Desert Heights Charter Schools (Kinder-4th grade)

Summer Mailer

Greetings Desert Heights Family! We hope you all are enjoying summer and getting time to relax and enjoy family. We want to welcome all new families to our community! I know I speak on behalf of all of Desert Heights staff, students and parents, when I say we are so glad you have chosen our community for your children, and we take the education and well-being of our kids very seriously.

We hope you will find that we are a family and enjoy working with you as parents to make this the best educational experience possible for your child. We believe strongly in open communication and partnership. There are many avenues for you to stay informed and connected. If you are a current parent and have not been receiving emails or text communications, please be sure to update your information with the front office as soon as possible. We want to ensure that we can contact you in an emergency situation and that you have all of the information needed to keep your child safe.

Communication Source

Information Included

School Newsletter

sent to email on file

  • Schoolwide events and celebrations
  • General announcements 

Social Media

Facebook, Instagram

  • Schoolwide events and celebrations
  • General Announcements
  • Individual student accolades
  • Pictures of student enjoying experiences at school

*Athletics and clubs also have their own individual pages. 

Text Messages

primary number on file

  • Emergency situations such as lockdowns or campus evacuations 
  • Reminders for important due dates 
  • Field Trip Updates
  • Dress Down Reminders


login through the app or on your desktop

  • Important Documents 
  • Grades
  • Attendance
  • Test Scores (State assessments as well as district pre, post and benchmark assessments) 
  • Fee Payments
  • Assignment due dates
  • Conference scheduling 


student has their own login information

  • Schedule
  • Communication from instructors
  • Assignments and due dates
  • Dropbox (for turning in completed assignments) 
  • GPA (specific grades) 
  • Course Requests
  • Class Ranking 
  • Grade



You will receive a personal email directly from a staff member if content is specific to your child or family.


Please email your child's teacher for issues related to grades, concerns about the class, or student issues. Your child's teacher(s) are with them most often and should be the first point of contact as it relates to the classroom.  

The first day of school is right around the corner! We start on August 1st! Please be sure to attend our Back to School Day on July 28th! Each grade level will have a scheduled time to come so as to make this experience efficient for everyone. This is when you will receive your child’s class schedule/homeroom assignment, sign up for transportation, pick up any uniforms you have purchased in advance, pay fees, and learn more about the lunch program. You will also be able to meet the teachers and see where your child’s classrooms are located. More information is coming, so be on the lookout for that!

We are truly looking forward to an amazing 2023-2024 school year! Can’t wait to see everyone back on campus! 

Desert Heights Charter School

Back to School Day!

Prepare for the first day of school by taking care of all items needed at once!

Friday, July 28th

8am-10am is open for Kinder and new families

10am-12pm is open for 1st and 2nd grade families.

1pm-3pm is open for 3rd and 4th grade families.

Where did the summer go? It seems like it just started, which makes it so hard to believe it's almost back-to-school time again! We are so excited to see our students!! Use the links to find resources needed to best prepare for the beginning of the school year! Forms can be turned in at Back to School Day!

Quick Links

School Lunch Program

We strongly believe that healthy nutrition is important for growing bodies and learning minds. With that being said, we invite your child to take part in our breakfast and lunch program on a regular basis. Our meals are catered daily by L & M Catering. They offer a variety of options including daily salad options and vegetarian options! Since meals are catered, we require meals to be pre-ordered. Meals will need to be ordered a week in advance; the deadline is Wednesdays at 11:59 PM. Orders will need to be pre-ordered on Meals can be ordered daily, weekly, or monthly! The cost for breakfast is $2.20 or .30¢ for students who qualify for reduced price and $3.45 for lunches or .40¢ for students who qualify for reduced price lunches. We encourage all families to apply for Free and Reduced Priced Meals. To apply please visit My Mealtime. You will need your child’s Student ID Number to complete the electronic application. The Student ID can be found by visiting ParentVUE or contacting the front offices.

To get started please visit and create an account. The school passcode is DHC1. Instructions on how to create an account can be found here. We look forward to serving your child! For more information regarding our lunch program, please visit our website or contact Vanessa Gonzalez.

Transportation Update

We would like to start by thanking you for your patience as we worked through finding solutions for transportation services for the upcoming school year. We are excited to announce that Mr. Ryan Larimore has decided to continue driving for Desert Heights Charter Schools. If you would like to take advantage of our transportation services, please submit a transportation contract as soon as possible. Contracts can be emailed, faxed, or dropped off in the front offices. Space is limited. Contracts will be processed on a first come first served basis and students that have outstanding transportation fees will be deprioritized. For a list of available bus stops please see our website!


If you have any questions, please contact our Transportation Director Jay Jiles.

Dress Code

The summer is a great time to clean out closets and ensure that your student has uniforms and school attire that is able to be tucked in and fits comfortably. We are always looking for gently used uniform and spirit wear donations! Every summer, we review and evaluate the effectiveness of many aspects of our programs, including how and why we identify as a uniform school. In reviewing student discipline data, it was discovered that a disproportionate number of disciplinary incidents involved uniform violations. This discovery promoted more internal dialogue about the importance of being a uniform school and how essential it is that we all work together in making the enforcement of our uniform policy a priority moving into next year.

