We Made History! Your Vote Shaped the Future of Colorado 🏔️

Denver Republican Party Newsletter - November 15, 2023 Edition

Prop HH Defeated Thanks to Our Efforts

This Win Belongs to You

Proposition HH was soundly defeated at the polls last week. Working together with Denver Republican Women and Americans for Prosperity, our phone bank outreach succeeded in educating voters about this deceptive and harmful ballot measure. Colorado taxpayers stood strong against backdoor tax hikes. This victory demonstrates the power of grassroots activism. When we come together as a party, we can achieve great things. Thank you to all who phone banked and volunteered their time and energy.

School Board Election Shows Power of Grassroots Outreach

Change Wins

The candidates endorsed by Denver Families Action for Public Schools prevailed in the recent Denver school board election, securing a brighter future for DPS students, families, and teachers. Kimberlee Sia, Marlene De La Rosa, and John Youngquist won their races, representing a victory for experienced, qualified leadership ready to get DPS back on track. The candidates endorsed by the Denver Families Action for Public Schools organization prevailed in the recent Denver school board election.

This demonstrates the influence of parental engagement groups like Denver Families in shaping the future of our schools. After years of divisive politics that pitted communities against each other, this election showed voters rejecting that approach by electing candidates focused on students, not ideology. Denver Families Action's tireless grassroots outreach of thousands of doors knocked, and phone calls made allowed them to connect directly with voters about their education priorities. This community-powered effort paved the way for real change.

Prop HH Defeated, Help Us Keep Up the Fight

Proposition HH was Defeated Thanks to Grassroots Activism

On October 23rd, Denver County Republicans joined the Denver Republican Women and Americans for Prosperity to educate voters about this deceitful ballot measure.

The event kicked-off with an inspirational talk from Ben Murrey of the Independence Institute. Dedicated volunteers like you came together, armed with the facts, to call voters across Colorado. After making calls, we watched the lively debate that drove home the dire implications of Prop HH.

This victory belongs to us all. Your support made this possible. We must keep up the fight against government overreach and encroachments on our rights. With your help, we can build on this momentum to achieve even greater victories. But we need resources to organize more events, train volunteers, and get out the vote.

Will you donate today to empower our efforts? Every dollar makes a difference. With your backing, we can leverage our grassroots passion to promote the principles we hold dear - faith, family, freedom, and more.

This election proved that the voice of the people can still reign supreme. When we come together and take action, we can accomplish anything. Help support more victories for the Republican cause with your generous contribution. Together, we can secure our freedoms and opportunities. Please donate today!

Recurring Contribution
One Time Contribution

You're Invited to Brunch

You're invited to a brunch social and membership drive with the Denver Republican Women on Saturday, November 18th at 11 am. We'll be meeting at The ART Hotel's Fire Restaurant & Lounge.

We have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our state, and we need to exercise it. Let’s work together on the issues that matter to us.

The Denver Republican Women are dedicated to fighting attempts by legislators at the Colorado State Capitol to take away rights and freedoms from Coloradans. We face a tough challenge in Colorado, where the Democrats currently hold power. We will remain vigilant, monitoring legislation and working with legislators.

Engaged citizens can have an impact by voicing our values. That's why we want to hear what matters most to you. Your participation is vital, so please join us to talk politics while enjoying brunch.

The Denver Republican Women sincerely thank you for showing your support by joining or renewing your membership. For just $35, you can join as an Active Member. Or you can join as an Associate Member for $20. We welcome anyone who champions Republican principles to attend as an associate member, regardless of gender.

Please note the membership rates are solely for membership. Food and beverages at the brunch are not included. The ART Hotel's Fire Restaurant & Lounge’s delicious brunch menu and cocktails will be available for purchase separately.

Please RSVP to DenverRepublicanWomen@gmail.com by November 17th so we can give the restaurant a headcount. Feel free to bring a friend!

We hope to see you on November 18th to connect, strategize, and fuel up for the year ahead. This is an exciting chance to renew our spirit and purpose. Your membership keeps our voice strong!

Members are invited to stay after brunch for a brief meeting and our election of officers.


The Denver Republican Women

When: Saturday, November 18, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Where: The ART Hotel’s Fire Restaurant & Lounge (on the 4th floor)

1201 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203

Let's Celebrate The Season

You're invited to a jolly good time at our Holiday Party, hosted with the Denver Republican Women.

Join us on December 15th from 6-8 pm at the Independence Institute to eat, drink, and be merry after a year of hard-fought victories. We'll have delicious food, festive drinks, and the company of fellow Republicans ready to deck the halls in red.

This season, we have so much to celebrate - defeating Prop HH, the candidates endorsed by Denver Families Action won board seats, and more. But the fight isn't over, and we need your continued support to keep winning in 2024 and beyond.

Please RSVP by email to DenverRepublicanWomen@gmail.com and share some holiday cheer with your Republican family! Your generous donation to the Denver Republican Women makes this event possible and powers our efforts all year long. We appreciate any holiday gift you can give.

Let's celebrate and enjoy the holiday season. The best is yet to come!

