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Dido United Methodist Church

January 23, 2025

Weekly News

Sunday Worship:

10:30 am (In person & online on Facebook)

5570 Dido Hicks Rd. Fort Worth, 76179



Horizon Texas Conference Laity Covenant Day: Finding Sacred Calm

Virtual Event on Zoom

Saturday, Jan 25, 9-11:30 am

Join Bishop Saenz for renewal, inspiration, and a spirit of covenant in the Zoom interactive event led by Hesha Abrams, an internationally acclaimed mediator, negotiator, speaker, and author.

Register by clicking HERE!

Fill The Virtual Cart

Mac 'N' Cheese

January's "Fill The Cart" item for Community Link is macaroni and cheese. We don't have a cart, but let's work hard to fill the "virtual cart" with mac n cheese for Community Link Food Pantry! Every time you go to the grocery store this month, get some mac n cheese please!

Choir Practices & Performances

Saturday (10-11:30am) Practices: Jan 25, Feb. 1, Feb. 8, Feb. 15, Feb 22, Mar. 1, Mar. 15, Mar. 22, Mar. 29, Apr 5, Apr. 19

Performances: Jan 26, Feb 16, Mar 9, Apr 13 (Palm Sunday) Apr 20 (Easter)

Special Offering for LA area Fires

Sunday 1/26 will be the Last Day to Give!

This Sunday and next there will be a special offering taken up for those who have suffered from the wildfires in and around Los Angeles California. All funds received will go directly to the Untied Methodist Conference where the fires have been. The conference has lost 2 churches to the fires and many congregation members have lost their homes and are in great need. The Conference will be helping the community rebuild their lives.

You are welcome to give via check or cash in one of the envelopes marked "special offering" or through Venmo. Please indicate "fires" when giving on Venmo.

Administrative Council Meeting

THIS SUNDAY January 26, 2025

Staff Parish Relations (SPR) Meeting

Thursday, February 13 at 6pm

Disciple Bible Study - New Testament Study

6:15-6:45 Dinner, 6:45-8:15 Study

Begins February 12 - Ends May 14

No Study on 2/26, 3/5, 4/16

Even if you didn't participate in the Old Testament Study, we would love for you to join us for this 12 week study of the New Testament. There are daily readings and a workbook to purchase for $17 (Yes, there's another book for the New Testament Study) Please let Pastor Jana know by January 12 if you would like to purchase a New Testament Workbook.

Potluck Chili Cookoff

Sunday, Feb 16

Everyone gets to vote!

We will need toppings and sides so please sign up in the church kitchen or online HERE. If you would like to sign up to enter your Chili, please do so online HERE or on the sign up sheet in the church kitchen.

Sunday Morning Breakfast Sign Up

Below is a link to the Sunday Morning Breakfast sign up. We invite you to create an account in and use SignUpGenius. It is fast and easy to do. If you prefer to avoid technology all together, you can see Robin Harris and sign up for breakfast that way. We never turn any volunteers away!

Sign Up to Make Breakfast By Clicking HERE!

We're Looking for an Office Coordinator

Dido UMC is currently seeking a part time (3 days a week) Office Coordinator to assist with managing and maintaining social media accounts and provide pastor support with administrative duties and website content. They will also serve as a point of contact for church members and visitors, providing information and assistance as needed.

Please click HERE to see the Job Description.

Contact Rev. Jana Wear at 817 832-6250 with inquiries.

Eagle Mountain Elementary News

(Dido's Adopted School)

  • We adopted 11 families in 2024 to buy Christmas gifts for. That's 28 children! Thanks for making their Christmas bright!
  • We are currently sending 22 snack packs per week to children in need of weekend meals.
  • As always, if you would like to help the nurse at the school, she is in need of boys and girls underwear (new) in all sizes (especially kindergarten/1st size), gently used stretch waist shorts and pants in all sizes, and feminine products.

Get Involved with Feeding our Community! Serve Community Link!

Serve at Community Link on Dido's Volunteer Day

2nd Monday of Every Month

8:45 am - 1 pm (Come for an hour or stay the entire time)

Gather groceries and give them to guests

We continually collect items just inside the entrance to the Fellowship Hall and in the entryway to the Sanctuary. This month's special "fill the cart" need is located above in the newsletter. If you have other items to donate, please drop them off and we will take them each week. Thank you in advance for your help!

