape communities statewide against their will.

CSSA's Front Line Briefing

We're extremely grateful to the Colorado State Shooting Association for providing this comprehensive legislative briefing on pending bills impacting our Second Amendment rights. As passionate defenders of the Constitution, it's crucial we stay informed on the anti-gun bills being pushed through the Colorado legislature this session.

The CSSA has been an unwavering voice fighting to protect our fundamental right to keep and bear arms from the repeated attacks by anti-gun politicians. Their tireless efforts to mobilize grassroots opposition against these unconstitutional overreaches are invaluable.

Please take a moment to review the CSSA's briefing and make your voice heard by contacting your legislators about the bills of concern. With your support, we can push back against this onslaught and secure our liberties. Thank you to the CSSA for this briefing and for your continued dedication to the Second Amendment in our state!

HB 24-1292: If signed into law, the “Assault Weapons Ban” would ban every semi-automatic centerfire handgun, rifle, and shotgun that accepts a magazine.


SB 24-131: In its original form, the “Sensitive Spaces” bill proposed to ban open and concealed carry virtually everywhere in the state except your home. It has since been amended to reduce the list of places where public carry would be banned. In its current form, this bill would ban public carry in government buildings and K-12 and college campuses.

HB 24-1310: The SLOWER bill would bar school districts from allowing well-trained teachers and faculty to concealed carry on campus to protect against violent threats to student safety. This is a targeted ban on the life-saving work that FASTER Colorado is doing to train school faculty in the proper use of firearms for emergency response.


HB 24-1270: This measure would require all gun owners to maintain liability insurance, further increasing the unconstitutional financial burden of exercising our Second Amendment rights.


HB 24-1353: This bill would require gun merchants to obtain a state permit in addition to their federal firearms licenses. The permit will cost $400 and the state will be permitted to increase the fee annually. This will add to the financial burden of doing business in an industry that is already struggling due to a plethora of existing restrictions.


HB 24-1174: This bill would increase the requirements to obtain a concealed carry permit.


HB 24-1349: This is an excise tax on firearms and ammunition. Excise taxes, such as those commonly levied on cigarettes and marijuana, are what we refer to as sin taxes. But gun ownership is a right, not a wrong.


SB 24-003: This bill would allocate millions of dollars to the CBI to create a “gun police” task force to enforce unconstitutional gun control policies like the mandatory 3-day waiting period.


SB 24-066: This bill would require credit card and debit card transactions between consumers and licensed firearms dealers to be marked with a distinct code, allowing the government to track who is making legal firearm purchases.


HB 24-1348: This bill would require any firearm left in a vehicle to be stored in a locked, hard-sided case out of plain view or in a locked trunk. Promoting this measure after killing a bill that would’ve increased the penalty for theft of firearms proves that anti-gun politicians intend to treat victims as criminals and criminals as victims.

Upcoming Events

Please check our calendar page for all events.

Denver Republican Women's Citizen Advocacy Webinar

When: Wednesday, April 24, 6:30 pm – 08:30 pm

Where: Virtual Webinar (RSVP for link)

Cocktails - Monthly Social

When: Thursday, April 25, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Blue Bonnet Restaurant, 457 S Broadway, Denver, CO, 80209

District 5 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, May 2, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: Community Room, Hirschfield Towers, 333 W Ellsworth Ave, Denver, CO 80223 

First Friday Breakfast

When: Friday, May 3, 8:00 am – 9:30 am

Where: Morning Story Restaurant, 560 S Holly Street, Denver, CO 80246

District 3 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, May 9, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tower 1660, 1660 S. Albion Street, Denver, CO 80222 

District 6 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, May 13, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Where: Christ the King Parish Hall, 830 Elm St, Denver, CO 80220

District 4 - Meet and Greet + Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, May 13, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Meeting starts at 6:00 pm)

Where: McCoys Restaurant, 4855 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80221

District 1 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, May 14, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Lakewood Vineyard Church, 6800 W Hampden Ave, Lakewood, CO 80227

District 9 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, May 20, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tower 1660, 1660 S. Albion Street, Denver, CO 80222

District 2 - Monthly Meeting

When: Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: St. John's Lutheran Church 700 S Franklin St, Denver, CO 80209

We Need Republicans To Get Involved!

We need your help to spread the truth and make a difference. Without your support, we can’t fight the lies and corruption of the other side. You can join our cause by becoming a monthly donor or making a single donation. Every dollar counts and every voice matters. Don’t let them silence us. Let’s stand together and make our voices heard.

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One Time Contribution
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Meet Joan French

Training Director

Joan's passion for civic engagement and equipping volunteers with the knowledge they need is truly inspiring. Joan tirelessly organizes training sessions and ensures we all have the education and resources we need. With her warm personality and deep well of expertise, she motivates us to keep showing up and making a difference. Please join us in thanking Joan for her exceptional service and commitment to strengthening Denver's Republican community!

Contact Us

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Contact Us - Denver County Republicans

Roger Rowland - Chairman

Carolyn Barnes - 1st Vice Chair

Diane Wolta - 2nd Vice Chair

Michael DiManna - 3rd Vice Chair

Kathy Elliott - Secretary

Joan French - Training Director

Ashley Troxell - Newsletter Editor, CFRW District 1 Director


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This publication is a periodic newsletter produced by the Denver County Republican Party and includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not necessarily affiliated with the Republican Party as a whole or the county party. Inclusion is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.