More info on events at
Palm Sunday - Sunday, March 24, Lord’s Supper observed
Easter Sunday - Sunday, March 31, Services at 8:30, 10, and 11:30am, Children’s Ministries at all services, 5/6th graders 11:30am only
MOPs/MomsNext - Mothers of Preschoolers and Elementary age kids group, Monday, April 1 & 15 at 6:30pm
Detroit Mission Trip Interest Meeting - Monday, April 8 at 7pm
Amplify Students Spring Retreat - April 19 - 21
Global 6k for water - Saturday, April 27 at 9am, Register to walk and provide clean water for a child in Zambia.
Prison Ministry - Pray for our team as they minister at the Lincoln Correctional Facility on Thursday, April 18, at 6:30pm.
Life Groups – Life groups meet on campus and in the community throughout the week. Most groups are open to new members.
Child Dedication - Sunday, May 5, See Lisa in the preschool lobby for information.