DEQ announces EQC next steps and public comment opportunity for diesel petition
Friday, Jan. 24, 2020
Hillsboro Civic Center, Main Auditorium
150 E Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123​​
DEQ will present information about a petition for rulemaking regarding air quality regulations for indirect sources of certain air pollutants. DEQ intends to bring a proposal for commission action on the petition as part of the March 18-19, 2020, EQC meeting.

11:45 - Comment opportunity for Item M
The commission will hold a public comment opportunity specific to the staff presentation and discussion for Item M, Indirect source petition. Each person presenting comment is asked to limit their​ comments to three minutes or less. This comment opportunity is scheduled to begin at approximately 11:45 a.m. an d last for 45 minutes.
If you are unable to attend the meeting - DEQ will take public comments from Jan. 13 through Feb. 14, 2020.
What is the diesel petition?
On December 20, 2019 Neighbors for clean air led a coalition of 21 partner organizations in submitting a petition to Oregon policymakers to establish regulations for toxic diesel emissions from nonroad sources such as construction sites, distribution centers and railyards. With diesel pollution present at unhealthy levels throughout the state, and the Portland metro area in the 95th percentile for diesel particulate exposure nationally, the groups seek to implement sensible, health-based regulations to protect the health of all Oregonians. The petition was co-authored by the Green Energy Institute at Lewis & Clark Law School and the Northwest Environmental Defense Center.