The Gospel For Our Time 
Peter and Jesus share a moment of truth, but they do not agree.
Has this ever happened to you? Of course, to be alive is to disagree. Certainly, that is my experience. In this case, in the Gospel, the disagreement is about what is Jesus's job. Peter and Jesus have different expectations, different hopes. Often differences of opinion can be solved by more information, although sometimes a change of heart is required and then sometimes we might agree to disagree. 
The ongoing pandemic has generated many such differences. Masking vs not masking, vaccine vs anti vaxers, and very much important to the church -- gathering vs not gathering. 
Since last March we have tried to follow the guidelines of our Bishop, the state, the county, and Lake Oswego. We have always sought safety first and the quality of worship for all. This new vestry is actively engaged in the protocols and plans for worshipping in the building.
Here is where we are now:
  • The WIFI has been installed throughout the building and can accommodate live streaming from the nave.
  • The new camera and hardware, needed to live stream, is ordered and will be installed in early March.

The vestry is currently working on the following:
  • Developing the plan and submit to the diocese
  • Determining capacity & spacing
  • Using our database REALM for online registration
  • What additional signage do we need (for example directional markers on floor)
  • What additional volunteers are needed and how to recruit them.

To accomplish a back to church plan the vestry is also considering the following
  • Pastoral Care
  • Realm Training
  • Recruitment of volunteers

Pastoral Care!!!
Do you need help signing up for your vaccine!!!! We have folks who would love to help get you signed up and or provide transportation to a vaccine location please call the church and let Julie know or leave a message and we will get back to you to help.
How are you post our winter weather from last week? Can the church help? There are folks ready willing and able to help if you need assistance.
Be on the lookout for Realm training and volunteer recruitment.
So, I encourage us all to continue to pray first, for our vestry, for those receiving the vaccine for our plan as we move toward in-person worship. 

Rev. Alison +