Details Released Regarding
Tonight’s Boise School Board Meeting
Boise, ID -- 08/04/2020 -- Details are now available regarding tonight’s virtual Boise School Board meeting that was postponed last night due to technical difficulties.
The Boise School Board will consider whether in-person learning will take place for the start of the school year that begins on August 17, 2020. In reaching a decision, the Board will take into consideration guidance from medical professionals, a recommendation from Central District Health, a recommendation from the Boise School District administration, as well as oral and written public comments received.
Tonight’s virtual Board meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and can be viewed by clicking on the public viewing link provided on the Boise School Board website and Boise School District homepage: The link will be posted by 6 p.m.
All 44 patrons who signed-up to provide oral testimony during tonight’s Board meeting will be provided three minutes each to testify. In addition, the Board has received and reviewed written testimony from more than 800 patrons.
Boise School District would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by last night’s technical issues. We understand the time commitment and effort made by the hundreds of District patrons who took time out of their busy schedules last night. We take heart in knowing that we have an engaged community that sincerely cares about their children and education. We are committed to public participation and openness and have made adjustments to ensure that tonight’s virtual meeting allows as many members of the public as possible to access the meeting.