NetSpeed Learning Solutions February 2017
Developing the
Millennial Workforce
Millennials, born between 1982 and 2000, now make up the largest generation in the US and will comprise over half the workforce by 2020. The newest members of this generation are stepping into their first jobs. The oldest members are advancing into their first management roles.
Numerous studies have probed, explored, evaluated, extolled, and criticized this generational cohort. Organizations are identifying development and retention strategies to appeal to employees who want work that offers deeper meaning and purpose, who want to develop through challenges, and who want to receive feedback and mentoring from managers and coaches.
In a fascinating interview, Millennials in the Workforce, Simon Sinek speaks passionately of the characteristics of this generation, including their addiction to social media and their desire for instant gratification. Sinek highlights both the promise and the peril of this generation, and stresses that corporations must provide the mentoring and development that supports Millennials to deepen their relationships, learn to communicate face to face instead of digitally, and build trust.
While working with our clients, what we notice about Millennials is their focus on building interpersonal competence, stronger communication skills, and better ability to navigate conflict and disagreement. Yes, Millennials bring their digital fluency to their new jobs but they quickly discover that their comfort with technology only takes them so far in a collaborative work environment that spans multiple generations.
Join us for our next complimentary one-hour webinar, Millennial Leaders on the Move, on Thursday, February 16 (1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT) and learn more about the characteristics and motivations of your emerging leaders and what your organization must do to attract and retain these talented employees.

Cynthia Clay signature
Cynthia Clay
Virtual Trainer Tips: Creating a Warm, Collaborative Learning Environment
Cynthia Clay
We just completed a pilot of a blended virtual learning program focused on managing conflict and difficult workers. Completely virtual, the program consists of four two-hour web workshops blended with online assignments in a social, collaboration site.
Because I am fascinated by the challenge of building warm, trusting peer-to-peer relationships in facilitated online learning programs, I was thrilled at the response to the program.
A few of my favorite comments:
  • Great job! The format for this was great. I didn't expect it to be so engaging and collaborative, given that it was online.
  • I was surprised by how interactive it was - far better than I expected.
  • Very interactive for an online class - pleasantly surprising.
I share these comments because they highlight one of the goals we strive to achieve in any virtual training we design or deliver: Make the experience interactive and collaborative in both the synchronous and asynchronous components.
At the heart of this successful course delivery is a key person: an engaged, passionate virtual trainer. They not only create warmth, engagement, and collaboration in the web workshops but also in the asynchronous online collaboration site. The program facilitator reads and responds (with a comment or a "like" button) to every comment posted by a participant completing a discussion assignment. Their presence brings online collaboration to life, energizing the program participants who are eager to engage with the instructor and their peers.
Brain research demonstrates that people want to learn with and from other people. As a virtual facilitator or trainer, your active involvement can make the difference between a program that leads to long-term, sustained behavior change or a program that is rapidly forgotten.
We've Moved!
Please note that we have moved our corporate office.  Our new address is:

6245 36 th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115

Our two main phone numbers remain the same:

(206) 517-5271
and toll-free (877) 517-5271
View our profile on LinkedIn 
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6245 36th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115