Everyone loves puppies! Those chubby, fuzzy bodies are hard to resist. Last year GSRNC had lots and lots of puppies. Now we're checking in on one of the litters to see what they're up to now.
Don't panic, theGSRNC See's store is here to help! Fill up those Easter baskets and help German Shepherds at the same time.
You can find something for everyone in our store--boxes of milk or dark chocolate, individual boxes of candy, Bordeaux Eggs and even gift cards! The best part is that See's will donate up to 50% for each order! Hop to it! Shop here!
Want to help spread the word?Click here for a downloadable flyer.
Store closes on 3/24/2023
Karen Oliver of Bring Rover Over in Martinez shares some dog training tips that can help build the bond with your dog.
Is there anything worse than a wet dog? Maybe a bored, dry dog... Have some rainy day fun while you and your pup are waiting out the rain!
Amazon Smile is gone but you can still shop online and support GSRNC at the same time! Click the Goodshop logo above then hit the "Sign up to Support this Cause" button. Once done, you'll be ready to effortlessly help us generate donations by shopping at more than 7,000 participating retailers. You can see the percentage each store donates and many of them also offer coupons! Check it out here!
We love to hear about happy GSRNC adoptions!
If you love your dog and want to share his or her story, please send it along to: newsletter@gsrnc.org.
Losing a rental home is extremely stressful. When pets are involved, it can be devastating. Any large dog owner who has searched for a rental knows how hard it can be to find a landlord willing to accept them. The folks at Bad Rap have created an excellent resource to help people in this situation. Click here for some great tips.
There's certainly no shortage of dog content online. In this segment we will offer up news, information or maybe just silly fun! Click below to see Athos enjoying the opera.
Do you have a GSD memory you'd like to share? Send your story to us at: newsletter@gsrnc.organd we may use it in the next newsletter!