Desert Heights has been a uniform school since our inception and for good reason. When implemented with fidelity, school uniform policies may deter off task behaviors and encourage students to remain focused on their education, not the quality or value of their clothing. The intent in being a uniform program is to create a level playing field among students, which in turn, may reduce peer pressure and bullying behavior. Wearing our uniform can also promote school pride, school spirit and unity amongst our student population. We believe that it “sets the tone” for the importance of presentation in the real world once a student leaves Desert Heights Charter Schools and is why we will be supporting all community members in adhering to and enforcing the dress code.

For quick dress code references, click here to review the handbook expectations.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, see you soon!

Character Development/Digital Citizenship

In alignment with our three pillars, we will continue to support students in character development and emotional well-being. We focus on integrity, self-regulation concepts such as decisions making, choice and outcomes, kindness, building relationships and career readiness.

Additionally, while our students may seem like experts at using technology, the digital world requires all kinds of skills and habits that our students often don’t pick up initially. Digital citizenship helps them learn those skills. Common Sense Media is a great resource for families and educational communities to help our students learn those important and valuable digital world skills. As a community, we continue to embed character development in day-to-day student life, including continuing our learning about Digital Citizenship. Click here to learn more about Digital Citizenship and explore the website.

 Lets Talk Attendance!

The education of your student is extremely important to us. Attendance is not only an essential component to a student’s academic success, but state law also requires it. The Arizona Department of Education continues to provide data confirming that students who are chronically absent in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade are much less likely to read at grade level by third grade and have significant gaps in crucial social emotional skills. Students who have gaps in character development, executive functioning skills and/or cannot read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school. Furthermore, chronic absenteeism in even a single year between 8th and 12th grade was associated with a seven-fold increase in the likelihood of dropping out of high school all together. Young people who chose to drop out have been linked to having insufficient executive functioning and character skills needed to be successful and may have greater life challenges such as poverty, poor health, and other negative outcomes. Being at school on time and consistently is important to the healthy development and growth of your student, academically and behaviorally. We are committed to doing all that we can to support your student's attendance daily.

Often, the number of days students are absent accumulates without parents realizing how many days have been missed or how many times their student is tardy to school. It is highly recommended that you ensure you have access to your ParentVUE when school is in session to monitor your student’s attendance and more.


We realize that there are a variety of reasons that students are late or absent, from health concerns to transportation challenges and more. To encourage and improve school attendance, Desert Heights Schools is in partnership with the Maricopa County Juvenile Probation C.U.T.S (court unified truancy suppression) and C.U.T.S. L.I.T.E. (limited intervention to educate) programs. We have adapted the protocols of these programs in effort to communicate and notify families when specific thresholds are reached. The C.U.T.S. program only requires one warning letter to be sent. However, we communicate more than this in effort to support our families by sending a letter to notify you each time a specific threshold is reached. Additionally, we are continuing to streamline many processes amongst our community using our Synergy systems. One of the enhancements of this system is the ability to create processes to document and gather data specific to students and school wide for planning and tracking purposes. This year, in addition to notification letters being automatically generated from the system and distributed, a minor incident referral will also be created when specific attendance thresholds are reached for a student. Please note that all absences, excused or unexcused, count collectively toward your

student’s attendance and may have an impact on promotion, graduation, and retention decisions.

This year, we plan to continue to collect feedback and data within the processes in place to support all parties. To help you understand why you may receive a letter, we wanted to break down the thresholds for you prior to the school year starting but you can also review the information from the handbook here.

Kindergarten through 4th grade students:

Step one: five (5) absences reached; notification letter is generated automatically from the system and distributed for awareness purposes; minor incident referral created for documentation.

Step two: ten (10) absences reached, notification letter is generated automatically from the system and distributed for awareness purposes; minor incident referral created for follow-up and documentation purposes; conference required to discuss barriers in getting to school; vision and Goal plan issued to continue enrollment.

Step three: fifteen (15) absences reached, notification letter is generated automatically from the system and then distributed for awareness purposes: minor incident referral created for follow-up and documentation purposes: possible conference with Maricopa County Truancy Officer.

Step four: nineteen (19) or more absences reached; minor incident referral created, and referral to the Maricopa County Truancy Program

It is extremely important that you communicate when your student will not be attending school for any reason either by phone or using the online system through our website. For safety reasons, five unexcused absences are considered habitually truant and would warrant a referral to the C.U.T.S program and/or a well check from local authorities to ensure the student and family is safe.

Again, we realize there are a variety of reasons a student may be tardy or absent. If there are sudden changes within your household that may affect your student’s attendance, please reach out so we can be in communication as much as possible in effort to support. If there are health concerns that may impact your student, please reach out to me so that I can connect with you to discuss what may qualify as a chronic health condition and other attendance guidelines that may apply.

Please know that we are here to support as much as we are able while still adhering to the state attendance guidelines. Working as a team in these situations is incredibly helpful for all parties involved. The summertime is a great time to have fun and relax. As we get closer to school starting, it is beneficial to get back into routines or create routines such as setting clothes out at night, etc. to be prepared. Click here for some ideas to help you determine what might work for your family.

Events & Activities at DHCS

We are excited to bring another school year packed full of events for our community! We encourage you to follow along with our Events Calendar, which you can find on our website! Save this link to stay up to date on all events and activities at DHCS! 

DHCS Events Calendar

First Day of School

Peter Piper Pizza Restaurant Night

DHCS School Pictures