


    Did you know?

The sixth in a series of 10 insider SBA tips to help brokers secure SBA acquisition loans. Each month for the next 4 months Diamond Financial will explain a different tip that can help you close more deals. If you miss a month or would like to share these
tips we have provided the links below.


SBA Tip # 6

The SBA lender "MUST" secure all available collateral...

Actual SOP writing prior to January 2014


If these tips are helpful to your office, please let us know  

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Diamond financial has been providing the acquisition financing for the broker community for almost 20 years. Isn't it time to put the largest provider of loans for brokers to work for you?
Changes to SBA...Veterans Advantage

Are you aware that SBA has recently announced huge discounts on fees for Veterans in 2015?  For SBA 7(a) loans from $150,000 up to $5 million, the upfront guarantee fee will be reduced by 50%!  Be sure to ask your clients if they are Veterans and inform them of this huge discount.  For more information about the Veterans discount call us today and/or visit here:

   Don't forget
AskDiamond@EasySBA.com is your tech support for everything SBA. Questions on policies, rules and structuring answered quickly, no matter what lender is working on your deal.
Be sure to read our 7a Myth or Magic article to better understand how you should be screening potential lenders.
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