When: Friday, December 15, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Independence Institute, 727 E 16th Ave, Denver, CO

Political News

Get Ready to Caucus in 2024

The winds of change are blowing, and Denver Republicans can harness this energy during the 2024 caucus on Thursday, March 7th. This crucial event decides our party's nominees and kicks off our drive toward victory in November. Make sure your voice is heard - visit our website to find your caucus location. This is our chance to nominate candidates who embody our values of faith, family, and freedom. Together, let's caucus for a red wave across Denver and secure a brighter future for our communities. Change starts with you - mark your calendars and spread the word about this important event.

All Hands on Deck for the 2024 County Assembly

It’s time to get ready for the Denver County Republican Assembly on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024. This meeting decides our delegates for higher assemblies and rallies energy for the November election. Now we need dedicated members to serve on the vital Credentials, Resolutions, Rules, and Tellers committees. Join the team that will steer this assembly to success. Don’t miss this chance to support our nominees and boost momentum toward victory. We are proud to announce the following committee chairs who will lead the way:

  • Credentials – Marisa Showalter
  • Resolutions – Michael DiManna
  • Rules – Julie Mackay Percy
  • Tellers – Celeste Gamache

Please contact them if you are interested in volunteering for their committees. Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm. Together, we can make a difference.

Another Micro-Community Bites the Dust

The city of Denver's plan to build micro-communities for the homeless continues to crumble. Mayor Mike Johnston recently announced that a proposed site in Virginia Village has been scrapped after the private landowner pulled out of the deal. This marks the third canceled location, as owners of two other private properties also withdrew their offers. Johnston is now even further from meeting his goal of housing 1000 people by 2024. With half of the original ten proposed sites on privately owned land now dead, the burden disproportionately falls on public property. As Johnston's grand solution unravels, Denver still desperately needs real, comprehensive strategies to address rising homelessness.

Upcoming Events

Please check our calendar page for all events.

District 8 - Monthly Meeting

When: Wednesday, November 15, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: Liberty Room at the Independence Institute, 727 E 16th Ave, Denver, CO

Denver Republican Women - Brunch Social and Monthly Meeting

When: Saturday, November 18, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Where: The ART Hotel’s Fire Restaurant & Lounge (on the 4th floor)

1201 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203

District 9 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, November 20, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tower 1660, 1660 S. Albion Street, Denver, CO 80222

District 2 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, November 21, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: St. John's Lutheran Church 700 S Franklin St, Denver, CO 80209

First Friday Breakfast

When: Friday, December 1, 8:00 am – 9:30 am

Where: Morning Story Restaurant, 560 S Holly Street, Denver, CO 80246

District 5 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, December 7, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Where: Community Room, Hirschfield Towers, 333 W Ellsworth Ave, Denver, CO 80223 

District 6 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, December 11, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Where: Christ the King Parish Hall, 830 Elm St, Denver, CO 80220

District 4 - Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, December 11, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Where: McCoys Restaurant, 4855 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80221

District 1 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, December 14, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Lakewood Vineyard Church, 6800 W Hampden Ave, Lakewood, CO 80227

District 3 - Monthly Meeting

When: Thursday, December 14, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tower 1660, 1660 S. Albion Street, Denver, CO 80222 

Holiday Party with the Denver Republican Women

When: Friday, December 15, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Independence Institute, 727 E 16th Ave, Denver, CO


Colorado Presidential Primary Election

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Caucus and Assembly Dates

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm - Denver Republican Caucus

A description of caucus can be found at: Denver County Caucus.

Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 9:00 am - Denver County Republican Assembly

A description of the county assembly can be found at: Denver County Assembly.


We Need Republicans To Get Involved!

We need your help to spread the truth and make a difference. Without your support, we can’t fight the lies and corruption of the other side. You can join our cause by becoming a monthly donor or making a single donation. Every dollar counts and every voice matters. Don’t let them silence us. Let’s stand together and make our voices heard.

Recurring Contribution
One Time Contribution
Visit our Website

Meet Michael DiManna

New Third Vice Chair Michael DiManna

Let's welcome Michael DiManna, our new Third Vice Chair of the Denver County Republicans! Michael brings tremendous passion and leadership to this vital role. His tireless efforts to connect voters with our vision steers us toward a brighter political landscape. Michael's organization skills also strengthen our operations. And his enthusiasm motivates fellow Republicans to stay involved. With Michael now on board, our party gains an invaluable team member. Let's applaud his readiness to take the helm and steer Republicans to victory!

Contact Us

Website - https://www.denvergop.org

Contact Us - Denver County Republicans

Roger Rowland - Chairman

Carolyn Barnes - 1st Vice Chair

Diane Wolta - 2nd Vice Chair

Michael DiManna - 3rd Vice Chair

Kathy Elliott - Secretary

Joan French - Training Director

Ashley Ryan Troxell - Newsletter Editor


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This publication is a periodic newsletter produced by the Denver County Republican Party and includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not necessarily affiliated with the Republican Party as a whole or the county party. Inclusion is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.