Proudly celebrating 25 years
Developing Your Personal Feng Shui Style
from the
International Feng Shui Guild
There are definitive universal truths in Feng Shui. Energy is everywhere and in everything. Change is inevitable. Put the toilet lid down.

Even with universal truths, there is also some flexibility in Feng Shui. In the IFSG, we embrace all perspectives of Feng Shui through our membership. Each professional consultant uses the approach and skills that work best for them; and at the same time we still learn new ways from each other through networking and community.

Additionally, each client brings their own story, perceptions, history, culture, etc. including where they are in life and what they are willing to do to make changes. This is part of developing your own personal Feng Shui style or journey. Learning how your space can affect you; developing or crafting a life that you desire; surrounding yourself with things that fit your personality, needs, and taste; finding intention through the five elements or the bagua; understanding the compass directions that affect you and your home, just to name a few.

In this newsletter, we have curated articles and tips to get you started: to help you think more about your personal story, what you like and don't like, how intention can drive your decisions; guiding you to find the right feng shui for you. And when you are ready, know that our consultants can help you take your space - and life - to the next level.

We are glad you are here...
"Your Home is a template for your life. Does your home reflect who you really are? Or is it beautiful but lacks a connection to your soul? Or maybe it’s filled with things that represent your past, and not your future. Feng Shui and Space Clearing are a way to create a home that supports your life now and in the future."

Live Your Intention
What does live your intention mean to you? Think about this for a moment…. What does intention mean? Intention is the act or instance of mental determination toward some action or result. So in other words, a simple act created by our mental mind creates an action. 

Conditioning your space magnifies the effectiveness of your intentions. An example would be a place where you would feel most comfortable such as your home or a room within your home. Clearing out extra items that do not serve you or clutter the mind, in other words, you would not want to see laundry or piles of paper that act as a reminder of what you need to do. Use soft furnishings, cushions, candles, soft lights, incense, and meditative music. Altars are wonderful in creating a focal point of pictures, objects, or inspirational items that bring your focus to the current moment. Nature is a great way to connect to the grounding energy of earth, which reminds us to slow down. If you are in your home open the windows for fresh air or run water whether in a bath or a water fountain.

How We Interact with Our Spaces
People are often surprised by how accurately a feng shui consultant can deduce certain things about them based on their space. As feng shui consultants, we are trained to notice what a space shows us about you. By observing your space (as well as any related language, habits, and behaviors), feng shui consultants are often able to spot why there might be a disconnect between what you say you want and what you have.

Feng shui works because not only do our spaces reveal a lot about us and our influences, but we have a dynamic relationship with our spaces. This means that not only do we influence what’s in our spaces (clearly), but we’re also heavily affected by them.

So how does this dynamic relationship (between you and your space) play out?


Ditch anything in the home which brings you down. We’re digging into the impact on your subconscious thinking of all those cards, photos, gifts and possessions which you:

  • Don’t really like
  • Remind you of someone or something which makes you feel bad or sad
  • Gifts you received but keep out of obligation rather than because you like them (ugly vases given as wedding presents fall into this category!)
  • Clothes you wore on a bad date or at a deeply distressing time – they will remind you of it even if you just glance at them in the wardrobe.
  • And whatever else you can find!
Create the Life You Want
So many of us have goals we want to achieve or things we want in our life but most of the time it is hard to just keep up with the dishes. How do we go about creating something new in our life when the old keeps getting in the way? What about intention?

The best place to start is to assess where you are right now. With intention, stop and look around your home and try to see it with fresh eyes. What do you notice and most importantly, how does it make you feel?

If we want to make changes to our current life, it’s essential to explore the energies that are currently around us.

Feng Shui Elements For Personal Development

  • Use the element of wood to nourish confidence, personal freedom, drive and strategic planning.
  • Use the element of fire to nourish enthusiasm, social activities, warmth, passion and charisma.
  • Use the element of earth to nourish stability, grounding, a sense of belonging, and reliability.
  • Use the element of metal to nourish efficiency, precision, strengthening boundaries, being disciplined and “protecting” personal space.
  • Use the element of water to nourish modesty, objectivity, introspection, and ingenuity.

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As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to

  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

Copyright © 2023 International Feng Shui Guild.