Did You Know?

Did you know the Department of Developmental Services set rate increased on 7/1/2022. Regional Center vendored homes should have received an increase reflected on their August 2022 reimbursement. Many of the 21 Regional Centers literally missed the memo. Please be sure to speak with your QA, POS or Vendorization. They will pay retroactive. Rates are adjusted pursuant to the number of clients in your care as well as your catchment area: The Rates.

If you need any additional assistance understanding this information or how to ensure you are properly reimbursed, please feel free to reach out to us. If you are a RCFE and are interested in being vendored to recieve elderly clients who are with the Regional Center, we are able to assist with that as well. We would encourage each Group Home to have at least one bed vendored for Regional Center because Regional Center vendored Group Homes are not required to be accredited.

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