It's Time To Caucus! Make Your Mark in 2024.

Denver Republican Party Newsletter - February 22, 2024 Edition

Caucus on March 7th

It's Time To Caucus

Get Involved And Make A Difference!

This is your chance to get involved in local government and meet your neighbors. Learn, discuss, and make your voice heard.

The Denver County caucus is on Thursday, March 7th. Caucus is your chance to actively participate and shape the political landscape. Here's what's in store for you and your neighbors at the Caucus:

Engage in Meaningful Discussions: Dive into conversations about local, state, and national candidates and key issues that matter to your community.

Empower Your Voice: Take part in the democratic process by electing precinct committee people for the next two years, as well as delegates and alternatives to county, judicial, and legislative assemblies.

Shape the GOP Message: Make a difference by standing up for the party's values. Participate in crafting resolutions for the party platform and contribute to the GOP message that reaches voters.

Build the Future: Become a part of the process of recruiting election judges who play a vital role in ensuring fair elections. This is also your chance to represent your precinct at the county assembly on March 23rd and help nominate candidates. Or go to the state assembly in Pueblo on April 6th.

  • Date: March 7, 2024
  • Time: 7:00 pm (Check-in at 6:30 pm)
  • Location: Click HERE to find your caucus location.

To make things smoother and avoid the lines, please click HERE to pre-register.

Colorado Needs You

Give Voters A Choice. Run For Office!

Have you ever thought about running for office? Do you want to serve your community and make a real difference? Your state needs YOU now more than ever!

Now more than ever, America needs new leaders to step up and serve. We are recruiting credible and viable candidates for office in the 2024 election. Make an impact by running for one of these seats:

  • State House Districts 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9
  • State Senate Districts 26, 31, and 33
  • District Attorney for the 2nd Judicial District

You'll join a legacy of leaders working to enact Republican values like limited government, individual freedom, and fiscal responsibility.

Qualifications are simple: just be over 25, live in the district for a year, and be a U.S. citizen. For DA, additionally be licensed to practice law here for 5+ years.

Ready to take the leap into public service? Contact Denver GOP Chair Roger Rowland at

Our state has so much potential. With your leadership, we'll ensure opportunity and liberty for generations to come. Hope to hear from you soon!

Political News

Old Diseases Coming Back To US From Illegal Border Crossings

Once eradicated diseases like polio and leprosy are crossing our borders via unchecked immigration. Migrants from countries with poor healthcare bring illnesses unknown to American doctors. Tuberculosis, chickenpox, and syphilis rates are now spiking nationwide. The influx taxes our hospitals and puts our health at risk. It's time to regain control of our borders and protect citizens from preventable diseases.

When Is This Going To Happen In Denver?

The NYC government moved asylum seekers from a vulnerable shelter to a Brooklyn high school during a storm. This forced students to learn remotely while migrants used their classrooms. Angry parents protested this decision, arguing schools shouldn't be used as shelters. Officials defended the temporary relocation for safety, but admitted the original shelter location was inadequate. The incident highlights the need for solutions that don't disrupt students' education.

Denver's Homelessness Crisis

Almost 25,000 people required homelessness services in Denver last year - the highest in Colorado. Yet Democrats do little but throw money at the problem. Their policies punish businesses, drive up housing costs, and incentivize dependency. Over 300 people tragically died on Denver's streets in 2023. The minimum wage can't compete with runaway inflation caused by reckless spending. To reduce homelessness, we must enact common-sense reforms that promote personal responsibility, grow our economy, and address the underlying addiction and mental health issues. It's time to change course before more lives are needlessly lost.

Migrant Students Overwhelming Denver Public Schools

Denver schools have enrolled nearly 3,000 new migrant students since December, far above projections. This strains resources, with some classes ballooning to 35 kids. The district is millions underfunded based on pre-surge enrollment counts. Officials are urgently seeking solutions at crowded schools lacking staff and funds. Denver's education system is overwhelmed by the uncontrolled border crisis' local impacts.

Keeping Parents In The Dark

Colorado Democrats are pushing radical transgender agenda. Colorado lawmakers propose requiring schools to use students' preferred names or face penalties for discrimination. If passed, House Bill 24-1039 “Non-Legal Name Changes" will begin as early as this summer. The bill pushes preferred name usage in all unofficial school interactions. While the proposed bill doesn’t address the consequences of discrimination, Colorado law already prohibits discriminatory practices in schools.

Forget reading, writing, and arithmetic, Colorado Democrats are pushing climate agenda over basics. Senate Bill 24-014 would add "climate literacy" seals to diplomas. Students would take designated courses and projects on the topic. This distracts from core subjects like math, history, and literacy. Schools should focus on proficiency, not promoting a climate agenda. "By prioritizing a climate change agenda, they are neglecting important aspects of education that are essential for students' future success."