Deliver Food for Community Link to Shut-Ins

You choose your availability:

monthly/weekly and days of the week you can serve

Community Link, using Angel Wings Delivery, needs help delivering food to shut-ins in the area. If you are interested in helping, please let Pastor Jana know or call Al Beck at 682 288-9197. If you know someone who needs delivery please click HERE

Community Link Food Pantry

Gather groceries for those in need. Pick your days and times. They are open for volunteers: M-Th 9 am-2 pm, F 9 am-12

Click Here to Volunteer!

Sister Church Update

Yaukani, Nigeria

The children of the church received biscuits (cookies), gum, and soccer balls from Dido for Christmas.

All families within the church received from Dido for Christmas treated Mosquito nets to combat malaria while sleeping.

The pastor has requested a motorcycle for transporting himself to other villages to evangelize and for taking the sick to the hospital. The Administrative Council will discuss his request at the next council meeting.

Sign Up to Receive Important Reminders from Dido!

Receive Text reminders and Important Announcements

from Dido UMC!!

All Church Reminders: Text @didoc to 81010 Click HERE to watch instructions!

Thank You for Giving Your Tithes and Offerings!

  • In Person: Place your offering in the offering plates at the front or rear of the sanctuary.
  • By Check: Please mail your offering to 5570 Dido Hicks Rd., Fort Worth TX 76179!
  • By Credit or Debit Card: Use the PayPal button (you do not need to be a PayPal member) on the Give page on the Dido website by clicking this link: www.didoumc.com.
  • Through Venmo: @Dido-unitedmethodist, Code:2122

Wednesday Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 11 am

We are studying the Gospel of Luke

YOU are invited anytime! Just sign on! You can just pick up with us wherever we are in the study.

(Directions for joining Zoom are below)

Directions for Using Zoom Conferencing

On any device with a camera and microphone do to zoom.us or download the Zoom app, click join and enter the following when prompted.

Join ID: 896 6318 1305

Password: 400299

On any phone: dial any of the numbers below. Long distance charges will apply on home phones. Cell phones: no charge. You'll be prompted to enter the meeting ID: 896 6318 1305 and password: 400299. We won't be able to see you if you don't have a camera, but we can hear you!  

    +1 301 715 8592 US

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    +1 646 558 8656 US

Call Pastor Jana with any problems 817 832-6250

Opportunities to Serve at Dido

Contact Marilyn Crane: 469 231-7085, marilyncrane27@att.net to help:

  • Usher/Greet on Sunday mornings
  • Read Scripture during worship
  • Serve Communion during worship

Contact Tim Daughtrey (Trustees Chair) 817 988-1420, tadaughtrey@sbcglobal.net to help:

  • Help with maintenance/repairs at the church or parsonage

Contact Robin Harris (Nurture Chair) 817 909-5473, robin_b_harris@yahoo.com to help:

  • Work in the kitchen during luncheons
  • Send cards/letters/emails to visitors/sick
  • Prepare coffee/water Sunday mornings
  • Bring a Sunday morning breakfast
Worship Online at 10:30 am on Facebook Live every Sunday!
Simply go to the "Dido United Methodist Church" Facebook Page and click on the live stream in order to participate with us in singing, prayer, and the message.
So we can keep up with who is watching, please comment as it streams.
Did you miss a Sunday? All the videos are archived so you can watch any Sunday even AFTER it's original live streaming. Please remember to hit the share button so others can see it as well!

Need Prayer?

Call or Text Claire

Everyone needs prayer from time to time. Dido invites you to call or text prayer warrior Claire Athy at 682 888-3842 if you are in need of prayer. All prayer concerns are kept confidential.

Please Pray for:
  • Chuck Ebert and Family
  • Claire Athy
  • Sharon Wallace
  • Jo Rutledge
  • Marilyn Crane
  • Sharon Chang
  • Katy Ebert
  • Gloria Mills
  • Jenny Whitley
  • Ronnie Hutchens
  • Margaret Richardson