
Main Street Safety Improvement Project

Design Options Survey Available

Through Sunday, December 17

Thank you for your interest in the Main Street Safety Improvement Project. We still have design decisions to make on Main Street and we want to hear from you! There's still time to provide feedback on the design options that we presented at the Second Community Meeting and subsequent open houses.

The survey will be available through Sunday, December 17. If you haven't yet, take five minutes to take the survey!

The responses and feedback we receive through the survey, email, phone calls, and by speaking with residents, businesses, and visitors will help us determine what the street should look like. At the next community meeting and open houses, we'll share the results of the survey and summarize feedback. We'll then present a preferred design for the street. We expect that these events will take place in February 2024.

Photos from the Main Street Safety Improvement Project ice cream party in September.

Missed our previous events?

Details from all prior events are available on the project web page, including recordings and summaries of the community meetings. Our most recent event for this project took place in September. Find the event posters on the project webpage or at the links below:

Project Status

Schedule Update

In our original project schedule, we planned to finalize design plans this fall. We've expanding outreach efforts and lengthened our timeline to ensure we reach as many people as possible. We now plan to finalize designs and install separated bike lanes in 2024.

Nearby Projects

Separated bike lanes on Main Street between Portland Street and Albany Street

Next year, the Ragon Institute will begin installing separated bike lanes on Main Street between Portland Street and Albany Street (the block to the east of the Main Street Safety Improvement Project area). This work is part of their Planning Board Special Permit requirements. As of now, the roadway has been repaved. Throughout the winter, there will be temporary markings while streetscape work is completed.

When complete, the north side of the street (headed toward Mass Ave) will have quick-build separated bike lanes (paint and white posts). The south side of the street (headed toward Kendall Square) will have fully-constructed bike lanes at sidewalk level. Click here for project plans submitted to the City.

The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project

The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project will replace water, sewer, and drain lines in much of The Port neighborhood. Once these lines are replaced, many streets and sidewalks will be reconstructed. Design work for the roadways is ongoing. The project will impact the streets north of Main Street. Click here for the latest on this project.

Provide Feedback and Ask Questions

Do you have any comments on the design plans or questions about the project? Call or email:

Stephen Meuse, PE (he/him)

Street Design Project Manager, Traffic, Parking, + Transportation

617-349-4713 |

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The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact Traffic, Parking, and Transportation at, 617-349-4700 (voice), or via relay at 711.

Cambridge Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department |

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