Development Services
Roderick J. Sanchez
AICP, CBO-Director 210.207.8259 Email |
Check out
the latest
to learn more about the
top 5 violations
Grow Over Graffiti
Learn how to discourage graffiti vandalism.
- April 22-
San Jacinto Day
- May 30 -
Memorial Day
- July 4 -
Independence Day
- Sept. 5 -
Labor Day
Development & Business
Services Center
Main Address:
1901 S. Alamo San Antonio, TX 78204
Office Hours:
7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Mailing Address:
PO Box 839966
San Antonio, TX 78283
Development Services and Technology Surcharges
In line with the City of San Antonio Ordinance Numbers 2007-05-17-0540 and 90490, effective May 1, 2016, Development Services and Technology surcharges of three percent each will be assessed on zoning and platting applications.
Please note these surcharges will not be collected on any application submitted prior to
May 1.
The table to the right includes the Land Development Applications subject to Development Services and Technology surcharges.
For more information, visit the Development Services and Technology Surcharges web page.
EPR Portal Temporarily Suspended
Effective March 24, 2016, the Development Services Department will temporarily suspend the Electronic Plan Review (EPR) Portal for all commercial, single-family residential, and schools within the interlocal agreement (ILA) submittals. Please note the EPR portal will continue to be available to submit permit applications for trees and signs.
To assist the Plan Review team in meeting your timeline needs, we request your help with the following:
For commercial plan submittals and schools within the ILA that have not received a permit, please submit two sets of paper copies to help us start or complete your reviews. During this time, all resubmittals need to be provided via paper copies. As a reminder, we will need two complete sets of paper plans to issue your permit.
For single-family residential submittals, we will continue to review electronic files that have been submitted through March 23. Please provide paper copies for any resubmittals going forward. The City will provide a paper copy of the approved construction plans once the permit has been issued.
We appreciate your help and understanding as we work to resolve electronic submittal and plan review process concerns.
Performance Measures - FY 2016
Performance Measures  The complete Performance Measures Report is available online.
Permit Activity
Information Bulletins and Other Resources
The following Information Bulletins (IB) include noteworthy changes:
The City of San Antonio Development Services Department contracts with an independent, third-party translation service to provide Spanish language translations for our Spanish-speaking customers. The service is available at the various Boards and Commissions managed by our department. The translation services are free of charge to our customers; however, the service must be requested 48 hours in advance. Note that IB 560 is also available in Spanish.
The following IB was updated to the revise contact info:
For a complete list of resources, visit the sites shared below:
The DSD Resources website also offers more information, including Document Search, Forms and Applications, and Latest News. |
New Ordinance - Secondhand / Refurbished Mattress
To protect the health and safety of the general public, the San Antonio City Council approved an ordinance amending Chapter 15, Health, of the City Code by adopting secondhand/refurbished mattress consumer protection regulations, effective March 1, 2016.
In general, any Mattress Retailer or Germicidal Treatment Provider in the City of San Antonio must be permitted through the Development Services Department and pay a bi-annual fee as provided by this ordinance.
To learn more about this Ordinance, visit the Secondhand Mattresses
web page
ICRIP Fee Waiver Program Suspended as of March 18
The Center City Development and Operations Department (CCDO) suspended the Inner City Reinvestment and Infill Policy (ICRIP) Fee Waiver Program on March 18, 2016 for all new fee waiver requests for the remaining fiscal year.
The program will reopen to new requests for SAWS and City fee waivers on Oct. 1, 2016 with the new FY2017 allocation, if approved by City Council.
More information about the ICRIP program is available
Demolition and Building Permit Info
The scope section of the IB highlights the following approvals are required prior to submitting for a demolition permit:
- CPS Energy
- Historic
- Tree Preservation
Note that not all historic buildings are on the City-zoning map and therefore may not be flagged as historic through the building permitting software. To avoid delays we suggest that customers contact the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) for a full or partial demolition of a building, or a remodel of an existing building prior to applying for a building permit to help determine if the property is historic or not.
Additional demolition procedures, requirements, and guidelines can be found in the Part III section of IB 106 and again in IB 103 Plan Review Submittal Commercial Checklist. Both IBs offer more detail regarding the demolition submittal requirements and indications of when separate permits and applications are required.
As a reminder, the demolition permit is not eligible for the department's on-line permitting system.
To learn more about the demolition process, visit the Demolition Contractor's License and Permit Process brochure and read over IB 106
City News
HBGCC plays host to more than 300 events each year with over 750,000 convention delegates from around the world.
Free tax preparation for residents and households earning up to $60,000 for the 2015 tax filing season.
Other Department News
- Customer Comments, New Hires, Recognition, etc.
Here's what you said about us...
Donna Camacho, Senior Planner, Land Development
Donna is the best. She is respectful and always able to find answers for me. She is a wonderful person to work with. Donna wants to help you and really cares!
Audrey Parks, Administrative Assistant, Customer Advocate, Plan Review
Audrey looked up information under my permit to get an extension and directed me to someone who could immediately help me. I appreciated her attentiveness and prompt response to my request. Very pleasant lady!
Juanita Romero, Planner, Land Development
Once again, the Land Entitlement team provided exceptional customer service. Juanita is an all star. We had a tight deadline and she really went above and beyond to help us. We can't thank her and the team enough.
Robert Cigarroa, Sr. Inspector, Residential Combination Building Inspections, Field Services
Mr. Cigarroa was professional, courteous, knowledgeable and so helpful!
Raquel San Martin, Elida Perera, Development Services Specialists, Plan Review
I have been building homes for 40 years in several states and cities. The service and effort I have received by these two employees was something that I have never seen before from government employees. Their help and follow through was exceptional.
Sandra Gonzalez, Administrative Assistant, Engineering and Tree Preservation, Land Development
Sandra and her team were GREAT! Everyone in the office was full of energy and eager to help. We look forward to doing business in the Great City of San Antonio.
Anthony Flores, Maintenance Crew Leader, Graffiti, Field Services
Mr. Flores contacted me directly to make sure he knew where the graffiti was in our neighborhood and left extra door hangers for the neighbors. The graffiti was painted over within a week. We appreciate the hard work and the help keeping our neighborhood looking good.
New Employees
Job Opportunities
Development Services is recruiting for the following positions; apply on-line at: jobs.  |
For comments or suggestions regarding the Development Services Newsletter, contact
Kathy Quinones.