Place, Time, and Purpose
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The Committee on the Environment is excited to announce Jason Smith, Partner at Kieran Timberlake, an award-winning architecture firm and an internationally recognized leader in practice-based architectural research and innovative buildings. Jason Smith's talk addresses the themes of urbanism, renewal, and longevity that cut across the firm's work through examples of restoring a transit hub, retrofitting a former bottling plant to a sustainable studio, and balancing the essential qualities of building on a 100 year old campus with the rapid pace of change in frontier physics research. Check out some of their work at www.kierantimberlake.com.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
5:00 PM | Reception
6:00 PM | Presentation
1.0 HSW Learning Unit
Free for AIA Members and Affiliates!
$20 for Non-AIA Members
The Center for Architecture & Design
50 West Town St., Suite 110
More Information | Register Here |
GROWING A FIRM: MBA Series Continues Tomorrow!
Friday, April 8, 2016
The Mastering the Business of Architecture Series continues on April 8 with the session "Growing a Firm". This afternoon workshop with Brad Dresbach, VP at Weber Associates and Paula Ryan, FSMPS, CPSM, Director of Marketing at Jezerinac Geers and Associates will cover how to brand your firm, business development, and examining your place in the marketplace.
Friday, April 8, 2016
12:00 - 4:00 PM
3.5 Learning Units
The Center for Architecture & Design
50 West Town St., Suite 110
$20 Associate AIA | $40 AIA
$80 Non-AIA Members
Structural Systems
Saturday, April 9, 2016
AIA Columbus is excited to launch another set of ARE 4.0 Study Sessions! Join us on April 9th for the first session of the year, Structural Systems, presented by David Holtzapple of Korda Engineering. Check out our tentative schedule for the year to see when other topics will be available. With the launch of ARE 5.0 coming this summer, ARE 4.0 will only be around for a couple more years so don't wait to start testing! Check out the
credit model matrix for the transition between ARE 4.0 and 5.0 to see how you could reduce the amount of exams you need to take!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Breakfast and coffee provided.
The Center for Architecture & Design 50 West Town St., Suite 110
$15 Associate AIA | $20 Non-AIA
What Makes a Thermoplastic Roof Sustainable
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Join us at Dempsey's for lunch while earning continuing education credits! This program examines how a thermoplastic roofing membrane contributes to achieving sustainability while controlling costs,
presented by Eric Burnheimer, CSI, CDT, of Sike Corporation's Roofing Division. Learn the importance of proven performance and membrane durability to reduce landfill volume, the benefits of pre and post-consumer recycling of thermoplastic membranes, how fire resistance impacts sustainability, and what attributes contribute to lowering life cycle costs.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1.0 HSW Learning Unit
Lunch Included.
Dempsey's Restaurant 346 S. High Street
$10 AIA and Affiliates | $20 Non-AIA
Paid Advertisement:
Hosted by Woodworks - Wood Products Council
This presentation will provide an introductory review of allowable uses and best design practices associated with wood-frame construction. Topics include: wood science (including wood's cell structure and moisture interaction properties), wood species and grades, structural wood design for vertical (gravity) loads (including bending, shear, deflection, vibration, tension and compression), connections, common wood-frame lateral force-resisting systems, and components of wood shear walls. Architectural considerations associated with wood framing will also be examined, including fire protection and sprinklers, construction types, acoustics, and building envelopes. The presentation will also introduce cross laminated timber (CLT), an engineered wood building system designed to complement light- and heavy-timber framing options. CLT will be reviewed using a series of project examples that demonstrate its use and associated benefits in a range of applications. Information on manufacturing, specification and code-related considerations will also be discussed.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
9:30 AM - 12:45 PM
2 HSW CEUs or PDH credits
$20 cost | Lunch is included
Smith & Wollensky
4145 The Strand West, Columbus, OH
Pre-registration is required!
More Information | Register Here |
Important AIA Columbus Dates for 2016:
- April 19th | Chapter Meeting: Jason Smith of Kieran Timberlake on sustainability topic
- May 24 | Chapter Meeting: Bob Wandel and Nate Wendling of WSA Studio on how practice has changed and how it has stayed the same
- June 21 | Chapter Meeting: Greg Mare of AECOM on Healthcare topic
- July 19 | Membership Appreciation Night at Huntington Park
- September 19 | AIA Columbus Golf Outing
- September 20 | Chapter Meeting: Speaker to be confirmed
- October 6-8| AIA Ohio Convention in Akron
- October 18 | Annual Chapter Meeting: Kate Schwennsen, FAIA, 2nd woman to serve as AIA National President
- November 10 | AIA Columbus Architecture Awards
AIA Convention 2016 is the architecture and design event of the year! Join us in Philadelphia on May 19-21 for Keynotes by Kevin Spacey, Neri Oxman, and Rem Koolhaas!
AIA Ohio, along with AIA Akron and AIA Eastern Ohio, is pleased to announce that this year's conference will be held at the John S. Knight Center in Akron, Ohio. The conference, planned for Oct. 6-8, 2016, will bring together more than 300 architects and allied professionals from around the region and across the state for three days of programs and activities.
The Programming Sub-Committee of the AIA Ohio Convention
Committee is interested in providing a wide range of programs that will appeal to needs of all of the convention attendees. If you would like to submit a presentation for consideration, please fill out the
online Presentation Submittal Form.
The City of Columbus has partnered with Green Columbus for Earth Day 2016: Branch Out! They have a united goal to plant 20,000 trees with 5,000 volunteers during the week of April 16-23.
Earth Day 2016 is part of a larger effort,
Branch Out Columbus
, whose goal is to plant 300,000 trees in Columbus by the year 2020, raising our tree canopy from 22% to 27%.
We need your help. Please bring your family and friends to volunteer at one of many tree planting service sites and then relax and have fun at the Earth Day Celebration on April 23rd. Register for a service site here.
Join USGBC and CSI on Monday, April 18th at COSI for a full day event! DesignColumbus 2016 is an opportunity to learn and engage in the transformation of the Central Ohio built environment to be more healthy, prosperous and sustainable. The twelve educational seminars along with the trade show presents current and future development of technologies for all leaders in Central Ohio creating buildings and communities that promote economic growth and sustain the health and vitality of all life.
More Information.
Join American Hort, the national association for all horticulture businesses across all segments, for Cultivate '16 from July 9 - 12 at the Columbus Convention Center. With over 130 educational sessions, an 8-acre trade show, and plenty of networking and events, it's the opportunity of the year for the entire green industry to network with national and global colleagues and expand your awareness, business, and influence.
More Information.
April 8 - Mastering the Business of Architecture: Growing a Firm April 9 - ARE Study Session: Structural Systems April 11 - Committee on the Environment Meeting April 11 - Center for Architecture and Design Board Meeting April 12 - AIA Columbus Board of Directors Meeting April 14 - Munch and Earn April 14 - Emerging Professionals Meeting at Miller's Ale House April 18 - Design Columbus 2016 April 19 - April Chapter Meeting: Place, Time, and Purpose April 28 - Committee on Design Meeting May 7 - ARE Study Session: Construction Documents and Services
To view all upcoming AIA Columbus events, see our calendar.
*AIA Columbus Committee Meetings are open to all members. Committee descriptions are available
. Please contact
for more information about getting involved in a committee.