Canada’s international assistance spending totalled CAD$5.4 billion in 2016. The largest share by region went to Africa. The largest recipient, Ethiopia, received CAD$189.8 million.
Canada’s total two-way trade (exports and imports) with developing and emerging economies was approx. CAD$194 billion in 2016. Two countries,
China and Mexico, account for 64% of that share.
The total stock of Canadian FDI abroad reached $997 billion in 2015, of which only
8% went to developing countries. Top developing country destinations for Canadian direct investment included Mexico, Brazil, and China.
846,310 migrants (p
ermanent and temporary residents) settled in Canada in
2016. Since 2014,
Canada’s yearly refugee intake has more than doubled. The majority of refugees who settled in Canada,
accounting for 7% of all new residents in 2016, came from Syria (59%), followed distantly by Eritrea (7%).
The total remittance outflow from Canada was estimated at CAD$23.7 billion in 2015. The largest share of remittance outflows from Canada were to China (USD$4.2 billion), India (USD$2.9 billion), and the Philippines (USD$2.1 billion).
Data from the CIDP Migration Flows dashboard, and the World Bank bilateral remittance matrix and remittance price corridor database are linked and leveraged to generate this portal.
CIDP submission and remarks on Canada’s Development Finance Institution prepared for the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE).