Healthcare Quality Week
October 21-27, 2018
Did you know?
Top CDPHE Survey Deficiency


“No action is taken to address identified problems.”

Our Mock Survey +
Onsite review & training

Each year CDPHE reports the top ten survey deficiencies cited during Licensure re-surveys.

Year after year, many of the same deficiencies make the list. 
Compliance with the Colorado's Licensure Standards is the key to survey success. 

Contact us today to schedule.

For IHSS: [email protected]
For Skilled: [email protected]
For Non-medical: [email protected]

Plan your training program
24/7 – eLearn Care coordination
24/7 – eLearn Privacy & HIPAA
24/7 – eLearn Behavior Management

10/23 Emergency Preparedness
10/25 Non-medical Management Part 2
10/29 Policy, Procedure & Personnel Part 1
10/31 Policy, Procedure & Personnel Part 2
Non-medical Custom 12-CEU Training at your office only $55 per CEU per Person
11/1 Home-and Community-based Services (HCBS)
11/6 Complaint & Incident Processing Part 1
11/7, 9, 12 & 14 Online Basic 8-hour Administrator Training
11/8 In-Home Support Services (IHSS)
11/13 Complaint & Incident Processing Part 2
11/15 Non-medical Management Part 1
11/20 Understanding the Survey Process
11/27 The Provision of Skilled Care
11/29 Non-medical Management Part 2
Non-medical Custom 12-CEU Training at your office only $55 per CEU per Person

12/4 Agency Oversight & Operations
12/6 In-Home Support Services
12/11 Quality Management Program
12/13 Non-medical Management Part 1
12/18 QMP: All about Data
12/18 & 19 LIVE Basic 8-hour Administrator Training
12/20 Non-medical Management Part 2
Non-medical Custom 12-CEU Training at your office only $55 per CEU per Person
Billing training $500 for multiple attendees up to 5 hours (limited offer)

Upcoming Events
Misconceptions about IHSS
IHSS program rules waive certain provisions of the Colorado Nurse Practice Act and Colorado Nurse Aide Practice Act to allow this service to be provided to people who otherwise would be living in a nursing home rather than independently, in their own residence.  A Registered Nurse provides oversight not actual care.
IHSS services will be allowed as a supplemental benefit for Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans in 2019 forward.

IHSS agencies are required to be licensed as home care agencies by CDPHE, and as licensed home care agencies, they must adhere to the standards of care established by the Colorado State Board of Health, which is located in CDPHE. The Medical Services Board, located in HCPF, is charged with adopting rules for the implementation and administration of IHSS for Medicaid reimbursement, which it has done. HCPF has delegated the monitoring of the standards of care to CDPHE.
An IHSS agency is different from other Class B agencies since it must contract with or employ a licensed healthcare provider, such as a registered nurse, to verify the skills and competencies of attendants. This is not necessary for other Class B agencies since they do not provide healthcare services.
Want to integrate IHSS into your agency? 
Contact Laura Neill: [email protected]
CHC Consultant Laura Neill is the resident expert on IHSS: [email protected] .

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world... as in being able to re-make ourselves.

Colorado Health Care Training  |  11375 E Vassar Drive
303.548.4310 | | [email protected]