The OneStopPGH Fall Newsletter
OneStopPGH is The Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections and the City Planning Zoning and Development Review Division's new one-stop-shop for permits, licenses, and zoning applications. Skip the trip downtown and apply online from home or the office!

Be sure to email or call for your one-time pin to connect your existing data with your new account:

  • 412-255-2175
learn more about changes to application requirements and
the OneStopPGH system
Friday October 11th
9am - 10am
200 Ross Street
Floor 1 Conference Room
Pittsburgh, Pa 15219
Thursday October 17th
6:30 - 8pm
4900 Friendship Ave
West Penn Hospital
Nursing School Auditorium

6:30 - 7 pm - Q&A come early to talk to staff about questions specific to a property

7 pm - Presentation

*Small business and resident oriented
Instructional Videos
Not sure where to start? Be Sure to check out our instructional videos for help navigating the new OneStopPGH platform.

What is a ROZA?
New PLI and Zoning and Development Review application criteria
R · O · Z · A
/ roʊzɑ:
Stands for R ecord O f Z oning A pproval. Document that certifies that a project complies with zoning regulations. ROZA is the new name for a Zoning Voucher. A ROZA is issued at the end of the Zoning and Development Review (ZDR) Application process.

To learn more, visit Zoning and PLI's Work Not Requiring a Permit page.

TIP: use the keyboard keys control + F to search for type of project you are performing (pool, fence, solar panels, etc).
A Checklist  is also now available  for the Zoning and Development Review Application (ZDR). The handout covers: 
  • When a Zoning and Development Review Application is required and when it is not needed. 
  • When a  Zoning and Development Review Application requires a site plan. 
  • When a Zoning and Development Review Application requires a professionally stamped site plan 
  • When a Zoning and Development Review Application does not require a site plan. 
Nominate a new Stationary Vendor Location!
Anyone can submit an application to nominate a new stationary vendor location. The Street and Sidewalk Site Designation Committee will review all applications at the fall meeting.

Nomination Forms can be emailed to or submitted over the counter at 200 Ross Street.
Do you hold a stationary vendor's license and are interested in representing the Stationary Vendors at the Street and Sidewalk Site Designation Committee? Email or call government and community affairs liaison Sally Stadelman at or 412-518-7276 to apply.
Contact your PLI Construction Inspector
Ready for an inspection? PLI construction inspector contact information can be downloaded

For property maintenance violations, contact information for the operations inspector is always included in the citation letter.
Buildingeye is back!
  • Buildingeye is back to updating daily with PLI permit and citation information. See PLI permit and citation information as far back as 2015 on this easy-to-use website.

  • Zoning application updates will return to buildingeye soon.

New OneStopPGH Database!
Search for PLI and Zoning permits and applications on the new OneStopPGH public database, no sign in required.

Look for the link in the bottom right hand corner of to access.
The Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections and City Planning Zoning and Development Review Division has launched OneStopPGH, the City of Pittsburgh's One-Stop-Shop for select permits, licenses, inspections and zoning applications.

Questions? Contact the Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections at: