Important Program Updates
April 6, 2020
Developer Bulletin 2020-4:
Tax Credits and UNIAP Updates
Due to the current health concerns related to COVID-19, the vast majority of NJHMFA staff will be working remotely until further notice. Please contact Agency staff via their work email address. NJHMFA encourages all of our business partners and constituents to submit any and all documentation in an electronic format whenever possible as staff will continue to check email and review information submitted electronically.  
Attention Developers:

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the Agency has made the decision to delay the 9% tax credit deadline by 60 days.  The Agency is mindful of the challenges in proceeding with predevelopment work and application preparation in the current environment. At the same time, the Agency does not want to halt production of affordable housing, if possible, as the need is only growing as a result of this pandemic and its financial repercussions. At this time, the Agency anticipates no other changes to the submission requirements or underwriting guidelines; however, we will continue to monitor the construction industry and the financial markets in the event changes are needed based on any developing circumstances. 

NEW 9% Deadlines:
All application deadlines for the Mixed Income Reserve and the Family, Senior, and Supportive Housing Cycles have been delayed by 60 days.

Family, Senior and Supportive Housing Cycles:  
Noon on September 23, 2020

Mixed Income Reserve: 
June 9, 2020 – Noon on September 23, 2020 (Rolling)

NJHMFA Financing:
Projects seeking construction and/or permanent financing from NJHMFA will now have the ability to go to the August 6  Board Meeting for conditional commitment.  Financing applications must be received by Multifamily Supportive Housing and Lending Division no later than June 18, 2020.

9% Timeline
A revised timeline can be found on our website.
Questions? Need Help? 
Any questions regarding Tax Credits or UNIAP, please email .

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New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency | 609-278-7400 |