Kent Thiry Buying Colorado Elections

Kent Thiry’s proposal to overhaul Colorado’s election system has Democrats and Republicans skeptical. His proposed ballot measure would radically change Colorado's elections. It would abolish party primaries, using a top-four jungle primary instead. The two general election candidates would be decided by ranked choice voting. This election overhaul would disenfranchises voters and causes confusion.

Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute, describes Kent Thiry's election reform initiative as good and bad. Replacing party primaries with an open jungle primary makes sense for Colorado. But ranked choice voting for the general election is deeply flawed. It's cumbersome, confusing, and can disenfranchise voters.

Another view of Kent Thiry – How a Healthcare CEO Got Away with a $12 billion Scam: Kent Thiry grew DaVita into a dialysis behemoth through shrewd business tactics. But patients suffer under the profit-driven model. Limited treatment options and low quality care led to higher mortality rates. Thiry dodged anti-trust consequences, securing his monopoly. Patients' wellbeing comes last thanks to corporate greed. We must realign incentives toward preventative care, not just medical profits.

Colorado Conservatives Debate Mushrooms on Fox News

Colorado conservatives Ashley Troxell and Luke Niforatos debated the future of psilocybin mushrooms on Fox's The Ingraham Angle. While respectfully disagreeing, they brought a nuanced conversation to this complex issue. Ashley shared her journey and emerging evidence that "psychedelic mushrooms have the potential to help Americans overcome numerous ailments." She argued that we deserve the freedom of access to this natural healing option. Luke questioned the scientific merits of research and noted the FDA still needs to complete studies. Their candid exchange educated viewers on multiple perspectives. Though not seeing eye to eye, these two Colorado conservatives set an example of engaging civilly, even amid disagreement.

Upcoming Events

Please check our calendar page for all events.

Cocktails - Monthly Social

When: Thu, February 22, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Blue Bonnet Restaurant, 457 S Broadway, Denver, CO, 80209

Denver Republican Women Meeting

When: Saturday, February 24, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Where: Independence Institute, 727 E 16th Ave, Denver, CO, 80203

First Friday Breakfast

When: Friday, March 1, 8:00 am – 9:30 am

Where: Morning Story Restaurant, 560 S Holly Street, Denver, CO 80246

Precinct Caucuses - Denver Republican Party

When: Thursday, March 7, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Where:  Find your location here:

District 6 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, March 11, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Where: Christ the King Parish Hall, 830 Elm St, Denver, CO 80220

District 4 - Meet and Greet + Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, March 11, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Meeting starts at 6:00 pm)

Where: McCoys Restaurant, 4855 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80221

District 1 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, March 14, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Lakewood Vineyard Church, 6800 W Hampden Ave, Lakewood, CO 80227

District 3 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, March 14, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tower 1660, 1660 S. Albion Street, Denver, CO 80222 

District 9 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, March 18, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tower 1660, 1660 S. Albion Street, Denver, CO 80222

District 2 - Monthly Meeting

When: Tuesday, March 19, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: St. John's Lutheran Church 700 S Franklin St, Denver, CO 80209

District 8 - Monthly Meeting

When: Wednesday, March 20, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: Liberty Room at the Independence Institute, 727 E 16th Ave, Denver, CO

Denver County Assembly

When: Saturday, March 23, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Where: Community Center of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Denver at 4610 E. Alameda Avenue, Denver, CO 80246


Colorado Presidential Primary Election

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Caucus and Assembly Dates

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm - Denver Republican Caucus

A description of caucus can be found at: Denver County Caucus.

Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 9:00 am - Denver County Republican Assembly

A description of the county assembly can be found at: Denver County Assembly.


We Need Republicans To Get Involved!

We need your help to spread the truth and make a difference. Without your support, we can’t fight the lies and corruption of the other side. You can join our cause by becoming a monthly donor or making a single donation. Every dollar counts and every voice matters. Don’t let them silence us. Let’s stand together and make our voices heard.

Recurring Contribution
One Time Contribution
Visit our Website

Meet Diane Wolta

2nd Vice Chair

Diane Wolta is a dedicated community leader serving as the 2nd Vice Chair for the Denver County Republicans. With a passion for advocating for the well-being of Denver neighborhoods and the safety of its residents, Diane is a passionate advocate for preserving the city's livability and quality of life. Let's thank Diane for all she does to shape a brighter future for Denver and for her invaluable contributions to our party.

Contact Us

Website -

Contact Us - Denver County Republicans

Roger Rowland - Chairman

Carolyn Barnes - 1st Vice Chair

Diane Wolta - 2nd Vice Chair

Michael DiManna - 3rd Vice Chair

Kathy Elliott - Secretary

Joan French - Training Director

Ashley Troxell - Newsletter Editor, CFRW District 1 Director


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This publication is a periodic newsletter produced by the Denver County Republican Party and includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not necessarily affiliated with the Republican Party as a whole or the county party. Inclusion is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.