God won’t give you more than you can handle—really? Last weekend, our Interim Pastor, Phil Thomas, closed out his current sermon series, “Did God Really Say. . .” by debunking this common misconception. I really appreciated Pastor Phil's willingness to share some of his past heartache to help us see that God may allow more than we can handle, but He promises to carry us through it.

Don't miss this special message. Catch up by clicking here. Sermon notes for this weekend will be at by Friday and on the Real Life Church app.

Be an Easter V.I.P.

More info on events at

Palm Sunday - Sunday, March 24, Lord’s Supper observed

Easter Sunday - Sunday, March 31, Services at 8:30, 10, and 11:30am, Children’s Ministries at all services, 5/6th graders 11:30am only

MOPs/MomsNext - Mothers of Preschoolers and Elementary age kids group, Monday, April 1 & 15 at 6:30pm

Detroit Mission Trip Interest Meeting - Monday, April 8 at 7pm

Amplify Students Spring Retreat - April 19 - 21

Global 6k for water - Saturday, April 27 at 9am, Register to walk and provide clean water for a child in Zambia.

Prison Ministry - Pray for our team as they minister at the Lincoln Correctional Facility on Thursday, April 18, at 6:30pm.

Life Groups – Life groups meet on campus and in the community throughout the week. Most groups are open to new members.

Child Dedication - Sunday, May 5, See Lisa in the preschool lobby for information.

This weekend is Palm Sunday!! Invite a friend.

Wendy McSwain

Communications Director

Real Life Church | | 704-822-1933

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