DCAN Update | Dec. 1, 2020
DCAN's College Cafe, a college co-working center helps students connect and feel less isolated in these disconnected times.

Here's what Deja, a freshman at the University of Michigan-Dearborn had to say about her experience...

"I am a freshman in college and when I found out about this cafe, I had to come.

Not having the typical college experience because of the pandemic was hard, but when I came to the cafe I couldn’t help but feel included.

What I loved about the college cafe was the sense of camaraderie and belonging. Thanks to Detroit College Ambassadors and everyone who made the cafe feel safe and clean!"
With your help on #GivingTuesday, DCAN can continue to provide opportunities like these
 to Detroit students.
GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity that takes place on Dec. 1, 2020. This global movement unleashes the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.
DCAN is excited to participate in GivingTuesday for the second year. Your giving has a significant impact on our mission to: 
  • Help high school counselors and advisers create more college experiences for their students.
  • Support high school students with FREE 1-on-1 virtual college advising.
  • Support high school students with FREE college workshops and webinars.
  • Help our college students feel less isolated and more connected by supporting our college co-working space and mental health services.
If you believe in our mission, please chip in HERE with
as little as $5! Our goal is to raise $2,500.
CONNECT: Detroit College Access Network