Volume 91
December 22, 2021
Snapshots, For the Better
  • Local Awareness
  • Fortune Cookie
  • Calendars
  • E-Newsletters
  • Postcards
  • Sharing is Caring
Behavior change is routinely triggered by self or external awareness, simply described as knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. In your locale, are enough potential patients and healthcare providers familiar with your practice’s specialized expertise? In Volume 22’s Core 4, Learn More amazing storyteller Bernadette Jiwa counsels,
“You don’t need to compete when you know who you are.”
Enjoy her motivational (8:42) TED talk, paying careful attention to Fortune Cookie principles:
Since impactful storytelling is often cumulative, intent repetition is valuable AND valuable.
“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and
nourish with repetition and emotion
will one day become a reality.” 
 —Earl Nightingale
In reality, as intently repeated, more should discover how hearing loss relates to common medical conditions and can, positively or negatively, influence quality of life. This is a core rationale for our (curiosity gap-driven) Did You Know? educational campaign. With your Targeted Trio, inquiring minds will get to know.
Volume 36 introduced Educate Well Monthly™ calendars with Get On Schedule and In Mind theme.
As stated:
“Deftly aligned with yearly national health observances, your 2022 EWM Calendar will show handy reminders, notably for referral coordinators. Imagine them realizing… “I see, for each monthly topic you will provide reputable content our staff can learn from and selectively share with patients.

“Envision this Influential Idea being In Sight and In Mind throughout 2022, with eye-catching placements:
  • Within your practice, at your desk, those of colleagues or lunchrooms
  • At desks of local physicians, support staff and referral coordinators
  • With your patients who are hearing care wellness referral advocates
  • With wellness directors at senior living communities”
Volume 12 introduced Monthly E-Newsletters, Stay in Touch.

Essential excerpts:
“Consistently utilized online pathways will guide your patient and practice advocates to get in the healthy habit of engaging with your Communication Wellness initiatives. As “Educate Well Monthly” campaigns “Go Digital,” your customized E-newsletters effectively stay in touch with hard-earned database contacts, keeping “Better Hearing is Better Healthcare” messages in sight and in mind.

“Instead of worrying “how or what to promote next”, you benefit from professionally-crafted E-newsletters automatically delivered the first week of every month. Whether your database includes 500, 1000 or 10,000 contacts, in one efficient keystroke, all will get your practice-branded messages.”
Further, volume 37 detailed E-Newsletters, Open Opportunities including:

“With budget sensitivity, decision makers quickly realize how easily affordable investments yield better results with practice branding, educational leadership, patient affinity, clinical flow and team pride. They are impressed with high open and robust reopen rates indicative of keen attention. Further, with remarkable benefits, data-driven aspects delight.

“When delivering targeted mail, would it be great to know which recipients chose to recycle or reviewed multiple times? Of course, YES. With timely analytics, you will see who opened E-Newsletters, when and frequency.” 
Volume 20 delivered Targeted Mail, On Purpose, a turnkey solution busy practices easily implement.
As articulated:
“To maximize targeted mail campaigns’ return on investment, quality matters, not quantity. 

“With comorbidity awareness imperatives, our popular Educate Well Monthly™ program can be systematically leveraged with visually interesting Did You Know? postcards which sync with your digital and essential in-practice initiatives. 

“I am frequently asked, do you have professional looking and practice-branded designs we can mail to patients and referring providers? In reply, folks are delighted to see this presentation showcasing another turnkey solution:

“Many wonder how time consuming it will be to manage “Educate Well Monthly” mailings. As a value-added service, we handle that, complimentary.”

Next week is By the Book and may I ask…

Is there 1 more progressive colleague you’d like to share Practice Growth Insights with in 2022?

Thank you kindly and Happy Holidays!
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)


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